Aug. 12th, 2004 -- During the Q2 2004 Six Flags Earnings Conference Call, Six Flags announced some its plans for improvement in the 2005 season. The two largest expansions are for Six Flags Great Adventure and Six Flags Great America.
The conference call started with Six Flags CEO Kieran Burke blaming bad weather in parks in Chicago, Atlanta, Seattle, and Texas. And also blaming the Six Flags New England accident for falling attendance at that park.
Burke feels that Six Flags has seen the bottom of the 3-4 year downturn of the amusement industry. He also feels that focusing more in 2004 on customer service rather than new rides will benefit the company in the long term.
Burke also stated that Mr. Six will for the very least be used another year. He said that the Mr. Six campaign has been much more successful than anybody thought it would be. A random polling of viewers of the ad showed that Mr. Six had a likeability rating of 70%.
Burke later stated that for 2005 Six Flags plans $90 million in capital improvements throughout all Six Flags parks, and plans to add a water park to Six Flags Great America, bringing the total cost of capital improvements next year to $125 million. Burke did not elaborate on the addition to SFGAdv, he just stated that it was a "exciting major addition". Burke stated that more information will be released in the fall.
It was also stated that Burke feels that Six Flags no longer needs to sell off any more of its parks.
To listen to the whole one hour and forty-five minute call, go to the Six Flags Investors website.
Editor's Note: While the exact location of the water park was not said, recent surveying has been occurring at the bus parking lot in front of the Raging Bull/Viper area.
Auf gibt es ein paar neue Screens. Anscheinend wird der Abschuss auch 2 farbig wie bei TTD. Kann aber auch sein das sie die Schienen vor Ort anmalen, keine Ahnung
Könnte es nicht ein Dueling Racer werden? Zwei parallele Abschüsse (verschiedene Trackfarbe), die erstmal in zwei Top Hats übergehen? Warum nicht...
Könnte natürlich sein, aber wenn man bedenkt, dass in Six Flags Great Adventure Rolling Thunder und die beiden Chiller stehen, dann noch eine dritte Duelling Bahn?
Kingda Ka, The World's Tallest, Fastest Roller Coaster
Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey announces the largest expansion in the park's 30-year history with a new 11-acre, mythical jungle domain, The Golden Kingdom. The cornerstone of this new section is Kingda Ka, shattering all existing world records for speed and height at
128 mph and 456 feet. The Golden Kingdom will also feature Balin's Jungle Land, an
elaborate children's area with five themed rides and a giant play structure towering nearly three stories. Guests can also enjoy Temple of the Tiger, a massive new educational exhibit wtih Bengal tigers and extremely rare "golden" tiger cubs.
Hoffentlich entdeckt Specialzeed diese Grafik nicht!
Quote of the day!!!
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Ich hab den tread wirklich gerade erst gesehen !
Das kommt nur wegen deines Fluches, den du ausgesprochen hast
Die beiden treads ("2005: Six Flags Great Adventure macht Platz..." / "Top Thrill Dragster - Alter Stahlhaufen...?")
scheinen aber auch wirklich ein bisschen aneinander vorbei zu laufen...
Kingda Ka, The World's Tallest, Fastest Roller Coaster
Six Flags Great Adventure in New Jersey announces the largest expansion in the park's 30-year history with a new 11-acre, mythical jungle domain, The Golden Kingdom. The cornerstone of this new section is Kingda Ka, shattering all existing world records for speed and height at
128 mph and 456 feet. The Golden Kingdom will also feature Balin's Jungle Land, an
elaborate children's area with five themed rides and a giant play structure towering nearly three stories. Guests can also enjoy Temple of the Tiger, a massive new educational exhibit wtih Bengal tigers and extremely rare "golden" tiger cubs.
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