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Link zum Beitrag #16617 Verfasst am Montag, 27. Oktober 2003 12:43
Hallo erstmal.
Passt vielleicht nicht ganz, aber ich brauche ne Lösung für die Sonderitems bei Ratched & Clank. Das einzige was ich gefunden hab is das hier: guide.asp
Da müsste man auf Datei anziegen klicken. Aber wenn ich das mache, bleibt die Site weiß. könnte vielleicht mal jemand das für mich versuchen zu speichern oder so? danke im Vorraus.
In memory of Space Mountain - De la terre à la lune - RIP 1/16/2005
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Link zum Beitrag #16636 Verfasst am Montag, 27. Oktober 2003 14:22 Relax
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RATCHET AND CLANK: Gold Bolts and Skill Points FAQ=================By : Tihy Arnaud (Heldwin)email : atihy@freesurf.chVersion : 1.4 11/23/02===============================================================================TABL E OF CONTENTS===============================================================================1. UPDATES2. INTRODUCTION3. WHAT ARE THE GOLD BOLTS FOR ?4. WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU FIND THE 40 GOLD BOLTS ?5. WHAT ARE THE SKILL POINTS FOR ?6. WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU FIND THE 30 SKILL POINTS ?7. WHERE ARE THE GOLD BOLTS ?8. WHERE ARE THE SKILL POINTS?9. MISC10. CREDITS11. LEGAL STUFF===============================================================================1. UPDATES===============================================================================Versi on : 0.1 Creation of the Gold Bolts FaqVersion : 0.2 Addition of the 2 missing Bolts and Fixed minor grammar errorsVersion : 0.9 Correction of minors errors.Version : 1.0 Addition of the 10 Gold Weapons location found on Novalis, and the Goodies Section for all the Gold Bolts.Version : 1.1 Addition of the Table of Content, Misc Section, on how to reach Gold Weapons on the Orbital Station of Oltanis, the description and the prices of the 10 Gold Weapons.Version : 1.2 Correction of divers Sentences, to make the Faq clearer, and to correct divers grammar errors.version : 1.3 Correction of the mistake I made about the location of the Code Bot (not on Oltanis Orb. but Veldin Orb.) I am sorry for the the people trying to find it on Oltanis Orb. because of me :/Version : 1.4 Addition of the 30 Skill Points FAQ.===============================================================================2. INTRODUCTION=============================================================================== This is my first Faq (or in-depth Faq), and i saw that a lot of people hadtrouble to find the Gold Bolts, and the Skill Points. I tried to answer mostpoeple possible, but answering the same thing again and again ... :)It is why I wrote this in-depth faq for the Gold Bolts, and now the SkillPoints.I used the Pal Version of the game with the French Setting, and played in 60Hz.I heard you can have a game crash when you get an infobot when you play the PALversion and play in 60 Hz (I didn't get this problem). THere is a fix to thisproblem (look the MISC Section of this FAQ).This game is really really good, and worth the time to do a complete FAQ, andmaybe i will do it, but it takes a LOT of time to write step by step what todo.===============================================================================3. WHAT ARE THE GOLD BOLTS FOR ?===============================================================================The Gold Bolts are used to buy Gold Weapons and you will need 4 Gold Bolts anda good amount of normal Bolts to be able to buy each of the Gold Weapons.A) Can be found the first time you play the game.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ON THE ORBITAL STATION OF OLTANIS-------------------------------------------------------------------------------If it is the first time you play this game, you can find a Spot to buy 5 ofthe Gold Weapons at the top of a big tower on the Orbital Station of Oltanis.If you have finished this level already, you can take the teleport pad nearyour ship, and you will appear near the bridge and the tower.This tower is just after the arena you enter with your magnetic boots and theelevator (you will appear at the ceiling of this arena).After you kill all the robots that use fire weapon and all these dogs-likerobots, the door will open. Go out of this arena, go up this stairs and youwill appear on a platform near a Hangar and a bridge, and a scene with Quarkwill start. You will have to destroy his very well armed Shuttle and stop himwith a ship. After you have succeeded this mission, you will appear near yournew ship.Don't enter this ship, but look around and you will see a very big tower nearyou. Go at the bottom of this tower, enter about 2 meters of the tunnel thatgo through and do wall jumps. You will reach a higher platform with a glowingbutton. Walk on this button and the platform will move and take you to the topof the tower. There you will find 5 Gold Weapons and it will cost you 100'000Bolts to buy them.There you can buy (Total 100'000 Bolts) :- the Blaster (20'000 Bolts)- the Bomb's Glove (10'000 Bolts)- the Glove of Doom (20'000 Bolts)- the Pyrocitor (30'000 Bolts)- the Suck Cannon (20'000 Bolts)B) You need to finish the game 1 time to be able to go there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ON VELDIN-------------------------------------------------------------------------------After you have killed the Final Boss, and you choosed to Start a New Game withyour Weapons, you will find a teleport pad near your Ship on Novalis. It willcost you a lot of Bolts. The 2 most expensive Gold Weapons are the Tesla Clawand the Devastator that will cost you 60'000 Bolts each, but they worth it :)there you can buy (Total: 260'000 Bolts):- the Blaster (20'000 Bolts): Range Increased, Projectile do More Damage, Faster Reload, Projectile Rebound.- the Bomb's Glove (10'000 Bolts): Range Increased in Aim Mode, Bomb do More Damage.- the Decoy Glove (10'000 Bolts): Damage automatically all enemies Attacking, Design Changed (Black Devil Decoy).- the Devastator (60'000 Bolts): 1 Missile can Destroy more than 1 Enemy (Multiple Attack).- the Glove of Doom (20'000 Bolts): Doom do More Damage, Attack Faster, Bigger- the Glove's Mine (10'000 Bolts): Range Increased in Aim Mode, Mine doMore Damage, Activated with a Bigger Range.- the Morph-O-Ray (20'000 Bolts): Morph Faster, Bigger Chicken.- the Pyrocitor (30'000 Bolts): Green Flame, Range Increased, Flame do More Damage.- the Suck Cannon (20'000 Bolts): Projectile do More Damage, Can Suck More Enemies (Capacity Increased).- the Tesla Claw (60'000 Bolts): Green Electricity, Electricity do More Damage, Attack Mutliple Ennemies.===============================================================================5. WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU FIND THE 40 GOLD BOLTS ?===============================================================================After you kill the Final Boss, start a new game with your weapons, and youwill get a Goodies in your Menu (Press Start to open it).When you have found the 40 Gold Bolts, buy all the Gold Weapons.After you have bought all Gold Weapons, you will unlock a new section in theGoodies:- The Video of the Making of S (created by Insomniac)===============================================================================4. WHAT ARE THE SKILL POINTS FOR ?===============================================================================They are used to "Master" the game ...===============================================================================6. WHAT DO YOU GET WHEN YOU FIND THE 30 SKILL POINTS ?===============================================================================After you kill the Final Boss, start a new game with your weapons, and youwill get a Goodies in your Menu (Press Start to open it).In this Goodies, you will find a Section: Skill Points, and will know on whatPlanet on can get Skill Point(s), a Title that help you to find the SkillPoint, and which one you have done or need to do.When you have all the Skill Points, you will unlock a new section in theGoodies:- Epilogue S (created by Insomniac)===============================================================================7. WHERE ARE THE GOLD BOLTS ?===============================================================================----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------NOVALIS:--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------1)Go in the way behind your ship, follow the way, and when you go in the waterin the cavern, and appear in 1 of the 3 pools, jump out of the water, go onthe floor and destroy the wall (semi broken) on your left with a powerfullweapon. You will find there the Gold Bolt.2)Go in the water way on the left of your ship (when you face it), do all thejumps to reach the first room. In it, go to the bottom of the stairs and do awall jump. You will find the Gold Bolt at the top.3)Need Water Backpack:After the bridge, enter the water and take the left path. Go to the end of theway, go out of the water, and enter the big room at the end of the path. Onthe right, you will see stairs. Jump at the top of these stairs and you willfind the Gold Bolt.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------KERWAN: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------You need the Helipack to get these 3 Gold Bolts.4)When you are on the top of the second tower of the challenge (ObstacleCourse), jump where there is no fence to the tower that is North East of yourposition, where you see breakable boxes in it. The tower is written as a graysquare on the map, at right of the 2 Buildings above the spot of the challenge.5)Near the train, on your right just after the stairs, jump over the boxes andyou will see the Gold Bolt, at the end of this place on lot of Boxes(luggages). Jump on the ones on your right and jump from boxes to boxes toreach it. You will need to do a Stretch Jump (Run, R1 + X) to reach the lastboxes.6)Below the Gadgetron, jump in the direction of the traffic and glide with yourHelipack to go in the tunnel below. The Gold Bolt is there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARIDIA :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------7)At the top of all the platforms with the Arrows and Hands, just before youreach Skid's Agent, you can jump over the mud, on your right, on a littleledge in the corner of the fences, to reach the middle island. Then go on theTruck to get the Gold Bolt.8)In the path behing your ship, after Skid, you will see a cave with the GoldBolt in it. Go to the spot on the right after the corner, where are the sandsharks on the little island and destroy the wall on your right with a bomb (orany other powerfull weapon).9)Need Swingshot:In the factory, at the top where you can do the 6 swingshots for the skillpoint, go to the spot where was the Trespasser and jump on the platform below.The Gold Bolt is there.10)Need Magnetic boots:On the left of Skid's Agent, walk on the Black Magnetic Path and enter thebuilding (Big Canon) at the top. The Gold Bolt is in the middle of thebuilding, in a tunnel.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------EUDOR A:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------11) Need Helipack:Go on the left of your ship, kill all the enemies that are cutting down thetrees, and you will eventually reach 2 steps. Look above you on your rightwith L1, and you will see a ledge, with the Gold Bolt on it. Do a Boost jump(R1 + X) to grab the ledge with your hand.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEBULA (only with Ratchet):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------12) Need Helipack and O2 Helm:Go to the locked door you need to open with the Trespasser, open it and thegame will ask if you want to explore? Accept, and take the elevator. Go out,and walk on the little path on your left. Enter the ship, and farther you willhave to jump on a lot of boxes with X on them. After this, try to reach theplatform on your right, with the use of the boxes in front of you. On thisplatform, turn around to reach the nose of the ship and you will find the GoldBolt.13)Need Helipack:Go in the path with all the little monsters that fall from the ceiling. Go inthe room with the 3rd Force Field. The Big Round Room with all the littlecells. Jump on the right part of the cells, and enter the 4th cells from theright. In it, you will need to kill a lot of these little monsters and youwill find the Gold Bolt.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RILGAR: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------14)Need Helipack:Go to the place with the kind of little labyrinth with all the Red Forcefields. Go on the little round platform that is threw in the air. Go on it,and try to reach the nearest pillar that is used for the force fields. Walkfrom pillar to pillar till you reach the part with the Gold Bolt.15)Need O2 Helmet:You have to go to the spot where you needed to run the fastest possible andwith enough oxygen before the water refill the place (the way you used toreach Quark).If you have problem to find this path:When you are near your ship, look on your left, and you will see a big boxthat is floating on the water, jump on it and you will see 2 yellow targetsfor swingshot, an other big floating box and a green ball in a pipe. Swingshotthe yellow targets, jump on the 2nd big box and swingshot the green ball toenter the pipe. Take the elevator at the end of this path, amd you will appearnear a pool. Use the Hydro Displacer aspire the water out of this pool andjump in it. Reach the other side and jump on the ledge on your left to go outof the pool. At the second pool, use the Hydro Displacer to fill this pool ofthe water of the first pool. Jump in the water, and enter the pipe in thewall, in front of you. In it, break the 2 metallic door that block your wayand aspire the water of this 3rd pool. In it, on the right, you will find a2nd pipe. Enter it and destroy the metallic door, and come back to refill thispool of water. Jump in the water, enter the pipe again, go out of the waterthe other side. You will be at the spot you had to slide down to reach thedoor with the glowing button, but now this spot is filled of water.With the help of your O2 Helmet, enter this path filled of water, and try tofind where was the start position (you should still see on the floor theglowing button). Then pass the 4 platforms, and when you see a ramp going upon the left, don't follow it, but go on the right and down. At the end youwill see the entrance of a big pipe. Enter it, go to the end, go out of thewater, and you will find the Gold Bolt.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------UMBRIS: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------16)Need Swingshot:After the 2 Bridges that break when you walk on them, after you avoid theshoot of the weapon with the fences path, and after the 2 greenballs you haveto swingshot, on your right, you will see a locked door. To open it, face thedoor and double jump on the right to reach a platform, and walk on the 3 greenbuttons on the floor before the song end. Now, return to the door, and enterthe building. The Gold Bolt is there.17)When you reach the first pool, use your Hydro Displacer, go to the other sideof this pool, go to the top of the stairs on the right. Now, use L1 to lookdown and you should see that you can jump down there. The Gold Bolt is there.You will be behind the door that was closed on the right of the Quark'sStatue.----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --Batalia:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------18 )Near the Ship, and all the flying enemies, there is a door locked, that needthe Trespasser to be open. Go near this door, and do a wall jump to reach theroof. The Gold Bolt is there,19)Need Helipack:After the bridge and the tank (the one you opened with the nut and your wrench)go up at left. At the top, you will see a platform with a tree. Do a big Jump(run, R1 + X) and when you are on this platform, jump on the other littleplatform till the end. The Gold Bolt is there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------GASPAR :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------20)Need Helipack and Swingshot:From the start position, at right before the elevator, you can see down aplatform. Jump on this platform and go along this way. Use your swingshot topass the lava and Destroy all the Connections of the Destroyers you see. Whenyou reach the Big Metallic island with the 4 Destroyers around it. Destroy allthe 4 connections, and Boxes should appear in the lava to reach the nextplatform. The Gold Bolt is there with a boat to take you back near the firstturret.21)Need Helipack:When you are near the first turret, take the left path, go up with theelevator, and when you are on the platform, look down with L1. You should seea Volcano (not like the other ones, but like a big hole). Do a run Jump (R1 +X) and enter it. You will need lot of ammos to go to the end of this path. TheGold Bolt is at the end (if it is the first time you enter this planet, thevolcano is after the ramp with the broken ship).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORXON: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------22)Need to be Ratchet, Magnetic Boots, SwingShot, the Visibombs:Go to the spot where all the little bombs are thrown to the floor, on theplatform above your ship (if you haave finished this level, you should see amoving platform that can take you up there). There, you should see the GoldBolt on a ledge on your left, and behind it a kind of Big Red Membrane. Youneed to shoot a missile to it to break it. But now you need to break more ofthese membranes in the pipe that is after the red membrane. Use the visibombsto shoot in this pipe and destroy the others membranes. I believe there 3mores of them. When you saw that you have destroyed the last one, go back toyour ship, and go down to the second Gadgetron. Take the right path, jump tothe platform through the green water, take the Black Magnetic Path, and, atthe end, use your swingshot to go to the other side of the force field and useyour Swingshot on the yellow target to go to the platform after the greenwater. When you are on the platform after the swingshot, follow the path, andyou will eventually see a kind of Big Mouth (that was closed with a MetallicDoor before), on the left wall now open. Enter it, and go to the end of thisnew way to find the Gold Bolt.23)From you ship, enter the cave at right, and now the Way at left that wasclosed with Metal Sticks should be open. Enter this way and just before theroom with the 3 big pillars, you should see, in the wall on your right, thepossibility to do wall jumps. Do wall jumps to the top and you will find theGold Bolt.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------POKITAR U:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------24)Need Upgrade Helipack, Swingshot:From start position, follow the path till you are on the part with the spikyfishes, and go to the border (where was the boat when you needed to protectthe man to get the O2 Helmet), and go in the water, go deep and, in the roc onthe left, you will see a hole. Enter this hole and when you are at the end, goout of the water. Now use your Upgraded helipack, and jump + R1 on the redbutton (this will open the bridge). At the other side of the bridge, use yourswingshot and reach the platform. Make your way through all these spiky Fishesand jump from platform to platform. At the end you will get the Gold Bolt.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOVEN:- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------25)At the intersection, take right path, and go to the end. You will see a movingplatform turned vertically. You will need to do a wall jump between the walland this moving platform, then coordinate your jump with the move. The GoldBolt is at the top of this pillar.26)Farther, you will see an other moving platform, go on it and enter the cave.Follow the path and you will enter a big room with a system of water. You needto take water in the 3 recipients, and fill all this room of water. When it isdone, enter the last little room where you took the water. Go out of thewater, and you will find the Gold Bolt on the ledge there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orb. Oltanis:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------27)N eed Helipack:When you have destroyed all the generators of the Force Field, return whereyou had to jump on the platforms when the green water was not on them. Stay onthe one that is always out of the green water and look on the wall on yourleft. You will see a hole (or pipe) in this wall (before closed by a forcefield), Jump in it and you will find the Gold Bolt there.I am still thinking of the role of the generator near the Gold Bolt. I triedto destroy it with a Visibomb, from the spot near my ship, through the bighole at the top of the station (it go directly on the generator). Maybe thatthe force field near the gold bolt shut down when you destroy all the othergenerators is a Bug and the programmers wanted us that we destroy thisgenerator with the visibomb to be able to get the Gold Bolt. It is the onlyidea I have about this generator, if not it is kind of useless.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------OLTA NIS:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------28)Need Slide Boots, Swingshot:Go to the path with all these little flying robots, and robots that useweapons like your Tesla (electric weapon). Follow this path, and when youreach the rail, jump on it with your slide boots. When you are on the nextplatform, kill the little flying robots there, and stop at the end of thisbridge, use L1 to look up and you will see a green ball. Use your swingshot onit and you will reach the platform up there. The Gold Bolt is there.29)Need Magnetic Boots:From your ship, go On the platform with the statue, and you will see a BlackMagnetic Path that do a semi-circle. Go along this magnetic path with yourmagnetic boots and stop on the glowing button at the end. When the Platformstop, walk on this new path and jump on the big ice platform and jump throughthe air to enter the little tunnel. Walk on this new black magnetic path, Walkon these ice platforms and jump over the electric fences (kind of forcefield). At the end, you will find an other black magnetic path. Follow it, andyou will reach an other big ice platform with enemies on it. Just before youwalk on it, look on your right, and you will see the Gold Bolt on a littleledge near this ice platform. Try to reach it, and take the Gold Bolt.30)Need Magnetic Boots:This one is near the Gold Bolt number 29. Go to the end of this big iceplatform, and you will need to hang on a wall and go on the right to reach onice platform up. BUT, do not go up, but go the maximum on the right you canwhen you hang on the wall. You will see that there is a little ledge with theGold Bolt on it. Go on this ledge and take the Gold Bolt :)31)Need Swingshot (Difficult):After you have completed all the Missions of this Planet, you should see aShip destroy the statue, on the platform near your ship, and after theexplosion, the glowing button that was below the statue will be accessible.Walk on this button, and Yellow targets for Swingshots will appear.You have to swingshots all these yellow targets to reach the end. The 4th isdifficult to swingshot, then try to be the nearest of this target to reach it.To get the max chance to reach it, Double Jump on the platform and swingshotthe first yellow target, and wait to be at the highest position possible inthe air before you try to reach the next ones. After the second one, push theLeft Analogic Stick on the Left direction to be the maximum you can on theLeft before you reach the 4th yellow target and try to click 1, 2 or even 3times the Circle Button to be sure that your Swingshot actually work and reachit (it has never worked the first time I clicked the Circle Button). I guessyou have to be at a certain spot in the air to make it work. When you reachthe platform at the end (the one with the green ball above), look on yourleft.You will see yellow targets, and 2 green balls that turn around a big pillar.You will need to swingshot one of this green ball when it is at the middle,between you and the yellow target, and when you are close enough of thisyellow target, stop pressing Circle Button to fall down, and when you arelittle below this yellow target, launch your swingshot on it, on the secondone and on the green ball on the next platform.Now, you will see a yellow target and, farther, an other of this green ballturning around a big building, with a yellow target near a platform and agreen ball on this platform. Now it is the time to try to reach this platform.Do the same you did before, and swingshot the yellow target, and try to reachone of the flying green ball (coordinate your swingshot) and when you areclose enough of the platform, try to reach the yellow target and the greenball, or directly the green ball (if you get too close of the flying greenball when you are swinging, release it and launch it again on this ball, youwill be at a safer distance of the ball and not fall).And NOOOO !! hehe, it isn't finish yet and it is the most difficult part :/Now you will see 2 flying green balls, turning around in front of you, and 2yellow targets farther. Do the same as before, swingshot the green ball, reachthe yellow target, and swingshot the second. Now, be careful and DON'T RELEASEYET YOUR SWINGSHOT, it is really important, because there will be no flyinggreen ball in front of you yet. Stay on the last yellow target and wait that aflying green all come in front of you, and now swingshot it, and when you willbe close enough of the next platform, swingshot the green ball on it.YES, you made it, the Gold Bolt is there S But don't forget to destroy thestreetlights there if you don't want to do all this way again for the Skillpoint (you need to destroy all the streetlights you see).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUARTU: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------32)Need Hologuise, Swingshot:At the spot where you get the infobot, and where is the "Mother" of Clank :)Look up with L1 and you will see a green Ball. Swingshot it and enter thelittle pipe. Go at the end and you will find a room with the Gold Bolt.33)Need Robot-Decoder (or Code Bot):Go to the spot that can transform Clank to Big Clank. You will see near thisspot a door that is closed. If you got the Robot-Decoder (you can find it onthe Orbital Station of Veldin, at the end of the underwater path), when you gonear, the robot-decoder will open the door automatically. The Gold Bolt is inthis room.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------KALEBO III:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------34)Need Slide Boots:When you are near the 2nd Gadgetron, take the left path. Go up with theelevator, and go on the rails. You will see, farther on the rails, 2 big blueforce fields.Look very well at left and right of the rails and you will see targets (roundbutton at the top of a stick). You will need to hit the 3 of them with yourWrench, and it will Shut down these blue force fields. 1 is on your right,after the first little train come, and after the tunnel. 2 are in the firstclosed rails section you will see on your right and Now jump on the railswhere was the blue force fields (2nd closed rails section on your right) andyou will eventually get the Gold Bolt.35)Need Slide Boots:At the end of the rails you used to get the Gold Bolt number 34, look down ofthe platform, and you will see an other platform below this one. Jump downthere and walk on the teleport pad, and you will appear in a room with a lotof Chickens S the Gadgetron's workers... ROLF ... You will find the Gold Boltthere.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Or bital Station of VELDIN:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------36)Ne ed Hydro Backpack, O2 Helmet:Near your Ship, go in the water and enter the 3 circles to open the entranceof the pipe. Follow this way and go out of the water the other side. Press onthe glowing button to shut down the lightning in the water. Enter the waterand you have 1:20 to go to the spot the Gold Bolt is. Enter the water, followthis path and avoid all the lasers, mines and other things, and when you reachthe part with the 3 other circles, you will see that there is a path on theleft, but a metallic door stop you. To open this door, go through the 3circles near you, come back, enter this new opened path and go out of thewater before the time reach 0:00. The Gold Bolt is there.37)Need Hologuise, Swingshot, Magnetic boots, O2 Helmet:Near your ship, there is a teleport pad. Take it to go to the 2nd Blarg Ship.Kill all the robots there and go to the other teleport pad at the end of thisBlarg Ship, and use it. Do the same in the 3rd Blarg Ship, to go in the 4thBlarg Ship, and to go in the 5th Blarg Ship (the Drek's Amiral Ship).When you are there, you will see a door with a force field, but you cannot useyour Holodisguise to make one of the robot shut down it. Then you will have togo out, on the right. Walk on the glowing button, and the platform will move.If it is the first time you come here, you will need to take the movingplatform at little farther on the left (glowing button), and use a Blarg Shipto destroy the Big Turrets. When it is done, return up there and take the leftpath, to reach the next moving platform. Walk on the glowing button, and youwill appear in the ship, but you will walk on the ceiling. avoid the lasers,enter the next room and go on the moving platform there to be on the rightside of the room, at the bottom. Now come back in the room with the lasers,and go to the end, and enter the room on the right, kill all the robots in it.Enter the next room and jump over the lasers that are on the floor, and do thesame for the lasers in the next room. The Gold Bolt is there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------VELDIN :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------38)Need Helipack, Taunter:When you are near the big blue Force Field, use your Taunter to lure the Frogin your direction, the frog will walk on the glowing button near her, and itwill shut down the force field. Enter this new path, and the Gold Bolt is atthe end.39)Need Helipack:From the Gold Bolt number 38, follow your way, jump on the 5 platformsfloating in the air, swingshot the 2 yellow targets and pass the force fieldyou shut down with the trespasser. You will be in a big place with a roc inthe middle, follow the end of this room, where are the 4 elite guards, andstop when you see the green ball target, be careful thought to not fall in thebig hole in the floor with the lava at the end :/ Now you will see a roundplatform, jump on it. If you turn your camera, you will see a platform littlelower on your right. Use your helipack to glide to it and slide on the rail.Go to the end of this path,and you will end near a wall. Do Wall Jumps toreach the top, and the Gold Bolt will be there.40)Need Helipack:Just before you reach the 2 Yellow targets for Swingshot, and you face them,turn at 180 degree. Now look a little to your left, and you will see platforms(the first is on the kind of little building. Jump on all the platforms, andyou will eventually find the Gold Bolt.===============================================================================8. WHERE ARE THE SKILL POINTS ?===============================================================================----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------NOVALIS:--------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------1) Take Aim - Destroy a fighter or bomber Use your Weapon: Devastator (recommended) and try to destroy one of the Shipthat is in the air (it is not really easy thought).-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ARI DIA:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2) Swing It! - six swingsin factory without touching the groundGo along the path at right of your ship, kill all the Sand Sharks and therobots that use the flamethrowers, and you will eventually reach an elevator.Take this elevator, and the top take the left path (the swingshot path).There, use your swingshot to go farther in this path, till you are at theentrance of a gig room with a lot of yellow targets and green balls (the onewith the Trespasser at the top). Now you will need to swingshot all of themand reach the top without touching one of the platform with your feet.3) Transported - Destroy three flying transportsStay near your ship, and use your devastator (recommended) to destroy 3 of theships that turn around this place.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------KERWAN :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------4) Strike a Pose - Stand between the legs of Al's Roboshack statueTo reach the statue, you need to enter the Al's Shop, Jump at the top of theboxes and take the elevator to reach the top of the building. From thisbuilding, jump down to the platform that has all these dogs-like robots andtake the 2nd elevator. Destroy all the dog-like robots and the robot that usesa missiles launcher.Now, walk on your left and reach the border of the platform, look down with L1and you will see the Al's Roboshack Statue. Use your Helipack to glide to thestatue and stand between the legs to get the Skill Point.5) Blimpy - Take out a blimp, any blimpLook in the air with L1, use your Visibombs and try to destroy one of the Blimpthat are flying around.6) Qwarktastic - Destroy the Qwarkbot statue Go to the statue (Quark Bot) that is at the beginning of the Challenge(Obstacle Course) you have to complete to get the Swingshot, and use a Bomb(or any other powerfull weapon) to destroy it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------EUDORA:-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------7) Any Ten - Blow up ten vehicles Go near the traffic, and use your blaster (or any other weapon) to destroy 10of the vehicles there.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------NEBULA (only with Ratchet):-------------------------------------------------------------------------------S Girl Trouble - Beat the Alien Queen using your wrench only. From your ship, go to the left, stop near the Force Field and hit the LittleBall that is floating on your left to shut down it. Enter this path, destroyall the enemies you see, and pass the others Force Fields. You will eventuallyreach a round room with 4 Force Fields around it. Use your Blaster (or anyother weapon) to shoot each Floating Balls to shut down these Force Fields andenter the next room.If you have lost some life already, you can find 2 Boxes of Life at left andright after the entrance.You will have to kill this Boss and all her minions using only your Wrench.To do it, go in front of him to lure him and double jump to her right (orleft, you decide) and hit her with a Hyper-Strike (like this she will try tohit you, but you will be on her side). After you hit her, go on her other sideand hit her again with a Hyper-Strike (pass each time in front of her to lureher again), and repeat till she send her little monsters (her babies, Ithink). With this System, you shouldn't loose life.To kill them, run to a side to make them run after you, and when they will beall behind you, turn and do a Multi-Strike (it should kill the most of them),and finish the few that are still alive with a second Multi-Strike. Now repeatthe Hyper-Strike System as before on the Main Boss till she send you the 2bigger monsters (these 2 are tough).To kill them, run to one of them when they appear, and try to do this 3 times:do a Hyper-Strike on him, double jump on his side. Try to kill him as fast aspossible, because the second will be soon near you too), and do the same forthe second one. If you still have almost your life full before you try to killthem, it doesn't matter if you are hit a few times. If you have bought theUltra Nanotech on Orxon, you should have about 6-7 life balls, when you trykill them and can take 5-6 hits from these 2 monsters).After you have killed them, finish the Main Boss with the Hyper-Strike System.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------RILGA R:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------9) Tricky - Do a "Twisty McMarx" in a hoverboard race.In the Hoverboard race, take a boost and go on a Big Jump, and Jump. In theJump, you will have to Push the Left Analogic Stick in the Left Direction, andpress R1, R2, L1, L2 (in the order you want) one after the other.To be sure you will do the 4 moves needed in the trick, press each buttonabout 1 second.10) Cluck,Cluck - Turn any tank into a chicken Find a tank, and go at the nearest position on a side of the tank (you have totouch him), to be safe. Now use your Morph-o-Ray and turn this tank into aChicken.11) Speedy - Beat hoverboard challenge in 1:35 or less. (1:36 or less for PAL Version) This is the most difficult of the Skill Points. To do it, you have to missalmost none of the Boosts and use shortcuts with jumps to cut the turns (thereare 6 turns you cut with jump and speed).Also, it is a good thing to do a trick each time you reach the Big Jump withthe wall of Boxes on the next platform. You will win Boosts you can use withSquare Button if you have missed a Boosts on the race or if you have chosen tofocus more on the Jump Shortcuts and avoid some of the Boosts on the floor.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------UMBRIS :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------NONE------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------Batalia:----------- --------------------------------------------------------------------12) Jumper - Get through the grindrail without losing a HP You need to reach the end of the rails, without loosing any life by touchingMines, falling or touching one of the obstacles.13) Accuracy Counts - Destroy a small fighter with the turretEnter the Big Turret at the end of this level (the one you used to destroy theBombers and the helicos), and try to destroy one of the little ship that flyaround.14) Eat Lead - Use a Sand Mouse to take out all tanks.You have to finish this level to be able to do this Skill Point (open all thebridges). ANd I would recommend to destroy all the enemies (except the Tanks),to be able to reach faster the Tanks, and like this, none of the enemiesdestroy your Sand Mouse.You can find the Sand Mouse behind the Building on the right, after the blackplatform. This building is on the right of the one with a closed door you needto open with the Trespasser.When you have found the Sand Mouse, run to the platform that is after thebroken Bridge, and use the sand Mouse to destroy this tank. Now run on thebridge this tank was, jump in the water, reach the spot with the tanks (1 or2, I don't remember) and destroy them with your sand Mouse.Now, run on the bridge above you, enter the city, destroy the 2 tanks thatturn around the pillars with your Sand Mouse, and you will get the Skill Point.You have to let your Sand Mouse destroy the Tanks, and never help it.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------GASPAR:-- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------15) Destroyed - Blow up all of the Blarg destroyers From the start position, on the right before the elevator, you can seeplatform down there. Jump on this platform and go along this way. Use yourswingshot to pass the lava and Destroy all the Connections of the Destroyersyou see. Don't forget the one on the right of the platform after yourswingshot, use your Blaster to destroy the connectors. You will see one onyour right after the elevator that go down. To reach it, jump and glide to theledge from the platform before you go down with this elevator. When you reachthe Big Metallic Island with the 4 Destroyers around it, destroy all the 4connections, and you should get the Skill Point. If not, look in this pathagain, and be sure you have destroyed the 10 Blarg Destroyers16) Gunner - Down five ships with a turret. Enter the first Turret and destroy the ships that fly around you. If youcannot get the 5 Ships with this Turret, destroy all the ones you can withthis one, and enter an other turret.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------ORXON :-------------------------------------------------------------------------------17) Sniper - Shoot a Screamer through sniper hole. After the 2nd gadgetron, take the left path, enter the building at the end bythe door at your right, and go out of this building after you shut down theforce field.Now jump on all these floating platforms, and you will reach the spot withthese crabs-like, and little farther on this platform you will see a pipe inthe wall on your right.Look in this pipe and shoot with your blaster the little enemy that issleeping at the other side (try to not wake up him, or he will go away).1S Hey, Over Here! - Lure any enemy into a forcefield.Go near a Force Field that has enemies close behind it and use your Taunter.The enemies will try to attack you, but they will be killed by the force fieldand you will get the Skill Point.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------POKITA RU:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------19) Alien Invasion - Shoot down three Blarg Saucers with visibombs This one is tough. Near your ship, try to find a good spot and use yourVisibombs Weapons to destroy 3 of the Blarg Ships that are flying above you.Try to shoot the nearest ones, because if you go too far in the air with thevisibomb, you will loose it and destroy nothing.20) Buried Treasure - Find and destroy all crates in the oceanFrom your ship, walk to the island on your left, and jump in the water at theend. Now, in this water, look the bottom, deep, and you will find ExplosiveBoxes. Touch them, and go fast away, to make them explose.Look around this area and when you have found all of them, you will get theSkill Point.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------HOVEN: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------21) Pest Control - Kill all anklebiters in the forested section From your ship, walk along the way, and a little farther, you will see theforested section, at right. Enter this section, and when you will be near themoving platform (with GOld Bolt at the top), a lot of dogs-like creature willget out of the floor and attack you. Kill them all with your wrench only.22) Whirlybirds - Destroy 5 helico with any weapon other than turretNear your ship (or around this place), and look in the air with L1. You willsee a lot of Helicos turning around this place. Use your Devastator(recommended) and destroy 5 of them.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orb. Oltanis:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------23) Sitting Ducks - Destroy all cargo ships in the baseDestory all the little Shuttles that are on the buildings to get the SkillPoint. If you don't find all of them, use your visibombs to look on theBuilding you don't have full visibility.The last little Shuttle is on the ceiling of the arena, where you need to killall the little dogs-like and robots that use fire weapons, to open the doors.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------OLTANI S:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------24) Shattered Glass - Blast all of the streetlights in the cityAround the platform, down your ship, you will see streelights, and now look inall the city for these streelights, and destroy them all with your wrench (orweapon). If I remember well, there are 3 platforms with streelights around.The last spot with streelights is the one at the end of the Swingshot patharound the platform where you can find one of the Gold Bolts.The Swingshot path appears after you have completed all the mission of thisplanet. A ship will destroy the statue on the platform down your ship and abutton will appear, press it and the yellow targets for Swingshot will appear.25) Blast 'em - Destroy three marauding Blarg shipsFind a good spot to be able to reach the ships that fly around. I took the taxito go to the high city and stopped on the platform with the 4 robots-detectoron it. Destroy all the robots that are above you and these 4 robots-detectorsand try to destroy 3 of these ships. I would recommend the Visibombs becausethey fly far from your position. If you cannot destroy 3 of them, you can waitthat the one you have destroyed come back, and destroy it again S-------------------------------------------------------------------------------QUARTU:----- --------------------------------------------------------------------------NONE------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------KALEBO III:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------26) Heavy Traffic - Traverse the grindrail without hitting anythingYou need to reach the end of these rails without loosing Life and withouttouching the Mines or the little Trains.27) Magician - Score of 4500 or better on the hoverboard race.To reach this 4'500 Points or better, you will need to do the best combos asoften as you can. You will have to permute the Tricks to get the maximumpoints, because your points will lower each time you repeat it.You can do on the Big Jumps:- Twist McMarx: Left direction with analogic stick, and press R1, R2, L1, L2(in any order) about 1 second each button.- Quarcktastic: Up direction with analogic stick, and press R1, R2, L1, L2 (inany order) about 1 second each button.If you permute these 2, it should be ok.On the little jumps, you can do divers combo, but think to change the directionof the analogic stick each time you do a combo, to get the maximum points.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------Orbit al Station of VELDIN:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------2S Sneaky - Kill all enemies in Hologuise traversalIn the path, where you need to use your Hologuise to salute the robot to makethem deactivate the Force Fields, you will need to Kill all the Enemies yousee. Don't forget to destroy all the Robots that are around the wall in therooms with a semi-completed robot in the middle.29) Careful Cruise - Complete water traversal without losing any HP.Near your Ship, jump in the water and enter the 3 circles to open the door.Follow this way and go out of the water the other side. Press on the glowingbutton to shut down the lightning in the water. Enter the water and you have1:20 to go to the end. Enter the water, follow this path and avoid all thelasers, mines and other things, because if you touch one of them and loose 1point life you will have to try again. When you reach the part with the 3other circles, enter them to open the door. Enter the new path, through thisdoor, go out of the water at the other side, and you should get the SkillPoint.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------V ELDIN:-------------------------------------------------------------------------------30) Going Commando - Kill ten elite guards with your wrench onlyYou have to kill 10 of these Elit Guards (the flying robots that use MissilesLauncher) with your base weapon, the Wrench. It is really hard, especialy forthe 4 that are before the bridge, because they are firing a lot of missilesand they are high in the air (you need to use double jump to reach them withyour wrench).I am not sure, but I think you don't need to destroy the 10 in 1 time.===============================================================================9. MISC===============================================================================Problem of Game Crash when you play the PAL Version in 60 Hz and get InfoBot:-----------------------------------------------------------------------------If you get to a world, quit before getting any infobots and then reload andbegin playing again, any infobots you pick up in that world will hang whenthey start to play.To fix the problem:A) Switch to 50Hz mode before you load your game, get the infobot and thenswitch back to 60Hz.B) Or load your game in 60Hz, leave the level and come back THEN get yourinfobot.Everything should work fine after that.Thks to [Ted Price - Insomniac Games] for this post.===============================================================================10. CREDITS===============================================================================Thank s to:- [Ted Price - Insomniac Games]for his post.- [sfaok]for the list of the 30 Skill Points in the Topic Skill Points Guide,helped me to find the ones I was missing.- [Joe25] and [theswelldevil]to complete the list with the missing Skill Points. ===============================================================================11. LEGAL STUFF===============================================================================This Guide is Copyright (C) Tihy Arnaud.If use informations written in this Faq, you can contact me 2002 Tihy Arnaud
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Zitat RATCHET AND CLANK: Gold Bolts and Skill Points FAQ


By: Tihy Arnaud (Heldwin)


Version: 1.4 11/23/02


















Version: 0.1 Creation of the Gold Bolts Faq

Version: 0.2 Addition of the 2 missing Bolts and Fixed minor

grammar errors

Version: 0.9 Correction of minors errors.

Version: 1.0 Addition of the 10 Gold Weapons location found on

Novalis, and the Goodies Section for all the Gold


Version: 1.1 Addition of the Table of Content, Misc Section, on

how to reach Gold Weapons on the Orbital Station of

Oltanis, the description and the prices of the 10

Gold Weapons.

Version : 1.2 Correction of divers Sentences, to make the Faq

clearer, and to correct divers grammar errors.

version: 1.3 Correction of the mistake I made about the location

of the Code Bot (not on Oltanis Orb. but Veldin Orb.)

I am sorry for the the people trying to find it on

Oltanis Orb. because of me :/

Version: 1.4 Addition of the 30 Skill Points FAQ.




This is my first Faq (or in-depth Faq), and i saw that a lot of people had

trouble to find the Gold Bolts, and the Skill Points. I tried to answer most

poeple possible, but answering the same thing again and again ... S

It is why I wrote this in-depth faq for the Gold Bolts, and now the Skill


I used the Pal Version of the game with the French Setting, and played in 60


I heard you can have a game crash when you get an infobot when you play the PAL

version and play in 60 Hz (I didn't get this problem). THere is a fix to this

problem (look the MISC Section of this FAQ).

This game is really really good, and worth the time to do a complete FAQ, and

maybe i will do it, but it takes a LOT of time to write step by step what to





The Gold Bolts are used to buy Gold Weapons and you will need 4 Gold Bolts and

a good amount of normal Bolts to be able to buy each of the Gold Weapons.

A) Can be found the first time you play the game.




If it is the first time you play this game, you can find a Spot to buy 5 of

the Gold Weapons at the top of a big tower on the Orbital Station of Oltanis.

If you have finished this level already, you can take the teleport pad near

your ship, and you will appear near the bridge and the tower.

This tower is just after the arena you enter with your magnetic boots and the

elevator (you will appear at the ceiling of this arena).

After you kill all the robots that use fire weapon and all these dogs-like

robots, the door will open. Go out of this arena, go up this stairs and you

will appear on a platform near a Hangar and a bridge, and a scene with Quark

will start. You will have to destroy his very well armed Shuttle and stop him

with a ship. After you have succeeded this mission, you will appear near your

new ship.

Don't enter this ship, but look around and you will see a very big tower near

you. Go at the bottom of this tower, enter about 2 meters of the tunnel that

go through and do wall jumps. You will reach a higher platform with a glowing

button. Walk on this button and the platform will move and take you to the top

of the tower. There you will find 5 Gold Weapons and it will cost you 100'000

Bolts to buy them.

There you can buy (Total 100'000 Bolts) :

- the Blaster (20'000 Bolts)

- the Bomb's Glove (10'000 Bolts)

- the Glove of Doom (20'000 Bolts)

- the Pyrocitor (30'000 Bolts)

- the Suck Cannon (20'000 Bolts)

B) You need to finish the game 1 time to be able to go there.




After you have killed the Final Boss, and you choosed to Start a New Game with

your Weapons, you will find a teleport pad near your Ship on Novalis. It will

cost you a lot of Bolts. The 2 most expensive Gold Weapons are the Tesla Claw

and the Devastator that will cost you 60'000 Bolts each, but they worth it S

there you can buy (Total: 260'000 Bolts):

- the Blaster (20'000 Bolts): Range Increased, Projectile do More

Damage, Faster Reload, Projectile Rebound.

- the Bomb's Glove (10'000 Bolts): Range Increased in Aim Mode, Bomb do More


- the Decoy Glove (10'000 Bolts): Damage automatically all enemies

Attacking, Design Changed (Black Devil


- the Devastator (60'000 Bolts): 1 Missile can Destroy more than 1 Enemy

(Multiple Attack).

- the Glove of Doom (20'000 Bolts): Doom do More Damage, Attack Faster, Bigger

- the Glove's Mine (10'000 Bolts): Range Increased in Aim Mode, Mine doMore

Damage, Activated with a Bigger Range.

- the Morph-O-Ray (20'000 Bolts): Morph Faster, Bigger Chicken.

- the Pyrocitor (30'000 Bolts): Green Flame, Range Increased, Flame do

More Damage.

- the Suck Cannon (20'000 Bolts): Projectile do More Damage, Can Suck More

Enemies (Capacity Increased).

- the Tesla Claw (60'000 Bolts): Green Electricity, Electricity do More

Damage, Attack Mutliple Ennemies.




After you kill the Final Boss, start a new game with your weapons, and you

will get a Goodies in your Menu (Press Start to open it).

When you have found the 40 Gold Bolts, buy all the Gold Weapons.

After you have bought all Gold Weapons, you will unlock a new section in the


- The Video of the Making of S (created by Insomniac)




They are used to "Master" the game ...




After you kill the Final Boss, start a new game with your weapons, and you

will get a Goodies in your Menu (Press Start to open it).

In this Goodies, you will find a Section: Skill Points, and will know on what

Planet on can get Skill Point(s), a Title that help you to find the Skill

Point, and which one you have done or need to do.

When you have all the Skill Points, you will unlock a new section in the


- Epilogue S (created by Insomniac)








Go in the way behind your ship, follow the way, and when you go in the water

in the cavern, and appear in 1 of the 3 pools, jump out of the water, go on

the floor and destroy the wall (semi broken) on your left with a powerfull

weapon. You will find there the Gold Bolt.


Go in the water way on the left of your ship (when you face it), do all the

jumps to reach the first room. In it, go to the bottom of the stairs and do a

wall jump. You will find the Gold Bolt at the top.


Need Water Backpack:

After the bridge, enter the water and take the left path. Go to the end of the

way, go out of the water, and enter the big room at the end of the path. On

the right, you will see stairs. Jump at the top of these stairs and you will

find the Gold Bolt.




You need the Helipack to get these 3 Gold Bolts.


When you are on the top of the second tower of the challenge (Obstacle

Course), jump where there is no fence to the tower that is North East of your

position, where you see breakable boxes in it. The tower is written as a gray

square on the map, at right of the 2 Buildings above the spot of the challenge.


Near the train, on your right just after the stairs, jump over the boxes and

you will see the Gold Bolt, at the end of this place on lot of Boxes

(luggages). Jump on the ones on your right and jump from boxes to boxes to

reach it. You will need to do a Stretch Jump (Run, R1 + X) to reach the last



Below the Gadgetron, jump in the direction of the traffic and glide with your

Helipack to go in the tunnel below. The Gold Bolt is there.





At the top of all the platforms with the Arrows and Hands, just before you

reach Skid's Agent, you can jump over the mud, on your right, on a little

ledge in the corner of the fences, to reach the middle island. Then go on the

Truck to get the Gold Bolt.


In the path behing your ship, after Skid, you will see a cave with the Gold

Bolt in it. Go to the spot on the right after the corner, where are the sand

sharks on the little island and destroy the wall on your right with a bomb (or

any other powerfull weapon).


Need Swingshot:

In the factory, at the top where you can do the 6 swingshots for the skill

point, go to the spot where was the Trespasser and jump on the platform below.

The Gold Bolt is there.


Need Magnetic boots:

On the left of Skid's Agent, walk on the Black Magnetic Path and enter the

building (Big Canon) at the top. The Gold Bolt is in the middle of the

building, in a tunnel.




11) Need Helipack:

Go on the left of your ship, kill all the enemies that are cutting down the

trees, and you will eventually reach 2 steps. Look above you on your right

with L1, and you will see a ledge, with the Gold Bolt on it. Do a Boost jump

(R1 + X) to grab the ledge with your hand.


NEBULA (only with Ratchet):



Need Helipack and O2 Helm:

Go to the locked door you need to open with the Trespasser, open it and the

game will ask if you want to explore? Accept, and take the elevator. Go out,

and walk on the little path on your left. Enter the ship, and farther you will

have to jump on a lot of boxes with X on them. After this, try to reach the

platform on your right, with the use of the boxes in front of you. On this

platform, turn around to reach the nose of the ship and you will find the Gold



Need Helipack:

Go in the path with all the little monsters that fall from the ceiling. Go in

the room with the 3rd Force Field. The Big Round Room with all the little

cells. Jump on the right part of the cells, and enter the 4th cells from the

right. In it, you will need to kill a lot of these little monsters and you

will find the Gold Bolt.





Need Helipack:

Go to the place with the kind of little labyrinth with all the Red Force

fields. Go on the little round platform that is threw in the air. Go on it,

and try to reach the nearest pillar that is used for the force fields. Walk

from pillar to pillar till you reach the part with the Gold Bolt.


Need O2 Helmet:

You have to go to the spot where you needed to run the fastest possible and

with enough oxygen before the water refill the place (the way you used to

reach Quark).

If you have problem to find this path:

When you are near your ship, look on your left, and you will see a big box

that is floating on the water, jump on it and you will see 2 yellow targets

for swingshot, an other big floating box and a green ball in a pipe. Swingshot

the yellow targets, jump on the 2nd big box and swingshot the green ball to

enter the pipe. Take the elevator at the end of this path, amd you will appear

near a pool. Use the Hydro Displacer aspire the water out of this pool and

jump in it. Reach the other side and jump on the ledge on your left to go out

of the pool. At the second pool, use the Hydro Displacer to fill this pool of

the water of the first pool. Jump in the water, and enter the pipe in the

wall, in front of you. In it, break the 2 metallic door that block your way

and aspire the water of this 3rd pool. In it, on the right, you will find a

2nd pipe. Enter it and destroy the metallic door, and come back to refill this

pool of water. Jump in the water, enter the pipe again, go out of the water

the other side. You will be at the spot you had to slide down to reach the

door with the glowing button, but now this spot is filled of water.

With the help of your O2 Helmet, enter this path filled of water, and try to

find where was the start position (you should still see on the floor the

glowing button). Then pass the 4 platforms, and when you see a ramp going up

on the left, don't follow it, but go on the right and down. At the end you

will see the entrance of a big pipe. Enter it, go to the end, go out of the

water, and you will find the Gold Bolt.





Need Swingshot:

After the 2 Bridges that break when you walk on them, after you avoid the

shoot of the weapon with the fences path, and after the 2 greenballs you have

to swingshot, on your right, you will see a locked door. To open it, face the

door and double jump on the right to reach a platform, and walk on the 3 green

buttons on the floor before the song end. Now, return to the door, and enter

the building. The Gold Bolt is there.


When you reach the first pool, use your Hydro Displacer, go to the other side

of this pool, go to the top of the stairs on the right. Now, use L1 to look

down and you should see that you can jump down there. The Gold Bolt is there.

You will be behind the door that was closed on the right of the Quark's






Near the Ship, and all the flying enemies, there is a door locked, that need

the Trespasser to be open. Go near this door, and do a wall jump to reach the

roof. The Gold Bolt is there,


Need Helipack:

After the bridge and the tank (the one you opened with the nut and your wrench)

go up at left. At the top, you will see a platform with a tree. Do a big Jump

(run, R1 + X) and when you are on this platform, jump on the other little

platform till the end. The Gold Bolt is there.





Need Helipack and Swingshot:

From the start position, at right before the elevator, you can see down a

platform. Jump on this platform and go along this way. Use your swingshot to

pass the lava and Destroy all the Connections of the Destroyers you see. When

you reach the Big Metallic island with the 4 Destroyers around it. Destroy all

the 4 connections, and Boxes should appear in the lava to reach the next

platform. The Gold Bolt is there with a boat to take you back near the first



Need Helipack:

When you are near the first turret, take the left path, go up with the

elevator, and when you are on the platform, look down with L1. You should see

a Volcano (not like the other ones, but like a big hole). Do a run Jump (R1 +

X) and enter it. You will need lot of ammos to go to the end of this path. The

Gold Bolt is at the end (if it is the first time you enter this planet, the

volcano is after the ramp with the broken ship).





Need to be Ratchet, Magnetic Boots, SwingShot, the Visibombs:

Go to the spot where all the little bombs are thrown to the floor, on the

platform above your ship (if you haave finished this level, you should see a

moving platform that can take you up there). There, you should see the Gold

Bolt on a ledge on your left, and behind it a kind of Big Red Membrane. You

need to shoot a missile to it to break it. But now you need to break more of

these membranes in the pipe that is after the red membrane. Use the visibombs

to shoot in this pipe and destroy the others membranes. I believe there 3

mores of them. When you saw that you have destroyed the last one, go back to

your ship, and go down to the second Gadgetron. Take the right path, jump to

the platform through the green water, take the Black Magnetic Path, and, at

the end, use your swingshot to go to the other side of the force field and use

your Swingshot on the yellow target to go to the platform after the green

water. When you are on the platform after the swingshot, follow the path, and

you will eventually see a kind of Big Mouth (that was closed with a Metallic

Door before), on the left wall now open. Enter it, and go to the end of this

new way to find the Gold Bolt.


From you ship, enter the cave at right, and now the Way at left that was

closed with Metal Sticks should be open. Enter this way and just before the

room with the 3 big pillars, you should see, in the wall on your right, the

possibility to do wall jumps. Do wall jumps to the top and you will find the

Gold Bolt.





Need Upgrade Helipack, Swingshot:

From start position, follow the path till you are on the part with the spiky

fishes, and go to the border (where was the boat when you needed to protect

the man to get the O2 Helmet), and go in the water, go deep and, in the roc on

the left, you will see a hole. Enter this hole and when you are at the end, go

out of the water. Now use your Upgraded helipack, and jump + R1 on the red

button (this will open the bridge). At the other side of the bridge, use your

swingshot and reach the platform. Make your way through all these spiky Fishes

and jump from platform to platform. At the end you will get the Gold Bolt.





At the intersection, take right path, and go to the end. You will see a moving

platform turned vertically. You will need to do a wall jump between the wall

and this moving platform, then coordinate your jump with the move. The Gold

Bolt is at the top of this pillar.


Farther, you will see an other moving platform, go on it and enter the cave.

Follow the path and you will enter a big room with a system of water. You need

to take water in the 3 recipients, and fill all this room of water. When it is

done, enter the last little room where you took the water. Go out of the

water, and you will find the Gold Bolt on the ledge there.


Orb. Oltanis:



Need Helipack:

When you have destroyed all the generators of the Force Field, return where

you had to jump on the platforms when the green water was not on them. Stay on

the one that is always out of the green water and look on the wall on your

left. You will see a hole (or pipe) in this wall (before closed by a force

field), Jump in it and you will find the Gold Bolt there.

I am still thinking of the role of the generator near the Gold Bolt. I tried

to destroy it with a Visibomb, from the spot near my ship, through the big

hole at the top of the station (it go directly on the generator). Maybe that

the force field near the gold bolt shut down when you destroy all the other

generators is a Bug and the programmers wanted us that we destroy this

generator with the visibomb to be able to get the Gold Bolt. It is the only

idea I have about this generator, if not it is kind of useless.





Need Slide Boots, Swingshot:

Go to the path with all these little flying robots, and robots that use

weapons like your Tesla (electric weapon). Follow this path, and when you

reach the rail, jump on it with your slide boots. When you are on the next

platform, kill the little flying robots there, and stop at the end of this

bridge, use L1 to look up and you will see a green ball. Use your swingshot on

it and you will reach the platform up there. The Gold Bolt is there.


Need Magnetic Boots:

From your ship, go On the platform with the statue, and you will see a Black

Magnetic Path that do a semi-circle. Go along this magnetic path with your

magnetic boots and stop on the glowing button at the end. When the Platform

stop, walk on this new path and jump on the big ice platform and jump through

the air to enter the little tunnel. Walk on this new black magnetic path, Walk

on these ice platforms and jump over the electric fences (kind of force

field). At the end, you will find an other black magnetic path. Follow it, and

you will reach an other big ice platform with enemies on it. Just before you

walk on it, look on your right, and you will see the Gold Bolt on a little

ledge near this ice platform. Try to reach it, and take the Gold Bolt.


Need Magnetic Boots:

This one is near the Gold Bolt number 29. Go to the end of this big ice

platform, and you will need to hang on a wall and go on the right to reach on

ice platform up. BUT, do not go up, but go the maximum on the right you can

when you hang on the wall. You will see that there is a little ledge with the

Gold Bolt on it. Go on this ledge and take the Gold Bolt S


Need Swingshot (Difficult):

After you have completed all the Missions of this Planet, you should see a

Ship destroy the statue, on the platform near your ship, and after the

explosion, the glowing button that was below the statue will be accessible.

Walk on this button, and Yellow targets for Swingshots will appear.

You have to swingshots all these yellow targets to reach the end. The 4th is

difficult to swingshot, then try to be the nearest of this target to reach it.

To get the max chance to reach it, Double Jump on the platform and swingshot

the first yellow target, and wait to be at the highest position possible in

the air before you try to reach the next ones. After the second one, push the

Left Analogic Stick on the Left direction to be the maximum you can on the

Left before you reach the 4th yellow target and try to click 1, 2 or even 3

times the Circle Button to be sure that your Swingshot actually work and reach

it (it has never worked the first time I clicked the Circle Button). I guess

you have to be at a certain spot in the air to make it work. When you reach

the platform at the end (the one with the green ball above), look on your


You will see yellow targets, and 2 green balls that turn around a big pillar.

You will need to swingshot one of this green ball when it is at the middle,

between you and the yellow target, and when you are close enough of this

yellow target, stop pressing Circle Button to fall down, and when you are

little below this yellow target, launch your swingshot on it, on the second

one and on the green ball on the next platform.

Now, you will see a yellow target and, farther, an other of this green ball

turning around a big building, with a yellow target near a platform and a

green ball on this platform. Now it is the time to try to reach this platform.

Do the same you did before, and swingshot the yellow target, and try to reach

one of the flying green ball (coordinate your swingshot) and when you are

close enough of the platform, try to reach the yellow target and the green

ball, or directly the green ball (if you get too close of the flying green

ball when you are swinging, release it and launch it again on this ball, you

will be at a safer distance of the ball and not fall).

And NOOOO !! hehe, it isn't finish yet and it is the most difficult part :/

Now you will see 2 flying green balls, turning around in front of you, and 2

yellow targets farther. Do the same as before, swingshot the green ball, reach

the yellow target, and swingshot the second. Now, be careful and DON'T RELEASE

YET YOUR SWINGSHOT, it is really important, because there will be no flying

green ball in front of you yet. Stay on the last yellow target and wait that a

flying green all come in front of you, and now swingshot it, and when you will

be close enough of the next platform, swingshot the green ball on it.

YES, you made it, the Gold Bolt is there S But don't forget to destroy the

streetlights there if you don't want to do all this way again for the Skill

point (you need to destroy all the streetlights you see).





Need Hologuise, Swingshot:

At the spot where you get the infobot, and where is the "Mother" of Clank S

Look up with L1 and you will see a green Ball. Swingshot it and enter the

little pipe. Go at the end and you will find a room with the Gold Bolt.


Need Robot-Decoder (or Code Bot):

Go to the spot that can transform Clank to Big Clank. You will see near this

spot a door that is closed. If you got the Robot-Decoder (you can find it on

the Orbital Station of Veldin, at the end of the underwater path), when you go

near, the robot-decoder will open the door automatically. The Gold Bolt is in

this room.





Need Slide Boots:

When you are near the 2nd Gadgetron, take the left path. Go up with the

elevator, and go on the rails. You will see, farther on the rails, 2 big blue

force fields.

Look very well at left and right of the rails and you will see targets (round

button at the top of a stick). You will need to hit the 3 of them with your

Wrench, and it will Shut down these blue force fields. 1 is on your right,

after the first little train come, and after the tunnel. 2 are in the first

closed rails section you will see on your right and Now jump on the rails

where was the blue force fields (2nd closed rails section on your right) and

you will eventually get the Gold Bolt.


Need Slide Boots:

At the end of the rails you used to get the Gold Bolt number 34, look down of

the platform, and you will see an other platform below this one. Jump down

there and walk on the teleport pad, and you will appear in a room with a lot

of Chickens S the Gadgetron's workers... ROLF ... You will find the Gold Bolt



Orbital Station of VELDIN:



Need Hydro Backpack, O2 Helmet:

Near your Ship, go in the water and enter the 3 circles to open the entrance

of the pipe. Follow this way and go out of the water the other side. Press on

the glowing button to shut down the lightning in the water. Enter the water

and you have 1:20 to go to the spot the Gold Bolt is. Enter the water, follow

this path and avoid all the lasers, mines and other things, and when you reach

the part with the 3 other circles, you will see that there is a path on the

left, but a metallic door stop you. To open this door, go through the 3

circles near you, come back, enter this new opened path and go out of the

water before the time reach 0:00. The Gold Bolt is there.


Need Hologuise, Swingshot, Magnetic boots, O2 Helmet:

Near your ship, there is a teleport pad. Take it to go to the 2nd Blarg Ship.

Kill all the robots there and go to the other teleport pad at the end of this

Blarg Ship, and use it. Do the same in the 3rd Blarg Ship, to go in the 4th

Blarg Ship, and to go in the 5th Blarg Ship (the Drek's Amiral Ship).

When you are there, you will see a door with a force field, but you cannot use

your Holodisguise to make one of the robot shut down it. Then you will have to

go out, on the right. Walk on the glowing button, and the platform will move.

If it is the first time you come here, you will need to take the moving

platform at little farther on the left (glowing button), and use a Blarg Ship

to destroy the Big Turrets. When it is done, return up there and take the left

path, to reach the next moving platform. Walk on the glowing button, and you

will appear in the ship, but you will walk on the ceiling. avoid the lasers,

enter the next room and go on the moving platform there to be on the right

side of the room, at the bottom. Now come back in the room with the lasers,

and go to the end, and enter the room on the right, kill all the robots in it.

Enter the next room and jump over the lasers that are on the floor, and do the

same for the lasers in the next room. The Gold Bolt is there.





Need Helipack, Taunter:

When you are near the big blue Force Field, use your Taunter to lure the Frog

in your direction, the frog will walk on the glowing button near her, and it

will shut down the force field. Enter this new path, and the Gold Bolt is at

the end.


Need Helipack:

From the Gold Bolt number 38, follow your way, jump on the 5 platforms

floating in the air, swingshot the 2 yellow targets and pass the force field

you shut down with the trespasser. You will be in a big place with a roc in

the middle, follow the end of this room, where are the 4 elite guards, and

stop when you see the green ball target, be careful thought to not fall in the

big hole in the floor with the lava at the end :/ Now you will see a round

platform, jump on it. If you turn your camera, you will see a platform little

lower on your right. Use your helipack to glide to it and slide on the rail.

Go to the end of this path,and you will end near a wall. Do Wall Jumps to

reach the top, and the Gold Bolt will be there.


Need Helipack:

Just before you reach the 2 Yellow targets for Swingshot, and you face them,

turn at 180 degree. Now look a little to your left, and you will see platforms

(the first is on the kind of little building. Jump on all the platforms, and

you will eventually find the Gold Bolt.







1) Take Aim - Destroy a fighter or bomber

Use your Weapon: Devastator (recommended) and try to destroy one of the Ship

that is in the air (it is not really easy thought).




2) Swing It! - six swingsin factory without touching the ground

Go along the path at right of your ship, kill all the Sand Sharks and the

robots that use the flamethrowers, and you will eventually reach an elevator.

Take this elevator, and the top take the left path (the swingshot path).

There, use your swingshot to go farther in this path, till you are at the

entrance of a gig room with a lot of yellow targets and green balls (the one

with the Trespasser at the top). Now you will need to swingshot all of them

and reach the top without touching one of the platform with your feet.

3) Transported - Destroy three flying transports

Stay near your ship, and use your devastator (recommended) to destroy 3 of the

ships that turn around this place.




4) Strike a Pose - Stand between the legs of Al's Roboshack statue

To reach the statue, you need to enter the Al's Shop, Jump at the top of the

boxes and take the elevator to reach the top of the building. From this

building, jump down to the platform that has all these dogs-like robots and

take the 2nd elevator. Destroy all the dog-like robots and the robot that uses

a missiles launcher.

Now, walk on your left and reach the border of the platform, look down with L1

and you will see the Al's Roboshack Statue. Use your Helipack to glide to the

statue and stand between the legs to get the Skill Point.

5) Blimpy - Take out a blimp, any blimp

Look in the air with L1, use your Visibombs and try to destroy one of the Blimp

that are flying around.

6) Qwarktastic - Destroy the Qwarkbot statue

Go to the statue (Quark Bot) that is at the beginning of the Challenge

(Obstacle Course) you have to complete to get the Swingshot, and use a Bomb

(or any other powerfull weapon) to destroy it.




7) Any Ten - Blow up ten vehicles

Go near the traffic, and use your blaster (or any other weapon) to destroy 10

of the vehicles there.


NEBULA (only with Ratchet):


S Girl Trouble- Beat the Alien Queen using your wrench only.

From your ship, go to the left, stop near the Force Field and hit the Little

Ball that is floating on your left to shut down it. Enter this path, destroy

all the enemies you see, and pass the others Force Fields. You will eventually

reach a round room with 4 Force Fields around it. Use your Blaster (or any

other weapon) to shoot each Floating Balls to shut down these Force Fields and

enter the next room.

If you have lost some life already, you can find 2 Boxes of Life at left and

right after the entrance.

You will have to kill this Boss and all her minions using only your Wrench.

To do it, go in front of him to lure him and double jump to her right (or

left, you decide) and hit her with a Hyper-Strike (like this she will try to

hit you, but you will be on her side). After you hit her, go on her other side

and hit her again with a Hyper-Strike (pass each time in front of her to lure

her again), and repeat till she send her little monsters (her babies, I

think). With this System, you shouldn't loose life.

To kill them, run to a side to make them run after you, and when they will be

all behind you, turn and do a Multi-Strike (it should kill the most of them),

and finish the few that are still alive with a second Multi-Strike. Now repeat

the Hyper-Strike System as before on the Main Boss till she send you the 2

bigger monsters (these 2 are tough).

To kill them, run to one of them when they appear, and try to do this 3 times:

do a Hyper-Strike on him, double jump on his side. Try to kill him as fast as

possible, because the second will be soon near you too), and do the same for

the second one. If you still have almost your life full before you try to kill

them, it doesn't matter if you are hit a few times. If you have bought the

Ultra Nanotech on Orxon, you should have about 6-7 life balls, when you try

kill them and can take 5-6 hits from these 2 monsters).

After you have killed them, finish the Main Boss with the Hyper-Strike System.




9) Tricky - Do a "Twisty McMarx" in a hoverboard race.

In the Hoverboard race, take a boost and go on a Big Jump, and Jump. In the

Jump, you will have to Push the Left Analogic Stick in the Left Direction, and

press R1, R2, L1, L2 (in the order you want) one after the other.

To be sure you will do the 4 moves needed in the trick, press each button

about 1 second.

10) Cluck,Cluck - Turn any tank into a chicken

Find a tank, and go at the nearest position on a side of the tank (you have to

touch him), to be safe. Now use your Morph-o-Ray and turn this tank into a


11) Speedy - Beat hoverboard challenge in 1:35 or less. (1:36 or

less for PAL Version)

This is the most difficult of the Skill Points. To do it, you have to miss

almost none of the Boosts and use shortcuts with jumps to cut the turns (there

are 6 turns you cut with jump and speed).

Also, it is a good thing to do a trick each time you reach the Big Jump with

the wall of Boxes on the next platform. You will win Boosts you can use with

Square Button if you have missed a Boosts on the race or if you have chosen to

focus more on the Jump Shortcuts and avoid some of the Boosts on the floor.








12) Jumper - Get through the grindrail without losing a HP

You need to reach the end of the rails, without loosing any life by touching

Mines, falling or touching one of the obstacles.

13) Accuracy Counts - Destroy a small fighter with the turret

Enter the Big Turret at the end of this level (the one you used to destroy the

Bombers and the helicos), and try to destroy one of the little ship that fly


14) Eat Lead - Use a Sand Mouse to take out all tanks.

You have to finish this level to be able to do this Skill Point (open all the

bridges). ANd I would recommend to destroy all the enemies (except the Tanks),

to be able to reach faster the Tanks, and like this, none of the enemies

destroy your Sand Mouse.

You can find the Sand Mouse behind the Building on the right, after the black

platform. This building is on the right of the one with a closed door you need

to open with the Trespasser.

When you have found the Sand Mouse, run to the platform that is after the

broken Bridge, and use the sand Mouse to destroy this tank. Now run on the

bridge this tank was, jump in the water, reach the spot with the tanks (1 or

2, I don't remember) and destroy them with your sand Mouse.

Now, run on the bridge above you, enter the city, destroy the 2 tanks that

turn around the pillars with your Sand Mouse, and you will get the Skill Point.

You have to let your Sand Mouse destroy the Tanks, and never help it.




15) Destroyed - Blow up all of the Blarg destroyers

From the start position, on the right before the elevator, you can see

platform down there. Jump on this platform and go along this way. Use your

swingshot to pass the lava and Destroy all the Connections of the Destroyers

you see. Don't forget the one on the right of the platform after your

swingshot, use your Blaster to destroy the connectors. You will see one on

your right after the elevator that go down. To reach it, jump and glide to the

ledge from the platform before you go down with this elevator. When you reach

the Big Metallic Island with the 4 Destroyers around it, destroy all the 4

connections, and you should get the Skill Point. If not, look in this path

again, and be sure you have destroyed the 10 Blarg Destroyers

16) Gunner - Down five ships with a turret.

Enter the first Turret and destroy the ships that fly around you. If you

cannot get the 5 Ships with this Turret, destroy all the ones you can with

this one, and enter an other turret.




17) Sniper - Shoot a Screamer through sniper hole.

After the 2nd gadgetron, take the left path, enter the building at the end by

the door at your right, and go out of this building after you shut down the

force field.

Now jump on all these floating platforms, and you will reach the spot with

these crabs-like, and little farther on this platform you will see a pipe in

the wall on your right.

Look in this pipe and shoot with your blaster the little enemy that is

sleeping at the other side (try to not wake up him, or he will go away).

1S Hey, Over Here! - Lure any enemy into a forcefield.

Go near a Force Field that has enemies close behind it and use your Taunter.

The enemies will try to attack you, but they will be killed by the force field

and you will get the Skill Point.




19) Alien Invasion - Shoot down three Blarg Saucers with visibombs

This one is tough. Near your ship, try to find a good spot and use your

Visibombs Weapons to destroy 3 of the Blarg Ships that are flying above you.

Try to shoot the nearest ones, because if you go too far in the air with the

visibomb, you will loose it and destroy nothing.

20) Buried Treasure - Find and destroy all crates in the ocean

From your ship, walk to the island on your left, and jump in the water at the

end. Now, in this water, look the bottom, deep, and you will find Explosive

Boxes. Touch them, and go fast away, to make them explose.

Look around this area and when you have found all of them, you will get the

Skill Point.




21) Pest Control - Kill all anklebiters in the forested section

From your ship, walk along the way, and a little farther, you will see the

forested section, at right. Enter this section, and when you will be near the

moving platform (with GOld Bolt at the top), a lot of dogs-like creature will

get out of the floor and attack you. Kill them all with your wrench only.

22) Whirlybirds - Destroy 5 helico with any weapon other than turret

Near your ship (or around this place), and look in the air with L1. You will

see a lot of Helicos turning around this place. Use your Devastator

(recommended) and destroy 5 of them.


Orb. Oltanis:


23) Sitting Ducks - Destroy all cargo ships in the base

Destory all the little Shuttles that are on the buildings to get the Skill

Point. If you don't find all of them, use your visibombs to look on the

Building you don't have full visibility.

The last little Shuttle is on the ceiling of the arena, where you need to kill

all the little dogs-like and robots that use fire weapons, to open the doors.




24) Shattered Glass - Blast all of the streetlights in the city

Around the platform, down your ship, you will see streelights, and now look in

all the city for these streelights, and destroy them all with your wrench (or

weapon). If I remember well, there are 3 platforms with streelights around.

The last spot with streelights is the one at the end of the Swingshot path

around the platform where you can find one of the Gold Bolts.

The Swingshot path appears after you have completed all the mission of this

planet. A ship will destroy the statue on the platform down your ship and a

button will appear, press it and the yellow targets for Swingshot will appear.

25) Blast 'em - Destroy three marauding Blarg ships

Find a good spot to be able to reach the ships that fly around. I took the taxi

to go to the high city and stopped on the platform with the 4 robots-detector

on it. Destroy all the robots that are above you and these 4 robots-detectors

and try to destroy 3 of these ships. I would recommend the Visibombs because

they fly far from your position. If you cannot destroy 3 of them, you can wait

that the one you have destroyed come back, and destroy it again S








26) Heavy Traffic - Traverse the grindrail without hitting anything

You need to reach the end of these rails without loosing Life and without

touching the Mines or the little Trains.

27) Magician - Score of 4500 or better on the hoverboard race.

To reach this 4'500 Points or better, you will need to do the best combos as

often as you can. You will have to permute the Tricks to get the maximum

points, because your points will lower each time you repeat it.

You can do on the Big Jumps:

- Twist McMarx: Left direction with analogic stick, and press R1, R2, L1, L2

(in any order) about 1 second each button.

- Quarcktastic: Up direction with analogic stick, and press R1, R2, L1, L2 (in

any order) about 1 second each button.

If you permute these 2, it should be ok.

On the little jumps, you can do divers combo, but think to change the direction

of the analogic stick each time you do a combo, to get the maximum points.


Orbital Station of VELDIN:


2S Sneaky - Kill all enemies in Hologuise traversal

In the path, where you need to use your Hologuise to salute the robot to make

them deactivate the Force Fields, you will need to Kill all the Enemies you

see. Don't forget to destroy all the Robots that are around the wall in the

rooms with a semi-completed robot in the middle.

29) Careful Cruise - Complete water traversal without losing any HP.

Near your Ship, jump in the water and enter the 3 circles to open the door.

Follow this way and go out of the water the other side. Press on the glowing

button to shut down the lightning in the water. Enter the water and you have

1:20 to go to the end. Enter the water, follow this path and avoid all the

lasers, mines and other things, because if you touch one of them and loose 1

point life you will have to try again. When you reach the part with the 3

other circles, enter them to open the door. Enter the new path, through this

door, go out of the water at the other side, and you should get the Skill





30) Going Commando - Kill ten elite guards with your wrench only

You have to kill 10 of these Elit Guards (the flying robots that use Missiles

Launcher) with your base weapon, the Wrench. It is really hard, especialy for

the 4 that are before the bridge, because they are firing a lot of missiles

and they are high in the air (you need to use double jump to reach them with

your wrench).

I am not sure, but I think you don't need to destroy the 10 in 1 time.




Problem of Game Crash when you play the PAL Version in 60 Hz and get InfoBot:


If you get to a world, quit before getting any infobots and then reload and

begin playing again, any infobots you pick up in that world will hang when

they start to play.

To fix the problem:

A) Switch to 50Hz mode before you load your game, get the infobot and then

switch back to 60Hz.

B) Or load your game in 60Hz, leave the level and come back THEN get your


Everything should work fine after that.

Thks to [Ted Price - Insomniac Games] for this post.




Thanks to:

- [Ted Price - Insomniac Games]

for his post.

- [sfaok]

for the list of the 30 Skill Points in the Topic Skill Points Guide,

helped me to find the ones I was missing.

- [Joe25] and [theswelldevil]

to complete the list with the missing Skill Points.




This Guide is Copyright (C) Tihy Arnaud.

If use informations written in this Faq, you can contact me at:

(c) 2002 Tihy Arnaud

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