Walt Disney World - Disneys Hollywood Studios in USA
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Tom's Orlando Special: Der gute Turm
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Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #538328 Verfasst am Mittwoch, 30. April 2008 16:24
Man möge mir verzeihen, wenn ich an dieser Stelle nicht mehr auf jedes Detail des Rides eingehe. Wers genau wissen will, der kann ja im Hollywood Studios Guide einen Blick riskieren.

Blick aus der Queue auf den Turm

Düster ragt die Attraktion über die üppig bewachsenen Queue

Alles wirkt...

... als wäre das Hotel seit Jahren verlassen



Augen links

Augen geradeaus

Augen rechts

Die Rezeption, seltsam verlassen

Die Eingangshalle

Wo - was


Nochmal Eingangshalle

Die Stimme in der Bibliothek Ladies and gentlemen, in just a few moments, the library doors in front of you will be opening. Please stand back from the doors as they will be opening toward you. Thank you.

Rod Serling You unlock this door with the key of imagination. Beyond it is another dimension. A dimension of sound. A dimension of sight. A dimension of mind. You're moving into a land of both shadow and substance, of things and ideas. You've just crossed over into...The Twilight Zone. Hollywood, 1939. Amid the glitz and the glitter of a bustling, young movie town at the height of its golden age, The Hollywood Tower Hotel was a star in its own right; a beacon for the show business elite. Now, something is about to happen that will change all that. The time is now on an evening very much like the one we have just witnessed. Tonight's story on The Twilight Zone is somewhat unique and calls for a different kind of introduction. This, as you may recognize, is a maintenance service elevator still in operation, waiting for you. We invite you, if you dare, to step aboard because in tonight's episode, you are the star. And this elevator travels directly to...The Twilight Zone.

Im Boiler-Room

Fast zu schade, um dort nur zu warten

Die Stimme im Aufzug You are the passengers on a most uncommon elevator about to ascend into your very own episode of...The Twilight Zone. One stormy night long ago, five people stepped through the door of an elevator and into a nightmare. That door is opening once again, and this time it's opening for you.

Die Stimme kurz vor dem Drop You are about to discover what lies beyond the fifth dimension...beyond the deepest, darkest corner of the the Tower of Terror.

Die Stimme nach der Fahrt A warm welcome back to those of you who made it and a friendly word of warning; something you won't find in any guidebook. The next time you check into a deserted hotel on the dark side of Hollywood, make sure you know just what kind of vacancy you're filling. Or you may find yourself a permanent resident of...The Twilight Zone

Und nun noch ein paar Abendimpressionen...

Im Dunkeln noch besser

Tower am Abend - belebend und labend.

Die Stimme am Ende Ladies and gentlemen, please gather your belongings and watch your head and step as you exit through the elevator doors. We trust your stay at The Hollywood Tower Hotel has been a pleasant one, and please do come back and see us again. Thank you.
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