"On monday these folks rolled down our street with a big-ass flatbed trailer truck loaded to the gills. One guy was standing on top of it screaming:
'This is Black Rock City's first rollercoaster. Come see this rollercoaster in action at so-and-so and Esplanade tonight!'
I'm thinking: "Rollercoaster? Yeah, right! Tonight? Dream on!" That night we go for a walk and lo-and-behold, there is the rollercoaster, giving people rides. Its basically a free fall with lots of spinning on your own axis. And they have some really georgeous female burner operating the flamethrower that further disoriented the riders."
Ich wüsste mal gerne
- wie das Teil angetrieben/gebremst wird
- wo der motor ist
- ob sich die gondel überschlagen kann, oder drehend gelagert ist
- wer das teil gebaut hat
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