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Der Der Dongt
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Deutschland . BY
Avatar von Der Der Dongt
Link zum Beitrag #606230 Verfasst am Samstag, 04. Oktober 2008 19:34 Relax
Awesome TR!
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Aufsteiger Simon

Deutschland . HE
Avatar von mülla
Link zum Beitrag #607613 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 08. Oktober 2008 16:29 Relax
Great. Loved the Happy Valley photos!

I'm looking forward for more, really interesting and china is definately a country of parks you don't see that often.

And about the parenting.. I think the fact that she can experience all those trips and see so many places (as well as riding so many coasters S) is a thing nobody should overlook when critisizing those baby photos on the internet..
In memory of Space Mountain - De la terre à la lune - RIP 1/16/2005
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Deutschland . BY
Link zum Beitrag #607625 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 08. Oktober 2008 16:55 Relax
Ob dem Mädchen die Attraktionen nun wirklich Spaß machen oder nicht, kann ich nicht beurteilen. Doch eines weiß ich: Ein Kleinkind in dem Alter hat kein Interesse an Kultur und wird sich, wenn es älter ist, an vieles gar nicht mehr erinnern können. Die Fotos samt "lustiger" Kommentare werden dann trotzdem noch im Netz abrufbar sein.

So, ich halte mich ab jetzt lieber raus, bevor sich die Eltern noch mehr aufregen S

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Aufsteiger Simon

Deutschland . HE
Avatar von mülla
Link zum Beitrag #608290 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 2008 17:22 Relax
Trotzdem sind es auch Erlebnisse in der Kindheit die einen prägen, ob man sich daran bewusst erinnert oder nicht..
In memory of Space Mountain - De la terre à la lune - RIP 1/16/2005
Der Der Dongt
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Deutschland . BY
Avatar von Der Der Dongt
Link zum Beitrag #608458 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 2008 20:59 Relax
Die Kleine hat die möglichkeit eines Tages den weltweit höchsten Coastercount aller Zeiten zu haben.
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Aufsteiger Boris

Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Balmera
Link zum Beitrag #608459 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 09. Oktober 2008 21:08
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 09.10.2008 21:11
So und nicht anders sieht es aus. Wen juckt da schon schlechte Publicity? Ausserdem kostet ab 500 Counts die Mitgliedschaft bei Countology nur noch 92 € im Jahr, also weit weniger als ein Drittel. Und es gibt den Platinummitgliedsausweis.
Airtime - Vom Bauchgefühl her ein gutes Feeling
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #608970 Verfasst am Samstag, 11. Oktober 2008 02:43
Today was our first of two days at Hong Kong Disneyland. While some people went off to Macau to do crazy things like jump off the tower, Elissa and I decided we would take KidTums to Disneyland!

Now first off, I do want to say that I absolutely *love* the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort. I do not believe it deserves the bad rap it's gotten over the years.

The problem with the park is that there just isn't enough to do and when this park does fill in I think it would be my 2nd favorite Magic Kingdom behind Tokyo Disneyland. The park has all the charm, spirit and customer service as Tokyo Disneyland, just not the ride selection.

Anyway, onto some photos! (note - I will warn you that there will be a LOT of photos and probably even a few Disney dorky ones as well...)

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Welcome to Hong Kong Disneyland KidTums!

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Much of Hong Kong Disneyland was based off Disneyland in California. So much so that some people may not even be able to tell the difference.

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Wait...are you serious? You can upgrade to an annual pass for just.... THIRTY EIGHT DOLLARS?!!?

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There are many "small castle" jokes that can be made here and I'm sure you've heard them all...but for now I'll just stick with "The castle may be small, but it still makes Joey jealous."

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OMG! The marching band has blocked out the castle!!!!

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Here is something the park did that I wish the other Disney parks would do also...they hand out instructions on how to use Fast Pass! Other Disney parks listen up. The IDIOTS out there need this! Don't just put it in the guide book that they will never read anyway, HAND THEM SOMETHING to read...or better yet, create a "book on tape" for how to use fast pass!

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It's no Tokyo, but at least it's not the California version!

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Chapter 11. As in "if the park doesn't do better soon, it may have to file for Chapter 11...."

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It's a Small World...yup...this was the new kid on the block, the bad-ass new attraction, the dogs bollocks, etc, etc....

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Yeah, it pretty much looked like Small World as seen in all the other Disney parks...

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So for the most part this version of Small World looks like all the other ones...except for one change...there are now popular Disney characters scattered throughout the ride. Now I had heard all the Disney purists moan and complain about this how it "ruins It's a Small World", blah, blah, blah....

This is what I have to say about it...first's freaking It's a Small you pretty much need to do SOMETHING to get me to come back in. And secondly, I thought the Disney characters were really well done and a very nice and welcome addition! There are apparently 38 of them, I think we found most of them below...

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There was Bambi and Thumper hanging out in the snow....

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One of the prissy Astriocats looking all bitchy...

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Peter Pan, Wendy, and Tinkerbell hovering above London.

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I think this is either Cinderella or Sleeping Beauty with her latest dude of the week.

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The 16-bit Sega Genesis version of Pinnocchio.

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Aladdin has that smile on his face because he knows the perfect place to park that carpet!

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Abu doing his East Los Angeles impression.

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Some Lion King dudes in there somewhere...

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Donald and his pals doing the Mexican thing.

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There really is a "boy gets girl" theme going on here...

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Baloo and Short Round.

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The Little Mermaid looking as HOT as ever! (C'mon...who DOESN'T want to bang Ariel?)

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Lilo & Stich in Hawaii (of course!)

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Shake it girls!!! Yeeeeeaaaahhhh! "If I had some Hong Kong Dollars I'd be putting them in your grass skirt!"

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Seriously, we all loved it! As much crap as this ride gets, this was a really good version of it!

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Kristen was being assimilated by the corporate rat. She looked very cute.

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Dave also was being assimilated but he is not so cute. In fact, just moments after taking this photo we started to claw our eyeballs out because we couldn't stand the sight of half-Dave, half-girly rodent anymore.

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Buzz Lightyear was pretty much the same as all the other versions.

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"Pixel Mickey & Minnie" were all the rage at Hong Kong Disneyland. They were very cool...almost a throwback to the "NES Video Game" days.

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It's odd (and for Elissa very cool) how prominent Chip & Dale are here in all the Merchandise. It's almost like they and Stitch are the 'secondary' main characters behind Mickey, Minnie, Donald, & Pluto in Asia. Turns out these toys were VERY cool! You can attach them all together, and the more you attach, the more songs they play and the more moves they do! Why don't we have this cool stuff in the US?!?!?

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Entrance to Tomorrowland....yup!

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There really was not many people at the park today. It was kind of sad really. During our first visit a couple of years ago the places was PACKED! This park is fantastic and with a lack of attractions I think
comes a lack of people. Hopefully they will fix this problem soon.

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When was the last time you saw a Magic Kingdom this dead?

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We see you Space Mountain!

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There are only three lands other than Main Street - Tomorrowland, Fantasyland, and Adventureland.

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The Jungle River Cruise is the "badass" version of the traditional Jungle Cruise.

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It's in three different languages and it's "Dan Friendly"

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"...Licensed by Nintendo"

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Elephant in water or Robb taking a decide!

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Jungle Cruise + Fire = Awesome!

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Adding fire and explosions to anything instantly improves it!

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I know I've seen these dudes somewhere before...

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"Where is everyone!?!?"

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Those of you who grew up with Disneyland in California probably can appreciate this...

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Lunch Time!!!

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Oh, man...all that looks yummy!

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I'm not exactly sure what it is...but it looks really good!

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"Around the world with Elissa and plain pasta."

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Professor Honeydew & Beaker made their way down Main Street talking to guests, spraying them with water and basically being both cool and creepy at the same time!

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Just in case we forget what her name is!

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We could be in California...we could be in Hong Kong.

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Don't worry Hong Kong Disneyland...we will be back tomorrow!

Next up...MORE Hong Kong Disneyland Photos with SPACE MOUNTAIN!!! Oooh! Ahhhh!!!!

--Robb Alvey
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #633467 Verfasst am Dienstag, 30. Dezember 2008 03:50
As promised, here is MORE Hong Kong Disneyland!!!

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Our 2nd day was one of our best Disney days ever! We started out with ERT on Space Mountain!

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"That's right! We're all on Space Mountain and YOU'RE THERE!"

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"This is what ERT should be like!"

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And if Space Mountain wasn't enough we also had ERT on Buzz Lightyear!

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TPR members with guns...probably not the best idea!

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Thank you to Hong Kong Disneyland from TPR for all the awesome ERT this morning!

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Next up was a take over of the Autopia. We tried "Death Race" rules, but that didn't go over so well at Disneyland! =)

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What a nice view of Space Mountain from the Autopia.

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Jewy is licensed to drive in at least one country now.

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OMG! Mickey is cheating on Minnie! With an 18 month old!!!!

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Awww! Now mommy wants in on the hot rodent action.

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It takes a small castle to make Jewy feel like a man!

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"Silence.....of the lambs!!!"

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Dave and Joey auditioned for the band. They were told never attempt to play a musical instrument again!

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Since when is eating a competition in the Special Olympics?

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If you like Nightmare Before Christmas then you NEED to get out to Hong Kong Disneyland!

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HA! Joey is the same size as Alice!

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We headed back to our hotel (Hollywood Hotel) which was AWESOME! Top notch Disney resort.

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All the chocolate covered strawberrys you can eat!

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The fireworks show is a bit's more ground based pyro than air. Which is cool as it ads a bit of variety.

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Lots of stuff is set off right on the castle.

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And did we mention there are fire cannons? Adding fire to anything makes it cool!

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There IS a castle down there somewhere. If you squint you might be able to see it! =)

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We want to say THANK YOU again to Hong Kong Disneyland for making our time spent here AWESOME!

Next stop...KOREA! Next park...LOTTE WORLD!

We had just visited South Korea in 2008, but with T-Express just opened and we were not that far away, how could we not make at very least a quick trip? That we did! We figured we would also visit (and stay on property) at Lotte World, which, IMO, is one of the nicest parks in the world, especially for an indoor park.

Lotte World is one of those parks where I can spend a couple of hours just walking around the place in amazement that it's all contained within the walls of a shopping mall for the indoor portion and over/under ground for the outdoor portion.

We also worked out a film shoot on Atlantis Adventure so we could get some great footage and lots of rides! Last year we waited almost 90 minutes for our one ride, this year we rode the crap out of it for over an hour!

I'm not sure where exactly I'd place Atlantis Adventure but it's truly "up there" as one of the most unique, most fun coasters in the world. Top 20 or 25 for me, and from someone that's been on well over 1,000 coasters, that's saying a lot!

Anyway on to some photos and just for you all a bonus VIDEO!!! Enjoy! play.php
Here is a new POV of Atlantis Adventure for all of you! Enjoy! (Sorry for the link - I couldn't get the embeddin to work)

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Oh, good...the bus brought us to Lotte World instead of Nara Dreamland...but what do those two parks have in common? That's right! They both have a castle bigger than Disneyland's! =)

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Of course we were here for Atlantis that's what we did!

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Atlantis Adventure is currently the world's only Intamin "Aqua Trax"...unless of course you count Maverick at Cedar Point as well! =)

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Here is the first launch on the ride. Sexy, no?

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Here you can see the "aqua" portion of the ride.

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We learned the hard way last year that the Korean's make a sport out of soaking passengers on the ride.

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Here's how it's done....if you're in the last 2 rows you can stick your hand out of the car and reach the water below...

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It creates a massive wave, and oddly enough a fatter looking version of Rich's face.

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After the wave is created Rich's face goes back to normal and the passenger behind him looks like he just had a golden shower with an elephant. (And the only thing that would turn Jeff on even more is if that elephant was crushing bugs.)

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The ride is can see how compact it is.

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The theming is impressive too. When you walk up to the ride, you can't see most of it! It's inside the giant castle/mountain/whatever it is.

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And of course after riding the Aqua Trax for an hour there was really only one thing to do.

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That's right....ride the bizarr-o underground spinning coaster where you get swallowed by a giant, I'm NOT making this up!!!

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When you get require at least 26 plates in order to eat lunch.

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Now it's time for the creepy giant teeth monster dark ride.

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"Hmmm...I wonder which of those beans turns the blob into a ladder?"

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OMG! I just died and went to meat-on-stick heaven!

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The indoor part of the park is just amazing looking....

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Yeah, that's right, this is all INDOORS!!!

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From the interiour of the park, you can see the entrance to the rides, but the actual show building is set back even further beyond the walls of the park, or in some cases underground!

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This absolutely is the best "Indy rip-off" fact, in some ways it's BETTER than the actual Indy ride!

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Oh, no! Don't look into the eyes! You will start rapid aging!!!

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Too late!

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The queue is also equally well themed...(yeah, this is the queue!)

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"Here we are...still in the queue!"

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Here is the outside...

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Looking awesome...

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And inside looking equally as cool.

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Except for the Vekoma death machine...that's the only amount of suckiness at the indoor section.

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And yes, the ride on pandas can also be found here too!

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After a full day at Lotte World what else do you do except drink ELEVEN beers!

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Here's to Lotte World, Atlantis Adventure, BEERS!

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KidTums says "I'm cute dammit! Send me stuff!!!"

Next up...Everland and...OMG...T-Express!!!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #634894 Verfasst am Dienstag, 06. Januar 2009 02:18
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 06.01.2009 02:29
Next up on the trip agenda was Everland!

Now for those of you who have watched our Eagle's Fortess Video (and if you haven't download it now) you'll know that Everland is home to the best Arrow Suspended coaster in the world which also turned out to be one of our top ten coasters overall! (And if you want to see how an Arrow Suspended lands in someone's top ten out of over 1,000 coasters, download that video!)

This year Everland has built "T-Express" (The T comes from the Korean Mobile company T World who sponsors the ride) and this could be one of the best wooden roller coasters in the world, and for many of our group is was #1!

The story goes like this...we asked the project manager about the ride and he simply said "We rode Balder, then we rode El Toro...we asked Intamin if we could have BOTH."

And that's pretty much what they got! It's like a mini El Toro plus Balder!

Since our visit T Express has gone on to be ranked the #1 wood coaster in the world which has brought forth much controversy. If you are one of the many people who rank El Toro very highly chances are this ride will beat our Toro on your list. If you're not into the type of ride that is El Toro, this may not be your thing. I'll let the photos and the video speak for themselves....

T Express Video: play.php

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"Hi everyone! We are all here to ride one of the top roller coasters in the world....why aren't you here with us?!?!?"

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So the next series of photos will basically be "coaster porn" starting with this one right as you exit the station. Check out how massive this ride is and it's built right against the side of the mountain!

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Hello Mr. Cable lift hill! We are glad you don't slow down as much as your cousin El Toro in the US!

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If that hill doesn't scream "pop my cherry" I don't know what does!

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Yeah...I think that is what's happening here! =)

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Hellllllloooooo 77 degree drop!

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That should be known as the sea of airtime!

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Or maybe "hairtime!"

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Um...there is a bottom to that drop right? RIGHT?!?!?

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This is hands down the best first drop on any wooden roller coaster in the world!

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And this second drop ain't half bad too! =)

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Mmmm.....nice curves baby!

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The drop off the midcourse into...well... "Balder"

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Balder in the foreground, El Toro in the background!

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Hmm...I've suddenly got the urge to buy a mobile phone but I'm not sure why.

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Head choppers anyone?

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Good luck down in front!

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Could this hill be the most extreme airtime ever?

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Seriously the ride is airtime hill after airtime hill. It never lets up! If airtime is your thing you HAVE to come ride this!

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I do believe everyone looks just a skosh happy! =)

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At night, T-Express got even better!

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Even without all the Halloween decorations it was eerily creepy and awesome!

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Ok, so enough on to some other stuff! The park also has a lot of animals (think Busch Gardens Tampa) along with the rides. This one is the Zoo in SPAAAAACE!

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Dammit! Every time I took a picture of these guys my browser crashes!

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Just in case you wanted to try's how!

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"These don't taste anything like Polar Bears!"

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"Hey! C'mon now! Enough with the damn scooby snacks! Throw me that kid!!!"

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This one is for you Mr. Turtle.

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Aha! A know what that means! That's right...

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Just in case you forgot there is awesomeness right around the corner.

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We attempted to watch the parade which included a sun and a giant Taco...

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KidTums was more confused than anything else!

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"Um, excuse me sir, are you aware that you have a smiley face pumpkin on your a$$?"

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"Now how to I shift this Panda into 2nd gear again?"

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Mmmm...Eagle's hour of ERT... *AT NIGHT*

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"This is number TWO in the world...behind T-Express!" =)

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Seriously, this ride is freaking AMAZING!!! We would post more photos, but there was nothing to see. They turned out the lights for us and it was PITCH BLACK Arrow Suspended awesomeness!!!!

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"Do you think they will let me ride?" Sorry KidTums you have to wait until later...and who knows, maybe this ride will have new trains on it by then! (I didn't say that outloud, did I?)

Anyway, I hope you enjoy the T-Express video! Another new update coming soon!

Here again are the links to those videos:

T Express: play.php

Eagle's Fortress: play.php
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Cyrotech
Link zum Beitrag #635118 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 07. Januar 2009 08:53 Relax
Hi Rob, thanks a lot for the great pictures and funny comments, nice for the eyes S.
1st Black Mamba 1st-row-rider after 40Years Celebration Fireworks
Achtung, es geht los-ein bischen schneller-sehr gut-noch schneller-45 Sekunden
∗applaudieren∗ "Schöööööööön" ∗weiter applaudieren∗
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #635124 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 07. Januar 2009 09:23
S You are very welcome!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #637777 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009 02:15
The last stop in Korea would be more of a "Credit Whore Day" that included Seoul Land and Children's Grand Park.

Nothing at either of these parks is amazing, in fact, some of the coasters are downright brutal and confusing!

But then again, we had just had a day and night full of T-Express so pretty much after that anything else is going to suck!

I will say that Seoul Land seemed much improved from our visit last year. The entire park looked like it got a coat of paint and a lot of TLC.

Anyway, onto some photos and a VIDEO!!!

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Today our method of transportation would be KOREAN SUBWAY!!!

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The "20" actually refers to how many rides they have ripped off from other parks.

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With Spaceship Earth being #1

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No, really! It's actually called SPACE SHIP EARTH!!!

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The Wild Mouse had a bit of a delayed opening because, um....he was kind of tied down at the moment...

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Cars LOOK like this should be a Wild Mouse....

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...but the layout looks nothing like a Mouse.

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Hows that legroom Dave?

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Just in case your pet rocket gets hungry...

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Black Hole 2000 - No Intoxicated People!

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I think the "Black Hole" portion of the ride are those death looking corkscrews right in the middle.

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I can ride anything deadly as long as there are awesome chicken on sticks waiting for me at the exit!

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Team "Sad and Pathetic" on the powered coaster!

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I'm convinced that the Hi Roller must have been one of those Engineering "practical jokes" that accidentally made it into production!

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This one really IS called "Kiddy Coaster!"

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And now it's time for the star attraction at the park...the "Columbia Double Loop Coaster!" Rumor has it that this ride is HAUNTED!!!

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"Let me know if you see any ghosts up there!"

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Somewhere down there is an evil spirit just waiting to go "BOOGEY BOOGEY BOOGEY" at us!

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Big train going into dark tunnel!

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If you are under 18 years old don't look! This is COASTER PORN!!!

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Inside the haunted tunnel the camera picks up nothing...just darkness...

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But a little photoshop work tells a different story! OMG!!! It's the LADY IN WHITE!!! BOOGEY BOOGEY BOOGEY!!!!

And now for a VIDEO! Check out the "Columbia Double Loop" Video includnig the "Lady in White" on TPR TV: play.php

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Ok, time for us to blow this fish taco stand! On to the next park!
(We see you Jack Skellington knock-off!)

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"I've got a long way to go and a short time to get there...."

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What was the name of the park we are going to again?

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Yes, it's grand...but where are the children?

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Aha! They are riding the mouse that was CLOSED for us last year!

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Can that little car support all that American weight?

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Good thing that lift isn't steep or anything...

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The story with this coaster is that they park bought it a few years ago and it was SBNO until about 8 weeks before our visit. Thanks guys for fixing it for us! =)

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"Look I'll be honest...we're scared s**tless of this thing!"

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Surprise drop!

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88 Train has seen better days! =)

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Yay! We saved one of the worst coasters in Korea for last!

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And just when you think it's over...WHAM! There's more!

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The train isn't in re-hab...that's what it looks like when it gets back into the station!!!! =)

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Now that everyone has a case of crushed skulls it's time to head out!

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We arrived for dinner "Amazing Race" taxi style. The last group to arrive wasn't allowed to eat.

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Wait a this dinner for humans or turtles? Where's the MEAT!!!

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Ahh! Much better!

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"Can we go to Japan now?"

Next up! TPR's Asia trip invades TOKYO!!!!
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Cyrotech
Link zum Beitrag #637786 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 15. Januar 2009 04:28 Relax
And again thanks for keeping us up to date S
1st Black Mamba 1st-row-rider after 40Years Celebration Fireworks
Achtung, es geht los-ein bischen schneller-sehr gut-noch schneller-45 Sekunden
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #683592 Verfasst am Dienstag, 27. Januar 2009 01:36
Yay! We have finally arrived in Tokyo! And this starts the Tokyo portion of the trip...DUH!

We got into Tokyo in the afternoon, checked into our hotel and then headed straight for some Intamin happiness...LaQua!

LaQua is located smack in the middle of Tokyo at a place known as the "Tokyo Dome City" where they have roller coasters, play baseball and you can do some shopping!

We stuck to mainly the roller coasters!

Anyway, onto some photos....

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Here we are a Seoul's airport. Very exciting!

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Hello Mr. Korean Airplane! Soon we will be violating you with our smells.

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Can you imagine ANYTHING being "free of charge" at a US airport?

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KidTums looks nice and comfy!

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Dave is asleep...

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Jeff is thinking happy thoughts.

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Yay! We are here!

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Hellllloooooo to our brand new cast of crazies!

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Enough chit chat...let's ride some roller coasters!

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First drop on Thunder Dolphin.

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Splort! Goes the roller coaster coming out of the big hole!

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Sexy overhead shot!

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It's no Expedition GeForce or Superman, but it's still loads of fun!

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Make sure you take everything, including your virginity, out of your pockets!

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The spinning coaster is only for insane people...

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Like these guys!

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Linear Gale goes WHOOOOOSH!!!

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And you end up with Edward Scissorhands hair!

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This is where Japanese people hit balls around with sticks...

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(BTW, the Giants is Dan's favorite team. Why don't you send him an email that says "GO GIANTS!!!" to

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A TPR safety tip to all little girls in pigtails.

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Remember kids...don't play with cigarette butts or balls....yeah.

Next up...Nasu Highland!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #684078 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 28. Januar 2009 23:14
Our next day was Nasu Highland, Seibuen, Aqua Stadium, and the quest for Yakatori!

Some of you may remember the last time were at Nasu, we rode coasters in the SNOW! (Click that link if you don't remember!)

This time, no snow! But lots of ERT! In fact we had ERT on four of their coasters...including BIG BOOM which is like a Dive Machine...but not! Strange ride this one is (Why am I talking like Yoda...)

Anyway, this is a VERY photo heavy report since we visited three parks and had some fun in Tokyo. Enjoy!

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Our day started VERY early as Nasu Highland is a few hours outside of Tokyo. I wanted to teabag Joey but I wasn't allowed to. S

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We made a quick stop at the services that had this AMAZING machine. Sure, it looked like a typical coffee or drink machine, but check out the screen. There is a small camera INSIDE the machine that shows you what's happening on the other side of the panel.

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It's completely unnecessary, but totally awesome! I love Japan!

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Here we are at Nasu! This time, there's no snow! =)

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Everyone ready for the Big Boom?

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Big Boom is kind of like a "poor mans SheiKra" in that the first drop really is near vertical. (that's it on the left)

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I still think that Nasu has the most "colorful" collection of coasters anywhere!

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Holy crap!!!

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"I know it's called Spin Turn, but it doesn't spin THAT much right....right?"

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OMFG! This ride spun more than almost ANYTHING else I've been on!!!

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Camel toe coaster!!!

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Jeff gives us his best camel toe impression (it's not a very good one)

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Camel toe coaster is pretty much one of those giant Japanese "Jet Coasters" - It's got to be at least 150 feet tall with lots of rampy hills. Not much airtime, but they are still fun rides.

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Signature move FAIL!

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Hey what is F2?

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Ooooh....I'm really sorry guys!

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As far as SLC's go I don't think it was that bad.

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The boys are having a lot more fun on the Togo Death Machine flat ride!

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This is seriously one MESSED UP flat ride!

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"If you scan my shirt with your Japanese mobile phone it will take you to TPR!"

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"Hey guys! You are not panicking enough!"

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It looks more like "Happy Happy Joy Joy Drive"

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Ok, they look slightly more freaked out.

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Up it's a powered coaster.

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Dirty, dirty whores!

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"Hey Chris, is that a real tiger?"

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Hi Joey...does this look familiar? It shouldn't!

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It's like the double decker carousel from the Great America parks...but kind of looks like a mix between a rocket ship and a birthday cake with swans and random animals on the top...I LOVE JAPAN!!!

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Speaking of bizarre things in the park - you can go fishing...yes, it's true, you can fish at Nasu Highland!

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The little dude in the shack down there will give you all your fishing equipment.

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And when you are done...LUNCH TIME!

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Random Camel Toe Coaster Photo!

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For those of you who remember the SBNO coaster "Lightning" from our last update...

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It's gone.

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It's got one giant intense loop!

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It's like Twisted Sisters but with a lot less suckiness! =)

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OMFG! Yeah, the drop obviously isn't as steep as some of the dive machines, but holy crap it's scary!

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Hello Big Boom, how are you doing?

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Cute, yes?

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Cute, no?

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I just love how impressive the lower half of this park looks. Seriously that coaster collection down there is awesome! And thanks to the fantastic use of color you can make out each coaster easily!

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Thank you Nasu Highland!!!

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I hear that the tuna melts here KICK ASS!!!

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Everyone crashes out on our way to the next park.

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Hey! Let's go visit Hanno!

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Our next stop was Seibuen. A smaller park in the middle of nowhere with a couple of credits (well, they have one, I think...)

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OMG! I've died and gone to capsule machine heaven!

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We're mostly "screwed"

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Here is the coaster with the most BIZARRE queue ever!

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Here is the queue...yes that's sit down! They fill up a row of seats and then they tell you to stand up and board the train! WTF?!?!?

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Did we mention that for whatever reason they totally segregated us from the other Japanese (do you blame them???) They put all the westerners in one row and the Japanese in the others. Then they boarded us last! It was actually pretty damn funny!!!

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Oh, yeah, and it has a loop too...

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Just in case you've already forgotten what coaster we are talking about. (We see you Jewy!!!)

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And the trains were even CARPETED!!! How very shag of them!

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For you coaster nerds, here's the layout and some random info.

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The Baby swap gets Elissa and Leon the front row!

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It's very cute, very Hello Kitty, but very whorish!

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It's like a mini-Harmonyland!

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"I love you almost as much as rodents!"

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"Hey Barry! The lady gay crapped on my pants!"

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"I'm a sad, sad panda."

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Next stop...Aqua Stadium! (Today was a busy, busy day!)

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Because you can just never have enough Galaxy Express with the 15 minute pre-show!

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TPR TAKEOVER of this bizarre Intamin indoor launched coaster!

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Ok, next stop...the boys go on a search for Yakatori!

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Shibuya is the destination of choice!

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For Yakatori, follow this sign!

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Head towards the building with the lights on it.

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Gentlemen, we have SCORED!!! (It's also right across the street from the Disney Store if that helps!)

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"I like meat on stick more than sex....I think...."

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Bob doesn't look so angry when he's eating dead animal flesh. Yum!

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Cheers for a kick ass day full of coasters, meat on a stick, and beer! WE LOVE JAPAN!!!!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #686053 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 04. Februar 2009 01:44
Ok time to come back to this thread and come back STRONG!!!! How about a little Tobu Zoo and a Kawasemi video as an "apology" for not getting to these updates sooner? S

Anyway, Tobu Zoo is home to a new for 2008 Intamin "Mega Lite" called Kawasemi. All I can say about this amazing coaster is that it's all the power and airtime of Superman: Ride of Steel and Expedition GeForce packed into about 1/4 of the size. It's absolutely incredible! I really hope parks pick up on this little ride as the perfect "small coaster" that isn't too intimidating for older guests and really delivers.

The rest of the park we did a quick run through. Got on Regina which is still very good, although a bit rougher this year. The Togo Looping Mouse was down for maintenance which is a bummer, but like we've always said be prepared for coasters to be closed in Japan. I do think Kawasemi more than made up for this! =)

I still think that if you're in the area of Tokyo be sure to hit up this park. Even without Kawasemi it was a great place to visit and now it's got, IMO, the best steel coaster in Japan!

First off, check out a video of Kawasemi. If you haven't seen one of these new Intamin "Mega-Lite" coaster in action, you HAVE to see this: play.php

And now the photos...

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This is what the group looks like all hyped up on caffeine and Japanese crack!

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Still hyped up there is NO WAY we are going to turn down the opprotunity for a group photo in front of the coaster-morphing, huge knockers hot chick in the train station.

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Ok, let's pause for a moment. This is a lift hill shot, yes. And it's for those lift hill enthusiast dorks, yes, yes...but let's just point out that this is the lift to a coaster that will make our group scream with ultimate Intamin pleasure for the next hour or so. Read on...

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The first drop may not look like much, but OMG does it deliver!

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Are you wet yet?

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It's just a mess of track everywhere!

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Three airtime filled bunny hills in a row, thank you very much.

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Dave looks a school boy who just found the hidden key to dad's liquor cabinet.

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Just look at it...perfect curves and hills. Dolly Parton would be proud!

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Did we mention it goes under water?

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Everyone's hands up? Check!

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I beleive they are having a good time.

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Three sexy bunny hills!

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It's like there two of them...I wish there were two of them!

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You guys don't mind riding like, 17 or 18 more times, right?

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Wow! That is like the meanest Bob face I've ever...EVER seen!!!

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Regina...she's sexy...and rough!

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She'll give you a good beating but some men like that kind of thing! Yowza!

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The park has a lot of nice curves.

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Yay! Everyone is either happy or invisible!

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"Hi, this is Robb and Martin, and I just want to let you all know that we normally don't look this bad...seriously...this could be the worst picture of us ever taken!!!"

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Ok so maybe Martin always looks like that! =)

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Bob and his fan club!

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"We are the world's thumb wrestling champions!"

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Robb and Yoshi will challenge Bob and Tim to a thumb wrestle duel!

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As you can see Dave and Jeff also want in on this thumb wrestling action. They are showing off their goods.

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Ok, enough of the other rides, did we mention this is one of the best coasters in the world?

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It's like Superman, Goliath, and Expedition GeForce shrunk down and cute!

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Three little bunny hops sitting in a row...

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The world can never have too many Kawasemi photos.

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"I would like to introduce you to my robot ride-on beetle!"

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OMG. Is he finally....dead????

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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #686692 Verfasst am Freitag, 06. Februar 2009 03:20
Next up was Toshimaen!

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Our morning started off with breakfast...except this is NOT what we ate!

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"I think I'll settle for the plain bread, please!"

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Mmm...KidTums goes MUNCH MUNCH MUNCH on the yummy plain bread.

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You guys look so happy and we're only in the train station!

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Hello everyone! Face the camera and look happy.

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TPR Takeover on Mystery Zone!!!

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We pretty much had the Arrow Corkscrew to fact, we had the entire park to ourselves!

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Here's a shot for those Arrow lovers out there.

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Japan is so awesome. Many of the coasters are plush and carpeted!

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Cyclone aka "The Log Ride!"

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"It doesn't matter if it's rough...your butt will be plenty cushioned!"

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"Everyone loves a log!"

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Here goes the log ride...

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The log ride is certainly a crowd pleaser.

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Every drop you have to duck from the trees!

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I just love it when my log goes into a dark tunnel.

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"Hello world, this is my 250th Condor credit and I'm going to rush home and post to right after this ride."

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There is just something about the Japanese warning signs that makes me laugh!

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Hooray! For crazy Huss flat rides!

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You all look happy now, but when that bar closes and squashes your nuts and boobs into oblivion your going to have a MUCH different look on your face! =)

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This ride is "Creepy Trio of Clowns" approved!

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This is the log ride aka "Cyclone"

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It's their "O Face!"

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"Hey someone get this human out of my a$$!!!"

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"We beat up 10 children to get on this ride!"

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Sadly, the Schwarzkopf shuttle loop is still down for the count.

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For those of you who are Japanese train fanatics, there was a model train fair going on today.

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Tables and tables full of train toys and other random stuff.

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You could even buy the JR station and train signs, light boxes, control panels, and more!

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There was TONS of it!

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I'm not even sure what some of this stuff is, but Jeff Johnson sure would have loved to be here!

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Yay! We get back to a REAL train and head to our next park!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #687441 Verfasst am Montag, 09. Februar 2009 20:53
Next up! Yomiuriland!

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Yay! Here we are at Yomiuriland again! Not much has changed since our last visit, but this is still a very nice Tokyo park to check out when you're in town.

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Unfortunately today weather would not be the best for us, we were very lucky that Yomiuriland kept all the coasters open in the rain.

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No matter how many times you see it, "The Wish of The Emergency" never gets old!

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Here is the park from the you can see there is NOBODY here!!!

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When you see the funky dogs ass, you're at the main entrance! =)

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Bow down to Mr. funky dog! Do it! DO IT NOW!!!!

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"GRRR!!! I am the Bandit!!! I will steal your money and rape you of your SOUL!!! GRRR!!!!!"

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The Bandit is a seriously fun Togo coaster (yes I said that!) If it didn't have the OTSR's it might actually kick even more ass!

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Hooray for meandering all over the park!

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Like I said, there is NOBODY here!

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We see you funky dog!

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"ENT" is Japanese for "DIE!"

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Remember, NO DUCKS on White Canyon!

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Yes, White Canyon is that RCCA wood coaster death machine that is ranked one of the top ten WORST coasters in the world!

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These "phone booth coffin cars" may be the last thing you ever see.

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"No, really IS that bad!"

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Dave made it out, but now he's permanently slumped for the rest of his life!

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We're actually not whores, this is actually a full sized adult coaster!

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OK, maybe we're just sad and pathetic liars! =)

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See! They all feel VERY good about themselves!

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I know what the "Standing and Loop" part is, but what the hell is "MOMOnGA???"

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One side of the track is a stand up train.

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Martin prepares his "Human hand rain shield" to fight off the what feels like needles in your eye!

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The other side is a sit down. (Don't worry guys, after White Canyon this will feel like a B&M!)

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Yay! SL Coaster! It's like a really big kiddie coaster that doesn't seem to do much of anything.

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"We got in all the credits!"

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Yomiuriland also has a number of strange walk through and dark rides.

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Don't be fooled by their pale appearances...there is some wacky s**t going on inside these buildings!

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I see a demon head, and upside down human leg, and some sheets. Yeah...

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It's like "Thomas the Brickwork..."

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We have to cut our day a little short at Yomiuriland so we can beat the rain to the next park.

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Say goodbye to the Bandit...we'll miss you!

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Goodbye SL Coaster...we still don't quite understand you...

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..and HELLO to "Ghetto Umbrella Man!" See you at the next park!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #687541 Verfasst am Dienstag, 10. Februar 2009 06:53
I'm now convinced that Fuji-Q is the worst run amusement park in the world. We have had three visits there over four years and each visit has been equally as horrible but for different reasons.

This time around it was mostly weather related. Yes, the ride capacity and slow crew issues were still there, but on this visit I saw some of the worst park policies and operations I've ever seen. Let me just describe our day....

On the day of our visit we knew there would be rain. It was fore-casted for the bulk of the rain to start about 4pm and thanks to the nearly perfect Japanese weather forecasting that's exactly when it started. But up until then we were supposed to get patches of good weather here and there. And that's what we got.

We also know that Fuji-Q has a tendency to shut down almost everything in the rain, even a slight mist. Which is completely retarded because for a country where it rains 300 days out of the year and where most of the other parks seem to be able to operate their attractions in the rain, why has Fuji-Q purchased rides that can't be operated even in a gentle mist (so they claim.)

We arrived at the park with a good amount of time to spare which is good because the line to get into the park stretched so far back that I'm sure it took some people two hours to get into the park with the only 4 ticket booths they had open. (watch the video, the clip at the beginning with the long line is the line to get in the park!!!) Luckily we were in the front of that line. Score one for TPR trips always getting to parks early!

Once we were in the park and we could see what rides were operating I told the group "Ok, it's going to the moment it would appear that Dodonpa and Fujiyama are running, but Eejanaika was not. You guys now need to make a you want to jump on Dodonpa or Fujiyama or try to wait it out for Eejanaika knowing that one is the most temperamental in the rain." Some of the group headed for Dodonpa, the other half went to Eejanaika.

I was with the group that went to Eejanaika. We got to the ride to find it closed. We were told it wasn't due to the weather but due to the block checking taking a long time (not surprising since Magic Mountain's also seems to open late quite often)

About 10 minutes later they let us in line, we board the train, and are on the first train out. The rest of our group is on the 2nd train...and then it starts to rain...actually it started to gentle mist!

They closed the ride.

In fact, those two trains were the *only* trains to dispatch that day. We ran off the ride and it started to rain a bit harder. By this time everything was closed. S Luckily one of the walk through dark rides where you stand in a coffin was open! Oh, yay! Most of the group went and did that, the rest of us had a beer because we needed it to get through our day at Fuji-Q.

Then the weather got a bit better and rides started to re-open. Since the Thomas coaster was right nearby we hit that one up. At this point the rain had stopped but the only coasters open were the Thomas coaster, Fujiyama, and Zola 7.

The group figured it would be best to try for Fujiyama since Zola 7 will run in the rain anyway....We get over to Fujiyama...the line is posted at *three hours* Ugh.

It rains on and off, scattered showers, some scattered clouds and sometimes we even see the sun break through now and then. Oddly enough Fujiyama never shut down even during the scattered rain showers.

There was a point in time where we had no rain for about 90 minutes of the group waiting in that three hour line but nothing else ever re-opened...Wild Mouse, Hamster Coaster, Dodonpa, even the Thomas coaster had finally closed. And like REALLY closed. All crews were sent home and the trains covered up.

It seemed to make no sense that they could operate Fujiyama in rain, but nothing else. Why is this?

And of course they were running Fujiyama as slow as humanly possible. For those who were waiting in the 3 hour line it was PAINFUL. I did some walking around the park while they waited and made even more observations about how horrible this park is run.

For example, why is it they seem to go out of their way to buy low capacity rides? For one of the busiest parks in Japan, why did they buy a Wild Mouse that only seats two people at a time? Why did they get Dodonpa that only seats 8? Their kiddie coaster is one of the smallest I've ever seen and the Hamster Coaster also only seats up to 2 people!

Even the "new for 2008" ride which was a river rapids ride only had boats that held 4 people at a time, and they were only putting 2 per boat! WTF! A park of this size should be buying a river rapids ride that holds 10 to 12 people per boat and sending out a crap load of them.

Anyway, back to our group waiting three hours for Fujiyama...

They have now been waiting over 2 hours and are only at the bottom of the outside ramps (for those of you who know the layout of the park know what I'm talking about.)

All of a sudden...the ride closes. No warning, no reason, the rain hasn't gotten any harder, it's still *exactly* how it was for the last two hours. And it REALLY closed. They shut all the doors and one of the employees even came out and emptied the ticket machines. They told everyone to leave the line.


So now after waiting over two hours, we're totally screwed. At this point the group is so frustrated.... We go over to Zola's another 45 min line. *sigh* Fine. They ride that...we wander around for a bit more hoping more rides open up. The rain hasn't gotten any worse in the past hour and a half and we're all just baffled as to why Fujiyama ran just fine in the rain for 2 hours and then shut down.

We check out the Thomas dark ride, ride the carousel, and wander looking for any open ride. Even the walk through haunted hospital is a *FOUR HOUR* line not including the 45 minute attraction. So if we wanted to do this ride it would be a *FIVE HOUR* commitment! WTF is wrong with this park!??!?! Why do they think it's totally acceptable to offer attractions that are 3 to 5 hours worth of waiting in line?

Now we finally start to get that heavier 4pm rain.


Finally we leave....and I really never ever want to come back. I really believe that Fuji-Q is the worst operated park in the world! In all my travels I have never found any place as terrible as this park.

The park is operated like crap, the rides aren't very good, and the crews are just miserable. When the best area in the park is your kiddie land and the best ride is your Thomas the Tank Engine dark ride and everyone can't wait to leave, you really know the place sucks.

Ok, onto photos and a video!

Video: play.php
Note - the footage in this video was taken from three different visit to Fuji-Q because it takes that long to get all the credits in!

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Here is the new entrance to Fuji-Q. We think that Fuji-Q *actually* on fire would be much better than this.

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Make a mental note - Do not fight the bears while at Fuji-Q!

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Yay! We all look so happy! Boy, our attitude will change REAL QUICK!

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Oh, look, they can't get Eejanaika open with the park. Here, let me put on my *shocked* face!

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Finally they get the ride open and let us in. Now let's take a look at how Eejanaika does their loading because it's quite interesting. There are three of these "pens" where everyone has a foot mark to stand on and lockers to put your stuff...

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You put all your crap in the locker and no one else will be in this pen until you get back, so it's nice and safe.

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The trains you can see are the older style X trains with the "pickle forks"

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Note the additional padding that has been added to the restraints! (It needs it!)

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And also additional seat belts.

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Since they have three of these pens, one is always getting ready to load, one pen worth of people is out on the circuit, and the third pen is empty ready to be loaded. It actually works awesome, and this is the *only* ride in the park where they actually have their act together for loading/unloading.

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Of course they can't seem to operate the ride in a gentle mist, which is what happened right after we rode. The coaster looked like this the rest of the day. I will say that my ride this year was much better than last year, but it's still nowhere near as good as X2 is.

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Hmm...with all the rides closed due to the gentle mist, what's the only thing you can do to keep yourself sane in this horrible park?

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Don't be fooled by that sign! This is attraction is actually OPEN! (They just didn't bother to move the sign because, well, why bother, it will just close down in ten minutes anyway...)

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Sh! We are actually getting a hint of blue sky! Does that mean rides will open? Well, maybe one or two for a VERY short time...I mean, it's is Fuji-Q, they can't possibly have rides open for people to enjoy!

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There is some curious nerdy stuff going on here....

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NERD!!!!! (Really Julie, we love you...but you're a NERD!!!!) =)

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This is pretty much how these two coasters looked the rest of the day. As you can see, it's cloudy...but it's not raining.

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OMG! OMG! OMFG!!! A coaster!!! And it''s....OMG! OPEN!!!!

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YES! And *only* a 2 and a half hour line!!! (Well, actually it was 3, but we were being hopeful!)

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We'll get back to those standing in that three hour line later, but for now, let's have a look at the rest of the park. Here is the "new for 2008" rapids ride...

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Ok, can someone please tell me why the f**k this park buys a rapids ride that only seats four people and then only puts two in a boat?!?! Seriously, it's like they are trying so hard to win the "lowest capacity park" award.

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Yay! Only TWO HOURS if you want to ride the new rapids ride! You know, Fuji-Q, Intamin and other companies sell a rapids ride that seats 10 to 12 people per boat and most small parks even have this model. Not sure if ever noticed that.

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Oh, look. Another god-awful capacity ride that only holds TWO people per car...and it's CLOSED. Do you see rain? I don't. But it's Fuji-Q, and Fujiyama is open which means they couldn't possibly have other rides going at the same time.

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Oh, look. The Thomas coaster is closed for "bad weather" which is odd because the weather conditions are EXACTLY the same when we just rode it an hour ago.

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Here's the haunted hospital that everyone goes ga-ga about. It's a 45 minute attraction that only has a four hour line! That's right, if you want to experience this attraction you only have to dedicate *FIVE HOURS* to it. WTF?!?!

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Dave and I decided we would buy some weapons out of the capsule machines for our friends in line so they can shoot who ever is making the line take so long!

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Yup, there is the line...3 hours you can see, the ground is wet, but it's only raining lightly, on and off, can you even see some blue sky hovering over Eejanika. A park like this should be able to operate at least more than *ONE* coaster in a light scattered rain. It's so irresponsible of the park to purchase a collection of rides they can't operate (so they say) in a country where it rains 300 days out of the year. And they make NO EFFORT to try to get any rides open when the rain stops. They just send their crews home. This is the park's fault. And another reason why I feel they are one of the worst run parks in the world.

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The crew decides to use the weapons on themselves because it's a general consensus that suicide may actually be BETTER than being at Fuji-Q.

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"Kill me...please kill me...get me out of this park!"

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Actually, screw that...everyone KILL LAUREN!!!

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Ok, now the biggest WTF of the day. All of a sudden, they just close Fujiyama. No explanation, no nothing. It's been raining on and off the same and they've kept the ride open the entire time. And NOW they decide to close it?!?!?

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And like they REALLY closed it. Shut all the doors, emptied the ticket machines, it was DOWN FOR THE COUNT the rest of the day. Why?!?!

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Ugh, fine...might as well try to get on Zola 7. This coaster is all indoors and I would assume that it's still open! (Please also note - it's NOT RAINING!)

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Yay! We get to shoot stuff! You need to take your aggressions out somehow.

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"Two...that's right...hopefully we'll get at least TWO credits today!" (I think most everyone in the group actually managed to get THREE!!!)

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"I really hope I get to shoot the park manager"

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"Would anyone like more alcohol to get them through their day at Fuji-Q?"

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Hey look! More closed rides! (note while there are scattered clouds in the background, it's NOT RAINING!!!)

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The fog is quite low which is what seems to be causing the gentle mist which keeps all of Fuji-Q's rides closed. You can ALMOST make out Mt. Fuji!

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Lydia, who hates Thomas even decides "I'd rather be in Thomas Land than anywhere else in Fuji-Q!"

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Seriously the dark ride is great!

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And even though the park completely sucks, at least TPR members are still managing to have a bit of fun!

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Even Mr. Angry insect says "Please get me the hell out of Fuji-Q!!!"

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"Cake the Pocket" is better than anything at Fuji-Q

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Finally about 4pm it starts to rain hard. It makes no sense why the park would basically "pack it up" about 2-3 hours before hand. Why not at least TRY to keep some rides running as long as possible? (I like how someone has stolen the menu to keep dry!) LOL!

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Good thing everyone has that TPR poncho in their goodie bag! =)

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After a craptacular day and one of the worst parks in the world what better way to make it up than to hang out in Tokyo!!!

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Ahh, this is so much better than the lights of Tivoli! =)

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Dave and Eric are proud of themselves...they have successfully bored a poor old Japanese lady to death!

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Wait, I know this place...there is something very amazing near here!

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That's right! MEAT ON STICKS!!!!

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"Screw Fuji-Q...we have meat and beer!!!"

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Suck it down baby!!!

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"Hey Joey! Watch me eat the quail egg!"

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There really isn't anything better than this...and certainly NOT at Fuji-Q!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #688093 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 12. Februar 2009 05:03
Next Stop on the TPR Tokyo Tour...Hanayashiki!!!

This is one bizarre, but AWESOME park! It's smack in the middle of the city (in the Asuska area) with some amazing looking temples and street markets surrounding it.

The park itself houses the "Oldest coaster in Japan" as well as some other cool, messed up, awesome attractions. It's one of those little "gem" parks where you have to try to see and do everything!

We must now look at photos...

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Here we are arriving at Hanayashiki...looks innocent from the front, right? This park was amazing! It was like the Bon Bon Land or Klotten of Japan!

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Pretty gardens, looks good so far!

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First up was the "Roller Coaster", and this one is the oldest in Japan built in 1953.

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TPR Gang is ready to roll!

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The park manager tells us these trains are brand spankin' new! And they look it!

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Although they aren't kind to long legs! =)

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It's ok Dave, I'm sure you've been in rougher positions! S

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Here is what the oldest coaster in Japan looks like!

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In very much the "Blackpool fashion" you can see how the rides and shops are built on different levels to help save space.

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Japanese Fun Fun Ride!

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The park is plopped right down in the middle of the city! (I just really wanted to use the word 'plop')

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Here we have a look at the rest of the park. Yes it's small, but it's some quirky awesome fun!

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First drop! Can you guys take it?

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The faces of joy!

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Yay for the oldest Japanese coaster tunnels!

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It almost looks like you're going right under someone's house!

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On one side of the street, some random buildings, on the other side, Japan's oldest coaster!

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"We love the ride....but we can't feel our legs!"

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Still nowhere near as old as Jeff Johnson!

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Religious experience on the Space Shot or bowel decide!

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"Ok, quick...everyone do your best 'scanners' impression!"

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The rotating house was a "cozy?"

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Next up was the "Sit around the table in the dark and listen to weird stuff being pumped into your ears" attraction.

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The camera flash reveals that in the dark, we all make really dorky faces!

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"Hello, I'm the funny blue troll monster. Please come inside my maze torture and insanity."

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But first, RANDOM BOOBS!!!

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The maze of wackiness including passages made for Oompa Loompas and random hanging foliage.

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That's a lot of rusty steps!

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"I'd say she's at least a D-Cup."

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"GRRR!!!! I'm ANGRY lion guy...GIMME SOME CANDY!"

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Like I said, Dave has been in worst positions! =)

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OMG! Now there are two of those hideous creatures!

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I think it makes sense to transition from little boy fairy peeing on passers by to the crepe lady...yeah.

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Ok, forget the crepe and the lady...I WANT YOUR DOMOKUN!!!!

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Yo lady statue, wassup?

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Not even sure what to say here.

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It's one of them rock-n-roller the shape of outer space!

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"You know what goes good with a wacky park like this? BEER!"

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Just outside the park are some awesome Japanese buildings.

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Japanese temple-looking thing..CHECK!

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And a HUGE street market is here also. The whole area was awesome!

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Cube fans, rejoice!

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The entrance to the market.

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Godzilla Sperm?

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Dear Hanayashiki! TPR says "THANK YOU" for having one of the most awesome bizarre parks in the world! (And special thank you to Takashi for helping us out!)
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Marty
Link zum Beitrag #688583 Verfasst am Samstag, 14. Februar 2009 00:08 Relax
Super klasse Fotos.

Ich bin hin und weck!!!

BOAH, EHHH........

Die heutige Generation hat noch nie einen Fernseher mit nur drei Programmen gesehen...
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #689172 Verfasst am Dienstag, 17. Februar 2009 00:03
Since we were doing some credit whoring today, we made a brief stop at Sea Paradise for two reasons: Blue Fall and Helix: The Ride, aka "Surf Coaster!" Both rides are awesome and well worth the train ride out to Sea Paradise...

Onto some photos....

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Hey everyone! You all excited about Blue Fall?

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KidTums is already knows how to ride the train!

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Fuk-U-Ura...this is not our stop!

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Yay! Our stop is dolphin-safe!

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Here we have "Helix: The Ride."

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Surf Coaster has to be one of the best Togo coasters in the world!

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It has airtime, it doesn't hurt, but most importantly it has *two* helices!

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Yup, that's a Surf Coaster photo!

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There is giant helix #1.
(We see you Blue Fall!)

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There is Giant Helix #2!

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A moment of silence for the "Boat Jumpers" please...

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This is where they would do their thing...

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Ahh, now to what we came here for...BLUE FALL!!!

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Yes, that would be a 330 foot tall Intamin drop tower! Watch out for the "fake drop!" S

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Natural reaction to Robb naked.

Originalfoto anzeigen pretty!

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They all look so happy! They have NO IDEA what they are getting themselves into!

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Bye guys! Good luck! =)

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"Honey...I love you almost as much as Blue Fall."

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Group photo in the Ice House!

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"Whatever you're going to do to me...please make it QUICK!!!"

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Um...are you seeing the same thing *I* am seeing?!??!

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Choose wisely!

Originalfoto anzeigen have chosen poorly! All your skin will now fall off.

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Wow, the Japanese have a strange way of getting their bowling balls!

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Oh wait...

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Anyone remember this ride from Magic Mountain?

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Pinocchio says "Eat lots of Frozen Coke!"

Next stop was Yokohama Cosmoworld which I still feel is one of the "prettiest" parks in the world. There is no denying this place has an AWESOME setting! Especially at night. Have a look....

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Today it was KidTums turn to get us to our next park! She's got the directions, she's ready to lead us!

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Wait! She wants us to do morning calisthenics before we hit up the next park???

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"STEP ON THE BUG!!! STEP ON THE BIG BUG!!!! Before it gets to the children...."

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See Comoworld during the day is nice...

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...and the setting right in the middle of the city is fantastic...

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...but it's at night when this park REALLY comes alive!

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The park is located on both sides of the bay. The Ferris wheel and "Diving Coaster" is located on one side...

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...and there are some flat rides and the kiddie coaster are located on the other. It's a short walk between the two.

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Enough pretty lights talk...let's ride a roller coaster!

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Yes, Diving Coaster is pink...very pink...

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You guys all ready for the pink diving coaster?

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"Dive! Dive! Take her down easy!"

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And there they go! Pink and diving!

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Even the trains have glowey lights!

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Diving coaster is ICE BAT APPROVED!

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I'm not even sure what this is, but damn it looks awesome!

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Why do we keep bringing these maniacs on our trips with us? (Except Lauren...she's cool.)

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Seriously though, while Diving Coaster isn't the greatest coaster in the world, the park really is amazing!

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Everywhere you look everything glows!

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This place must have been a lighting designers wet dream!

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And in addition to the awesome lights, Cosmoworld is also home to some REALLY wacky dark rides! You guys ready?

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This one they almost didn't want us to ride because it's all in Japanese and they were afraid we wouldn't understand the story...

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Who needs to speak Japanese to understand "BOOBS!!!!"

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This dark ride is "Dolphin Safe"

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There is even something for our gay contingent to look at!

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But most importantly...BOOBS!!!!

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"So you guys ready to go on the ride with boobs and half naked dudes while holding a phallic object?"

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The first 10 people to have their caption posted will get a TPR Bag-O-Crap! Be sure to email him your mailing address too!

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Why are these dudes in every Japanese shooting dark ride?

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Even KidTums got to play this one!

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Cosmoworld is also one of the homes to the original "Meat Animals" and especially "Meat Cow."

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No, Dave is not dead. Although he looks dead. He is actually overwhelmed with joy and happiness that he has found Meat Cow. You just can't tell because joy and happiness in Dave looks the same as death.

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These "Meat Animals" tell you what meat parts are included. There is Meat Cow, Meat Pig, Meat Fish, Meat Chicken, Mean Human (yes, that's right), and now the brand new Meat Holstein which is a descendant of Meat Cow.

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Ok time to head over to the other side of the park! Get your jet packs ready to FLY!!! (Yes, they have Jet Packs in Japan because they are so advanced.)

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The other side of the park looks just as awesome!

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Lots of lights and dizzy stuff.

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You guys ready for your "Family Banana Coaster" credit? (I don't make up the names of these rides I swear!!!)

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Yay! Banana credit!

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See! Even the Banana Coaster has more theming that most US parks!

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And what does every TPR member do after a day of coasters? That's right! Close one eye and stick your tongue out!

Thanks for reading!!! One of the most bizarre parks EVER is up next!

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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #689396 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 18. Februar 2009 03:01
Our last stop before Tokyo Disney was the "Tokyo Teleport" area which has a ton of amusements, shopping and lots of crazy stuff!

One of the best arcades with tons of capsule machines is located here, Sega Joypolis is also across from the station at a huge entertainment complex called "Tokyo Decks."

Also housed in that complex is this update's showcase destination "Muscle Park." Some of you may remember Muscle Park from last year's update, but we made a very quick visit. This year now that we know more about the place we spent some time and all I have to say is that this is a *MUST SEE* if you are into some awesome 'wacky' places to check out and have fun at while in Japan.

Onto some photos....

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We head out to "Tokyo Teleport" on a very crowded JR train!

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"Why are all the Japanese taller than me?"

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Tokyo Teleport is an amazing place. It houses lots of amusement areas, shopping malls, etc, etc...

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Today we challenge MUSCLE PARK!!!

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Muscle Park is home to the official "Sasuke" course which for those of you may not know, is called "Ninja Warrior" here in the USA!

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And yes, for women to compete you gotta chop your nails!

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Elissa's "s**t eating grin" on the hand bike!

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Mike is the only one of us who was able to defeat the salmon ladder!

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Julie shows off some belly on the arm rings!

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Rich! Just pretend they are donuts and you'll make it!

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Looks like Joey is going to make the hand bike!

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Oooooh! Jew down!

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Elissa is almost at the end of the course!

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OMG! A shark is eating her off screen!!!

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"I might be dead....but I made it!"

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"Almost there... just a couple of seconds..."

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"Raise your hands....if you're SURE!"

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'I am woman! Hear me roar!'

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Yes, Elissa is a Ninja Warrior fanboy!

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Elissa says "I love you Makato Nagano and Shingo Yamamoto!"

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The rest of the park is like Wii Fit on steroids! Watch your balance guys!

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Smooth moves!

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"Every time you press that button, god kills a kitten."

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'With much concentration comes greatness!'

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42 kittens...dead!

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All the games here were awesome! This one you had to press the buttons in a certain pattern as fast as humanly possible.

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"Ranking Park!" Is that anything like the Rankin Bridge?

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It's like IAAPA exploded in Japan!

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And yes, they even had Ninja Warrior for kids!

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More awesome crazy games!

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And GUNS! You can't possibly have a muscle park without guns!

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I'm not even sure what this is, but it's got two balls and a strange looking guy.

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Of course no theme park would be without some kind of eatery.

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And if you're going to work out you need to eat! And this "Monster Burger" is no exception! Have a look at that thing! Each stack is a separate entree!

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Mmmm...and burger that comes in a box that big has to be awesome!

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C'mon guys! Scarf down that Monster Burger! Make Takeru Kobayashi proud of you!

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Two wheels of numbers, a wheel of random geometric shapes...I'm so confused...but it's so awesome!

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Baseball Tic-Tac-Toe....yup!

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They had models of the real Ninja Warrior courses on display.

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Fans of the TV show must be drooling right now!

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Like many other Japanese parks you have to buy tickets for each of the "attractions" (don't worry, it's not as confusing as it looks!)

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This game was awesome! Basically each person (Rich and Elissa here) have a movable piece of track that they have to move while the train is in motion. They move the track piece, pick of a block out of the storage and put the block on the stack. Then they have to move the stack and the track back into place without the stack of blocks falling over. Got it? Let's watch....

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Elissa has a small stack of blocks...track is in place...train came through...looking good!

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Rich's stack is getting bigger, train is coming around faster now...

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Elissa just barely gets the stack in place for the train to safely make it through!

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Woah! Rich has a BIG stack! =)

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Uh oh....this game is getting close now!

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Rich freaks out like a little girl who just got her training wheels off!

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SKLOOSH!!!! Oh no Rich just lost to a girl!

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Ice Bat does NOT approve of this epic fail!

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"Jews don't play sports, man!"

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Elissa versus Rich once again! This time, it's a mental challenge....

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Elissa: "YES!!! I am smarter than a police officer!!!" =)

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Right next door to Muscle Park is Sega Joypolis. Another awesome, crazy, must see attraction at Tokyo Teleport!

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Joypolis is a multi-level indoor amusement park with roller coasters, flat rides, video games, virtual reality and all kinds of crazy stuff.

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Spin Bullet is one of the most brutally messed up must-ride coasters ever!

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"You guys are all about to get raped!"

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but forget about Joypolis....GIVE ME THAT MOUNTAIN OF SUSHI!!!!

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And of course the most amazing attraction in all of Tokyo Teleport...Condomania!!!!

Thanks for reading! Next up...the grand finale of this update! Lots of Tokyo Disney Resort photos!!!

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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #689699 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 19. Februar 2009 03:15
And now the part you've all been waiting for! TOKYO DISNEY RESORT!!!

When going through the photos from the trip I normally try to narrow down to about 40 or 50 photos per park. This time around I ended up with just over 200 pictures of Tokyo Disney and I thought "what the hell!" everyone loves to see photos of this amazing park so I'll just post them all!

So here is the first of 4 parts for Tokyo Disney Resort. The photos will be kind of random, but I think that will be part of the fun!


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Ahhhh...bizarre flavors of popcorn. You'll find this all over Tokyo Disney Resort. Chocolate was "good" but it's no Black Pepper!

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How come Japanese people aren't fat?

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Welcome to Toontown...spooky pumpkin edition!

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The Jolly Trolley mows down about 10 to 15 unsuspecting Japanese each day.

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Watch out for that frog! It spits.

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"How do I get out of this cave???"

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The new Tiki Room doesn't suck as much as the one in Florida....but it still sucks!

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Will the REAL Disney character please step aside...

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Aha! Turns out it was the little Japanese boy! Who knew?

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This fulfills the "Giant Boat with waving people" part of the update.

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Toon Lube.

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No lube's like throwing a bowling ball down a hallway.

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One of these two is a man.

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DisneySea is sexy.

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Hidden something.

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"Every time it eats a child, it has explosive gas."

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"What's that sour taste? Did you pee in there?"

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Tokyo's Space Mountain Rocket Ship make over didn't suck.

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"My God! It's full of stars!"

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"Which one is the sex bed?"

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"Godzilla! Come Quick! Kill Mega Fire Monster!"

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Now that is one BIIIIIIG ball!

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Little men like playing with little boats.

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DisneySea at night. Amazing.

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Aquatopia. The most awesome pointless ride ever!

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It is even more awesome and more pointless at night. Seriously this ride is super cool!

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"Welcome Home!"

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"Dammit, I missed the TPR bus again..."

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"Are you the REAL Alice in Wonderland?"

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Loch Ness Castle.

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Boo to you and you and you....

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This version is better than Disneyland's in California because it's not at Disneyland in California.

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Is it just me or does that look like a severed head at the bottom of the picture?

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Haunted Mansion Holiday makes me happy.

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I think the Santa suit will impress Sally. Jack is sure to get some ragdoll tonight!

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Hellloooooo Castle!

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Those crazy, crazy Japanese!

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One of these is a real

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Did we mention that Tokyo Disneyland's Castle is awesome?

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OMG! Now there are two of those hideous creatures! No, no, that's just Rosie O'Donnell.

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OMFG! Minnie looks HOT!

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Where are we at again?

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Dave has a thing for duck furries!

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"Hey girls! How much?"

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"Honey, are you sure we can't have Belle come to our room for like an hour? 45 minutes? Oh, who are we kidding...10 minutes TOPS!"

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The castle has it's evil Mickey pumpkin guards.

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And we end this part of the update with this awesome photo of the castle all decked out for it's 25th anniversary!

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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #692963 Verfasst am Dienstag, 03. März 2009 04:21
Hey everyone!

I got a bit distracted last week so I apologize for the delay...but now...MORE TOKYO DISNEYLAND photos!

Seriously, can you ever get tired of Tokyo Disneyland photos? No? Well, then, how about a Tokyo Disneyland VIDEO?

We will start off this update with a video from TPR's visit to Tokyo Disney and then another 50ish photos from the park...enjoy! play.php
Tokyo Disneyland VIDEO! (And remember, if you like these videos, you can pick up the latest round of TPR DVDs HERE!)

And now some PHOTOS!

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The Tokyo Disney party bus is here to take TPR on another fun fill day of Japanese Mickey Mouse!

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Turn that crank, Helping Hands, turn that crank!

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Splooge from the previous riders.

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Yo Ho, Yo Ho, I'd make a Jahan joke, but nah...never mind....

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Like I said before, not *quite* a much of a suck-fest as Florida's version!

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Ahh, Space Mountain. It got a nice re-hab minus the music, but it's still awesome because it's at Tokyo Disney.

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"You can do whatever you want to the station, but you're only allowed to use the color blue."

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Shooting Dark Ride! Yeah, it's the same as the other versions, but that's ok.

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Country Bears in Japanese = awesomeness!

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Max, Buff, and Yakatori.

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I'm not sure what is more disturbing about this picture - Wall-E and his Levi 501 Jeans or Remi's severed head being held by Iron Chef Morimoto.

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For some very strange reason, this coaster didn't suck this time around!

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Indy queue = better than Disneyland!

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It's almost totally pointless, but at the same time it's completely awesome!

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Hey look! Sign photo!

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The resort bus is on a schedule which is ALWAYS on time!

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Entering into DisneySea is like a whole other world.

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It's amazing how it's basically DCA's Tower of Terror, but they've made it not suck!

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Robot Boobies!

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"Hey everyone! We are at Tokyo DisneySea and you're not! SO THERE! HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!"

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There seems to be something missing here that I could SWEAR was on the cover of the Little Mermaid box!

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King Triton is my homeboy.

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That's right! Don't mess with Triton if you know what's good for you.

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This is basically "Flik's Fun Fair" from Disney's California Adventure, but indoors and with a lot less "Californianess" added.

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Have you ever seen the "Evil bastard cook that tries to kill Sebastian" at any other Disney park???

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What are you guys doing to that snail to make him THAT happy???

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Taj Mahal wannabe.

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This is a ticket to GREATNESS!

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DisneySea scores so many points for awesomeness.

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Yup, we are STILL at Disney!

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Eric - mild smirk. Genie-looking guy - WORRIED!

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This is where Jasmine goes to bang random dudes.

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Good thing everyone had a TPR pancho!

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Nothing like a little camel toe in a nice couple's photo!

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Like I said, Raging Spirits was really fun this time around! I don't know if it's that it had JUST come out of re-hab or if they really made some changes, but it was a *LOT* better than in previous years. (And also, just look at that theming...c'mon! That's awesome!)

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AWESOME! AWESOME! AWESOME! Every Disney park should have Aquatopia! Why? I actually don't know! But they should.

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Are you sick of DisneySea pictures? No? GOOD!

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More DisneySea randomness.

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Is it true this area is getting TSM?

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This makes Dave feel more like a real man!

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"Come inside it's fun inside!"

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Just in case you forgot what park you were at, there was this awesome looking sign to remind you!

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And we will end this part of the update with another kick-ass night shot looking down Main Street!

Hope everyone enjoyed this update!

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