Own a Named Seat on Rita
The 2006 season hasn't even started yet, and already the first eccentric fund-raising scheme has appeared.
For £300, you could own a seat on Rita - Queen of Speed for a whole season. You would get priority access to use the seat as often as possible, within reason and health and safety guidelines.
Included in the price, of which a percentage will go to the NSPCC (though it isn't specified how much), is a Tussauds Annual Pass (worth £85) which will allow you to make the most of your seat.
You would also receive an on-ride photo and a t-shirt during your first visit.
Andy Hine, chairman of the Roller Coaster Club of Great Britain, said: "Rita, the ride, is the best example of a launch coaster in this country and really gives you an adrenaline rush that leaves you shaken and stirred! I, for one, will be using my seat, as much as possible this season."
To register your interest, or for further information, send an email to
riteseat@alton-towers.co.uk. Emails will be replied to in date order.
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