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Intamin Ride Database in public beta
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Einsteiger Rene Sebastian

Avatar von coasterchi
Link zum Beitrag #494245 Verfasst am Dienstag, 20. November 2007 08:59
*First of all, if this topic is in the wrong section, please move it, and if it's seen as spam -> remove it!*

Maybe you've already seen it on the dutch forum's , but recently there is been a site added to the big

It's called the Intamin Ride Database, shortly called IRDB! S

What does all of that mean? Well, basicly the same ass RCDB, but do know, we do not want to be a ripp-off! IRDB is just one big database of Intamin rides, wether it's a rollercoaster, a thrillride or just a simpel round ride!

There are a few special future's what make IRDB so unique:

- Quick and userfriendly interface
- Easy ways of searching
- Photo's are directly visible as soon as you get on the ride page

The possibility to:
- Add new rides
- Edit and add new ride info to an excisting ride
- Add new photo's a ride
- Add new NL Track's to a ride

*Notice: All added ride info will be checked manualy before put online!

So if you are interessted, check quickly! *we will get an international domain very soon*

With kind regards,

Rene Sebastian
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