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Roswell, NM: UFO-themed amusement park
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Diddi
Link zum Beitrag #431125 Verfasst am Sonntag, 27. Mai 2007 20:01
Relax ROSWELL, New Mexico (AP) -- Businesses here have been cashing in on the UFO craze for years -- paintings and replicas of unidentified flying objects and space aliens adorn downtown buildings, and even the McDonald's and Wal-Mart are UFO- and space-themed.

Now city officials want to take it to another level with a UFO-themed amusement park, complete with an indoor roller coaster that would take passengers on a simulated alien abduction.

Aeh.... naja mal sehen was da draus wird ;p
rechtschreib- und grammatikfehler sind ein ausdruck von freiheit!
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