Hi Leute!
Hab mir gedacht, ich stell mal meine neueste Achterbahn La Fuga de Xibalbá zur Diskussion.
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The expedition to the ancient City of Xibalbá was from the beginning haunted. On the journey, they lost several horses, a lot of food and material. When they arrived, nobody knew what was waiting there for them - the Gate to Hell.
Running for their lifes - they tried to escape the fangs of the lost souls - but no one of them returned....
Hi this is a
B&M twisted
Looping coaster in a Out and Back Layout.
It features 7 Inversions and a height of 43 m. the Speed is about 96 kph.
The Theming as said above ist anciant Maya Time.
Na ja das Englische...
die Station
das Theming/der Lift
die Out - and -back Strecke
Download:geht gerade nur unter
coastersims.com , werde aber versuchen das ganze noch auf RCT-World hochzuladen.
Viel Spaß damit, und nun viel Spass beim kritisieren
Grüße Michi
"Wissen ist Macht" (Francis Bacon, 17. Jhdt.)
"Ja sax'n di, do muas i hi!" (Bayern Park, 21. Jhdt.)