Wild- und Freizeitpark Klotten in Deutschland
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Klotten Park - Photos & Video
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #514860 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 07. Februar 2008 02:39
Anmerkung von Dr. Gonzo: verschoben aus Freizeitparks

I thought you might like taking a look at how we enjoyed one of your local parks last year....

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This is Klotten Park. We know this because the sign says so.

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First stop – Sea Pigs! As you will see in the video, there is some question as to what these guys are really called.

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Nautic Jet is arguably one of the coolest rides in the world. You can find these in many European parks, but for some reason Klotten’s just seems the most awesome.

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"For Boat Jumping activity...Chris will be our ride op!"

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You pull the cord and up the lift you go!

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SKLOOSH! (Yes, that is the actual sound that water makes)

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Frozen in time...mid air.

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It just never gets old watching people do this. Just ONCE you want to see the boat tip over.

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It's the facial expressions that sell the ride!

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See what I mean?

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It's that moment *right* before you hit the water. Your entire life flashes before you.

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It could also be the green nasty malaria water that freaks you out too!

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The "Wheel-of-death" is another awesome do it yourself ride.

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The self-operated "kid power tower."

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No "do it yourself" park would be complete without a happy fun slide.

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And of course there is Klotti Coaster!

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Helix of death.

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Wall of death.

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Bunny hops of death.

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Swings of death.

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Dear of death.

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Seriously. This ride is freaking AWESOME!

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And one more shot of the boat jump since watching people go from being freaked out for their life to soaking wet never gets old.

Hope you guys all liked the update. Please download our Klotten Park video here to see some of this insanity in action:
Theme Park Review's Klotten Park Video!


--Robb Alvey

ps. Special thanks to Hanno Roos for his photos!
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Deutschland . SL
Link zum Beitrag #514875 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 07. Februar 2008 10:49 Relax
Nice Pictures of Death.
Klotten is really a good little Park to have a lot of Fun.
But one question, why you dont Use the best Ride in the Park?
!!!! mutta !!!!
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Einsteiger Robb Alvey
Link zum Beitrag #514878 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 07. Februar 2008 10:56
S Quite a few of us did ride that too! Not sure why we didn't get pictures or video....
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Avatar von DragonKhan
Link zum Beitrag #514910 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 07. Februar 2008 14:55 Relax
Gotta love Nautic Jets...

And trust me. I'd manage to get one to tip over... S
The only difference between genius and insanity is success!
Gruß, DragonKhan
Neuester Bericht: 30.06.15. - The Great Coaster Tour of China! (ECC 2013)
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