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Robb Alveys Theme Parks of Asia Tour! Gehe zu Seite 1, 2, 3  Weiter
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #603231 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 22:41
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 25.09.2008 22:43
Hey everyone!

Some of you may know that Elissa and I have just recently toured several theme parks in China. Below are tons of pictures from that trip. Overall the parks of China were *much* better than expected. I thought many of them would wind up being pretty crappy but what we discovered were not only some of the best looking parks in the world, but quite a good collection of rides as well!

I'll let the photos speak for themselves....

Day Zero - China Culture Day!
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Our aircraft of choice...this snazzy Korean Air 747 equipped with all the bad movies you can watch at your finger tips and an outlet to plug your laptop into! Yes, all this in economy!!!

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Yet another reason why international carriers are FAR superior to American airlines. This is what I saw in front of me when I woke up...

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We have arrived in Beijing! First order of buiness? FOOD!

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I'm happy to report that traditional Chinese food in China is pretty much the same as a "good quality" chinese place back home.

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TPR at the Great Wall of China! This goes down in TPR history as the most cultural thing we have ever...EVER done!!!

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This would be our carriage of choice getting up the Great Wall. 15 Apline Coaster cars all hooked together.

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Yup! KidTums is allowed to ride....OUTSIDE the restraint...better hold on tight! Well, at least this is only the going up part!

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"Wyatt...Your kitchen is BLUE!"

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You have to admit that is really freaking AWESOME!

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The trip down the mountain is "fun"...not really thrilling or very fast...but fun. I think KidTums actually looks bored!

Day One - Beijing Shijinshan Park!
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Group photo at our first China park. Don't we all look excited?

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Ahh, yes...the Chinese knock off Wacky Worm...this should be a QUALITY ride!

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"Um....mommy...I don't need the credit THAT bad!!!"

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Sh! "Spinning Batman!' Now THAT sounds awesome!

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So here is Spinning Batman...not only did it not spin AT ALL it had nothing to do with Batman!!!

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Chinese Knock Off SLC!

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It looks like an SLC...but it is NOT!!!

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This was the park that a few years ago was sued by Disney for copyright infringement. This was really the only thing left that was Disneyland related. Two things to it's bigger than Disneyland's castle...and two, it wasn't as ghetto as Nara Dreamland.

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We took a visit to the Forbidden City...I have two things that remind me of this place. 1. Wonders of China film at Epcot, and 2. The "Just Say Mao" sampler CD from the 1980s. (Anyone else know what I'm talkin about?)

Day Two - Beijing Park and Sun Park
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Yup, we are at Beijing Amusement least I hope so...that's what the sign says.

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first we'll go to the Togo Loop Screw for some real good pain.

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This is two days in a row now I felt like I *could* fall out of a coaster.

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Yes, the name of the coaster is "Super Speed Cool Cool bear."

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Joey sits in the "Big Thunder Death Seat!'

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I'm CRRRRRAAAAAZZZZYYYY Disk-O Monster! Feed me some PEOPLE!

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It *looks* like a normal Top Scan...

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Nope! Just another Chinese knock off!

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This is the entrance to Sun Park... 'Nuff said!

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Some of the park rules were very interesting.... "No Assasinations..."

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"No outside food"

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This mouse is what happens when a Hershell and a Maurer Söhne moue have sex.

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This coaster was really REALLY BAD!

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Proof that EVERYTHING is made in China!

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"Thunderclap Tank!!!"

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This cats name was "lunchmeat"

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This was the "cutest" coaster of the trip so far! "The "Fruit Worm Coaster!"

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"I'm gonna DIE!!!!"

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Yay! KidTums gets her fruit worm credit!

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Elissa got to hit up her first Chinese McDonalds.

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"This is even better than kinky sex!"

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That night for dinner we did Chinese Pizza Hut!

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ok, we are certainly not in Kansas anymore... "Assorted Seafood? Octopuses?!?! WASABI SAUCE!?!?" On a PIZZA?!?!

Day Three - Happy Valley Beijing

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Yay! Another group photo! They have giant letters that spell out the parks name ala California Adventure.

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Someone should tell Hard Rock Park that THIS is how to theme a Vekoma Mine Train!

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It's hard to believe that this is the EXACT same ride as Life in the Fast Lane at Hard Rock.

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Same thing goes for the B&M Flyer. The pretzel loop is about the only thing you can really see.

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The rest of it ducks in and out of the rock work.

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I kind of wish Dueling Dragons was built more like this.

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It was a lot more like Nemesis or Black Mamba the way it was hidden within the theming.

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And it *felt* like you were getting VERY close to some of those rocks!

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The bottom of the pretzel loop looked like it should have had a splash element!

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Just look at how amazing that is!

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An overview shot of Crystal Wings from the flying island.

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Once again KidTums was pretty popular with the locals! I take it they don't get many "Western" babies here very often.

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With a Tesco across the street from the park we figured we'd go check out a Chinese grocery store (Dan, this is where you need to pay attention)

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That's a lot of....yup....*FEET*

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"Grab a bag and fill it with meat!"

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All we need is a deep fryer and some Blazin' sauce and we're set!

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Good to know you can buy a scooter at the grocery store!

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So that's a pretty good start to this update! I will most photos and park updates here soon!

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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #603234 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 22:42
Day Four - Nanhu & Jing Ying Amusement Park
aka - Ghetto Park Day!

Today was our transfer day from Beijing to Guangzhou. We boarded an early morning flight on one of those 747 "Combi" planes which is 1/2 passenger, 1/2 cargo. It's weird in a way, but also kind of cool.

We hit up one small park called "Nanhu Amusement Park" which looked like the kind of place that closed a little over a decade ago, but they forgot to tell the employees who dilligently keep it open. It was "weird."

Then we headed to a bonus park, Jing Ying Amusement Park, for a bonus credit! Yay!


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Here we are at the Beijing Airport. Every time we fly internationally we realize how crap most of the US airports are!

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The girls of TPR...totally crashed out!

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Um...did we just land on the SUN?!!?

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We stopped off for a quick dim sum lunch where green stringy stuff seemed to be the dish of choice!

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"Welcome to the most ghetto park of the trip so far!"

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"Nanhu Amusent Park", yeah...

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Our first credit that isn't a credit of the day was the powered Dragon. KidTums says "Why am I riding this? I don't even count it!"

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Yay! Finally we get to the Arrow/Vekoma mutation!

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The story behind this ride is that it was started by Arrow, but then later finished by Vekoma...yeah, we're going to die!

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The first drop was....well.... "Weird"

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GO! GO! GO!....we nearly stalled out in the corkscrews!

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When you were done getting your skull beaten apart, they had exercise equipment for you to use.

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Gift shop anyone??? Gift shop?

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Hmm...I actually think this ride may be OPEN! Let's not go find out, shall we?

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The splashdown boat has seen some better days.

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It was time to board the Elissa Alvey bus of death and mortal sin.

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Yay! Bonus Park!!!

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Well at least I feel safe that no one will be touching my self esteem!

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This is why we like keeping TPR trips to small groups! It doesn't take an hour to get through the coaster that only holds one person.

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It was a very bizarre mouse...not like anything I've ever been on before.

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This is a "two packs per day" control panel.

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Momma gets a coaster credit...

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...while KidTums gets a carousel credit!

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Rich has found a new career as a Chinese laborer.

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Here is the view from our hotel.

Day Five - Chimelong Paradise
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Obligatory front entrance shot. We would have done a group photo, but we ate everyone else.

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Our ERT/filming session started off with 10 Inversion's REALLY called "10 Inversion Coaster!"

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Here's one inversion.

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There's a bunch more in there somewhere...

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"Ten Circle Roller Coaster bring you Orgiastic Scream." Um...first off all the word is "orgasmic" and secondly.... WHAT?!?!??!

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WTF! I really think they actually DO want you to have sex while on this ride!!!!

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Yup, next on the ERT schedule was the Dive Coaster.

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And it is as advertized!

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This Dive Coaster is a SheiKra clone right down to the water splash. The ride is totally awesome, though!

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Our carriage waits...

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That's right! The ghetto rig is going to suck out all your happiness and bottle them into a future TPR DVD!

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Ok everyone! ORGIASTIC SCREAM!!!!

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Into the tunnel and then splash down.

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There's a little bit of theming on the 2nd drop.

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Half Pipe was next. Does this really even count as a coaster?

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"Permanent" will be burned into your skull!

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KidTums tries out for the part of "Zombie Baby" at Halloween Horror Nights.

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Cedar Fair marketing anyone?

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When they say "Spicy Chicken Wing" they mean the WHOLE wing!

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UM....WTF is that thing!??!?! It just randomly wandered around the park!

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Random Dive Coaster photo...just because!

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"Can I ride too? I promise I'll hold on REAL tight!"

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"Um, hello....DABBLED?!?!?"

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That's a LOT of water for just a "dabble"

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Overall it was a GREAT day at Chimelong...everyone is wiped out because of all that orgiastic screaming.
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #603236 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 22:42
Day Six - Mysterious Island, Pearl Land, and Amazing World

Today was kind of a "Credit Whore Day" that started out at a really nice park!

Our first stop was Mysterious Island in Zhuhai. A nice little park with two coasters, one of them being an Intamin launched that while small in size, really kicked a$$!

We then headed on to Pearl Land also in Zhuhai which was a nice park, nothing amazing, maybe slightly on the ghetto side, but overall a good place to pick up 4 random coaster credits.

And then we ended our night with a small park called Amazing World we tried to go to last night, but was closed due to rain. Since it was not very far out of the way back to our hotel we decided to hit it again and tonight we were in luck! It's a mostly indoor place with a few outdoor rides much like Toverland! There was a custom Vekoma Roller Skater here (again, just like Toverland) and to some there was even a total of four credits!

Now some pictures....

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We started at Mysterious Island...a little damp, but we were here for some filming so they would open the coasters for us anyway!

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We arrive at the park about an hour before the public was allowed in. The Intamin Launch (called Sky Car) looks small, but man it was GREAT!

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Everyone ready to ride?

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It basically has Storm Runner's top hat, although a little shrunk down.

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Sky Car + foliage.

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Next up was the Screamin' Squirrel...this coaster was not quite as good as the Intamin.

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What's the one thing I like the best about mermaids in China?

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1Overall Mysterious Island was a really NICE park! Some great rides, good landscaping and theming. The park is only a few years old so as it fills it in should be even better!

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Now we are at Pearl was a little ghetto, but overall nice. By far not the worst park we visited on the trip.

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The first coaster "Jet Coaster" had some bizarre looking trains.

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It actually was a lot of fun!

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You dirty, dirty whore!

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KidTums is all "C'mon mommy, do I *really* need to be riding all these Chinese death traps?"

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The "Jungle Mouse" was quite twisty. I'm not sure I've ever seen a mouse with THAT many turns.

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This was called "Pearl Land's Screaming Loop."

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And then yeah, you are pretty much screaming in pain the whole time. Note that this *looks* like an Arrow/Vekoma looper, but it's just another Chinese knock off.

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Next we went over to Amazing World which is inside the South China's a giant indoor park with a Vekoma Roller Skater, much like Toverland.

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This version is a custom one and it's really tall and very long. It's mostly indoors, but has a partial outdoor section.

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Since this place wasn't on the original itinerary it was a BONUS CREDIT!!!

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For those REAL Jeff Johnson credit whores there were a few other rides here that could be counted as a coaster with some stretch of the imagination.

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"That's right this is TWO credits!!!"

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This thing is almost more of a credit...

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It's this kiddie spinning thing that moves along the track and is powered by drive tires. I can see some people counting this for sure, but for me, heck, I didn't even bother to ride them!

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"Hi, my name is Bob and I *am* ...sad and pathetic!"

Day Seven - Happy Valley Shenzhen, Honey Lake, Donghu Park
Today was another day of many parks! We first started out at Happy Valley in Shenzhen which was another awesome park! I never imaged we would encounter such amazing looking parks in China. Seriously, the Happy Valley parks are nicer than 80% of USA parks. The only thing that have lacking is the operations are a bit odd, but I think it has more to do with how the local culture navigates through the parks.

I think I may have even liked this park better than the one in Beijing, but without the B&M flyer the ride selection wasn't quite as good.

Next we visited Honey Lake Park. This was a strange, STRANGE place. When researching all these parks we were told that Honey Lake is basically on death row. Half of the park now has a new highway running right through it and you can see the old entrance on one side of the road and a defunct old roller coaster on the other.

Across the park they have one roller coaster that looked barely operating and a couple other flats that kind of, sort of worked. If you didn't see rides running you would think that this whole park had already been abandoned years ago.

Then the final stop for the day was Donghu park. I nice city park with a small amusement section that included two coasters and an alpine slide. Great little park, mostly for kids, but still a lot of fun!

Onto some photos...

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We arrive at Happy Valley Shenzhen where they are celebrating 10 top hats full of sex and hot oil.

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Just like the Beijing version, there was a Vekoma mine train, totally crazy themed and different from the other park and a bazillion times nicer than the Hard Rock Park version!

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Yup, they had a Vekoma SLC just like the Beijing Happy Valley. At least aren't the same as every other damn SLC in the world!

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The Chinese knock off Wacky Worm with the punching bee.

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"This is the proper riding position for the Punching Bee coaster."

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They also had one of those "Fire Academy" rides from Legoland, but this one you had to put out the fire on PLANE?!?!

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In the shops you are encouraged to buy your kids machine guns.

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Oh, look! They have a dark ride here themed to Santa Claus. How nice!

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Wait a second...if this is a dark ride about Christmas and Santa Claus why do they have guns? OMG! It's a shooting dark ride themed to Christmas! This might very well be the BEST DARK RIDE IN THE WORLD!!!!

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The splash battle ride looked great...

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And this awesome kids ride in the "Typhoon Bay" area where you ride in beds and bathtubs!

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There was a lot of mystery meat on sticks...

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This is "Honey Lake" and at first glance it may look really nice. That coaster there is just sitting in the water rotting away. I don't think it's been opened in YEARS.

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The coaster that was open was ALSO rotting away!

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By the looks of the queue, I don't think this ride sees much love.

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Although for a rusted out dilapidated coaster, it actually ran pretty good!

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I don't think too many children will be playing today.

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The water park seems to be closed at the moment...I think we'll wait it out though as it may be open a bit later.

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Next up was Donghu park where we DID find kids playing! Donghu is a large city park with a small amusement section and an alpine slide.

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And yes there is ANOTHER one of these knock off spinning coasters. We think the Chinese government forced all the parks to buy these!

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It doesn't matter...we are dirty dirty whores and will ride anything!

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Including ride the powered coaster! (Even kidtums got this non-credit!)

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There was also this really AWESOME Alpine Slide. Not sure how long it is, but this had to be one of the longest I've been on.

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Alpine Slide POV!!!

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Before dinner we had a "McDonald's Appetizer."

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At dinner had a special guest! Mr. Chicken! Turns out Mr. Chicken's name was "Ed." He had quite an interesting past. He was a gansta rapper than lived in South Central Los Angeles. He didn't run with a very good crowd most of his life. There came a time though where he met a girl and started to turn things around because of her. On the night he was going to propose he went to a party where some of his friends got into a fight with some chinese mobsters. He was told that if he didn't come with them he would never see his woman again. After doing unmentionable acts to some birds living on the street he stood up for his rights and fought to come back to his true love. He almost made it out but was caught right before boarding a crate that would bring him back to Los Angeles. Today he was our dinner...and I gotta say, Ed tasted DAMN GOOD!

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"I'm sorry things didn't work out Ed, but man, you made one great meal!"
(KidTums doesn't look so sure!)

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Ed says "Can you eat my breasts first? I was very fond of them and I'd like to share them with you."

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Tonight we crossed into Hong Kong...tomorrow Ocean Park and then Hong Kong Disneyland!

Thanks for reading!

--Robb Alvey
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Bends
Link zum Beitrag #603253 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 23:09 Relax
Thanks a lot for this outstanding trip report and the awesome pictures!

The chinese manufactures do not copy any ride - they were inspired! So they change a simple thing (like the "outborder"engine from the Top Scan) and say it´s an own creation. Maybe its similar to some manufacturers in south europe... S
Move your Car
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von DecaDance
Link zum Beitrag #603257 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 23:10 Relax
robbalvey Originalfoto anzeigen
An overview shot of Crystal Wings from the flying island.

What an amazing "CoasterCity"! Awesome!

Thank you for the compelling tourreport, great!

>> Das Gesammtkonzept "Crystal Wings" würde sehr sehr geil ins Phantasialand passen, das würde gradezu einen ganzen Themenbereich in Anspruch nehmen.
Mit verbauten Darkrides und Simulatoren wirklich ein Meisterwerk...
Hier gehts nicht nur hoch und runter, hier gehts auch drunter und drüber! ~skAter~
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Schweiz . ZH
Link zum Beitrag #603262 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 23:19 Relax
Hello Rob!

Thank you for the very long and grate report. Some coasterthemings are awesome!

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Deutschland . SN
Avatar von adlerhomer
Link zum Beitrag #603265 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 25. September 2008 23:35 Relax
Bends The chinese manufactures do not copy any ride - they were inspired! So they change a simple thing (like the "outborder"engine from the Top Scan) and say it´s an own creation. Maybe its similar to some manufacturers in south europe... S

NEVER! All this great rides are invented by chinese engineers. They took a long long journey to take along a few ideas at the old old continent and not so old old new continent and redesign them to something very special. Even the Disney-Imageneers couldn't imagine that! S
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Deutschland . BY
Link zum Beitrag #603284 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 02:08 Relax
Schöner Bericht mit vielen interessanten Fotos. Wäre hinsichtlich der Sicherheit mancher Anlagen allerdings etwas skeptisch, da ich nicht weiß, ob dort nach westlichen Standards geprüft und gewartet wird.

OT: Die Kleine von den Beiden sieht ja nicht gerade glücklich aus... wäre ich wohl auch nicht, wenn ich womöglich garnicht fahren will, aber von meinen achterbahnverrückten Eltern auf jede Bahn draufgesetzt würde S

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Avatar von DragonKhan
Link zum Beitrag #603285 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 02:31 Relax
Ich will sehen wie glücklich sie ist wenn sie in ihren jungen Teenager Jahren erfährt dass es von ihr tausende Babyfotos online auf nem stark besuchten Forum gibt die für jedermann sichtbar sind...
The only difference between genius and insanity is success!
Gruß, DragonKhan
Neuester Bericht: 30.06.15. - The Great Coaster Tour of China! (ECC 2013)
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #603289 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 06:38 Relax
Thanks for sharing your impressions about coasters, parks, food, The Great Chinese Wall and mentalities. The rules-sign about not touching someones self esteem sounds great. Do you have some more pics of the flatrides? Top Spin, Giant Frisbees etc?
Back to the Roots: Mpgfanboy70
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Aufsteiger Daniel

Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Warwas
Link zum Beitrag #603325 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 10:40 Relax
Smilie :25: - Dr. Weizenkeim - 2083589 Zugriffe , aber wie schon gesagt wurden bei dem Zustand mancher bahnen, wäre ich sehr Skeptisch.

Et kütt wie et kütt!!! Und et kütt uf jede fall.
Platz 1 der Top Bilder 2023 + Gewinner der Fotowettbewerbe "Vorgeschlagene Bilder 1/2" und "Vorgeschlagene Bilder 2/2" 2023multimueller
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Aufsteiger Tom

Deutschland . NW
Avatar von multimueller
Link zum Beitrag #603364 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 13:24 Relax
@LogFlumeRider: Aus eigener Erfahrung kann ich Dir versichern, dass Kristen sich lautstark und wirkungsvoll Gehör verschaffen kann, wenn sie etwas will oder nicht will.

@Bjoern: Wenn Du erst einmal Chef eines international tätigen Deutsch/Schweizer Konzerns bist, werden Dich Deine "Nackich auf'm Silverstar"-Fotos auch einholen, verlass Dich drauf. S
Quadratische Bilder aus Freizeitparks:
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Avatar von DragonKhan
Link zum Beitrag #603365 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 13:26 Relax
Nur des? Ok, dann ist ja gut! Da gäbs nämlich schlimmere... S
The only difference between genius and insanity is success!
Gruß, DragonKhan
Neuester Bericht: 30.06.15. - The Great Coaster Tour of China! (ECC 2013)
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Deutschland . HE
Avatar von Mushoba
Link zum Beitrag #603397 Verfasst am Freitag, 26. September 2008 16:55 Relax
Nice Pictures!
Mich ärgert wieder extrem das ich letztes Jahr dort nicht rein konnte Smilie :927: - Maliboy - 143847 Zugriffe
Geil auf House und von House aus Geil :).
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #605405 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 21:25
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 01.10.2008 21:26
For those of you wondering, KidTums *loves* the rides and coasters. In fact, she knows the word "ride" and "roller" and often points to them and we will ask "do you want to ride" and she will nod her head frantically. Note that we do not take her on everything. There are quite a few coasters that she could ride that we make a concious decision not to take her on because it would be too rough or intense for someone her age.

So please, don't try to be "back seat parents", that's our job, thank you! (and yes, we can read what you write in German DragonKhan - I'm assuming you just aren't happy with us because you got yourself banned from TPR. S )

Anyway, the next update....

We are now in Hong Kong!

We have checked into the Disney Hollywood Hotel on the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and then we have headed out to Ocean Park.

I knew that Ocean Park was in the middle of a huge expansion project, but what I didn't know is that the construction is so massive that it spreads to both sides of the mountain and it looks like more than half of the animal side of the park has been leveled and it's being re-built!

It doesn't leave much to do on that side of the park but when it's all done in 2012 it should be amazing! The new expansion even includes a tunnel that connects both sides together.

While we didn't visit Disneyland today we did spend some time at the resort and the hotel. I for one absolutely *love* the Hong Kong Disneyland Resort and if it wasn't for the unfortunate fact that the park still has very few attractions this would be my favorite Magic Kingdom behind Tokyo Disney. But I'll get to that more in our HKDL update!

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Hello Ocean Park! How's the family been treating you?

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From the entrance to the Cable Car ride you can see the massive construction project that includes the tunnel to the other of the mountain.

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The Cable Car ride is still amazing and terrifying at the same time.

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"This is PURE SNOW! Do you have any idea what the street value of this mountain is?"

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Here is... "The Dragon"...Arrow at it's coat hanger finest!

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Rough Coaster...great view!

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Ocean Park's mine train is the coaster with one of the best views in the world!

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That is really hard to top!

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Oh, yeah, that's the money shot!

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This is pretty much the rides side of the park.

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The top of the mountain is all under construction.

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Reverse POV of the cable car!

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KidTums has got that Asian "peace" photo taking thing down!

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The other side of the park has been practically gutted. The only thing really left to do on this side of the park is the giant balloon and the pooping pandas.

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Here we go! Cross your fingers that they will be pooping.

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Even better!

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"Mommy, how much longer until he poops out that bamboo?"

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We made a brief stop to Avenue of Stars so everyone could check out the Hong Kong skyline.

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We went back and checked out the Disney Hollywood Hotel.

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We went for an amazing dinner at Chef Mickey's.

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Chip N Dale where there so I tried to have my way with them...

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That of course wouldn't fly with Elissa around...

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They saw that KidTums was totally crashed out....

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And took her off to their treehouse while we had dinner...

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Disney has such awesome babysitting service!

Next up....Hong Kong Disneyland!

More to come soon!

--Robb Alvey
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Deutschland . SL
Link zum Beitrag #605424 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 21:49 Relax
Good Pictures from an very nice trip i think.
!!!! mutta !!!!
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Aufsteiger Andreas
Deutschland . BY
Avatar von Cloud
Link zum Beitrag #605440 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 22:10
2 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 01.10.2008 22:19
Thanks for the pictures and the nice comments. Interesting to see the chinese parks and culture. How did you plan the whole trip? You got a chinese speaking guide on the tour or did it all by yourself with english?

Oh and two questions about the following picture:
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1. How the hell do you get in?
2. Can you even breath in there? S
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #605445 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 22:17
S A little bit of both.

We contacted all of the parks on our own to arrange some special things for the group. We also hired a tour company to help us with busses, trains, planes, etc and an english speaking guide, and finally we had a contact in China who helped us with parks that we were having language barrier problems with contacting directly. We also worked with Intamin for some of the filming sessions we did.

It took 5 different parties all working together to make the trip happen! It was a lot of work and a LOT of late nights calling, faxing, and emailing, but it will all well worthwhile.

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Deutschland . BY
Link zum Beitrag #605458 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 23:01 Relax
robbalvey For those of you wondering, KidTums *loves* the rides and coasters. In fact, she knows the word "ride" and "roller" and often points to them and we will ask "do you want to ride" and she will nod her head frantically.

Just imagine a few years from now: "Daddy, how come there are lots of silly baby photos of mine floating around the Internet?" S
Seriously, I doubt your children will be happy about you exposing her "early days" to a wide public. Just my thoughts.

Well, other than that... nice trip and photos! I think I wouldn't have too much trust in some of those copycat rides, though.

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Aufsteiger Ulrich Nörenberg

Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Bullrich
Link zum Beitrag #605469 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 23:32 Relax
Thanks a lot for that nice pictures S

Wer einem eine Bratwurst brät hat ein Bratwurstbratgerät
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #605477 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 01. Oktober 2008 23:55
LogFlumeRider Just imagine a few years from now: "Daddy, how come there are lots of silly baby photos of mine floating around the Internet?" S
Seriously, I doubt your children will be happy about you exposing her "early days" to a wide public. Just my thoughts.

Well, that's really for us and us only to have to deal with in case that happens.

But as a frame of reference, my other two kids, who are now 15 and 18 years old never minded it so it's at least something I have experience on! Do you have kids? What are their thoughts on this?

--Robb "Please enjoy our photos and reports but leave the parenting to us, please! Thank you!" Alvey
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Deutschland . BY
Link zum Beitrag #605486 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 02. Oktober 2008 01:01 Relax
Don't worry, it wasn't my intention to interference with your parenting.

In answer to your question, no, I don't have kids and I'm quite sure that won't change anytime soon S

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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von s.kko
Link zum Beitrag #605806 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 02. Oktober 2008 21:16 Relax
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Good to know you can buy a scooter at the grocery store!

Never been to a Wal-Mart Superstore, huh? S S
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #605809 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 02. Oktober 2008 21:22
Oh, of course I've been! But this place didn't look anything like a Wal-Mart Superstore. It was 95% grocery and 5% other random stuff! And the caption was mostly a joke, not to be taken seriously.

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Aufsteiger Natasha
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Blumenelfe
Link zum Beitrag #606012 Verfasst am Freitag, 03. Oktober 2008 19:03 Relax

Thank you so much for this awesome photo report. I enjoyed every single bit of it.

If got just one small question. You wrote about a interactive darkride based on Santa claus. What the heck do you shoot on a Santa Claus darkride.( hopefully not Blitz ,Dasher and Prancer) S . (Santa lets sell you a free ticket to the pines S )

By the way,your daughter looks really sweet.Espacilly while she is sitting on the B&M Dive Machine.

Liebe Grüße Natasha
"Bunt ist das Dasein und Granatenstark. Volle Kanne Hoschi !!! "
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