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Neu 2011: Planet Snoopy @ Worlds Of Fun
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Aufsteiger Liam Kreutschmann

Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Teliuss
Link zum Beitrag #798398 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 12. August 2010 01:56
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 12.08.2010 01:57
One More Planet Snoopy For Worlds of Fun

Worlds of Fun also announced a Planet Snoopy yesterday - the $5 million expansion will be the park's main addition for the 2011 season.

The park's current Camp Snoopy will be renovated and expanded to include six new rides, including a balloon tower ride, spinning tug-boat, tea cups, and new car and truck rides. A new theatre will be built so that live shows can be performed in the new area.

The park promises more information on the new rides, as well as construction photos, soon on their website.

Quelle: Newsplusnotes

Quelle: ps_aerial.jpg

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S Die Planet-Snoopy-Homepage
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