Leolandia in Italien
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Record Season in Leolandia
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onride.Team Redaktion
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Link zum Beitrag #939042 Verfasst am Freitag, 07. November 2014 11:47

Massimiliano Freddi becomes VP Strategic Development:
the new challenge will be to reach one million guests in a few years.

Leolandia just closed its gates recording the best season ever with a 25% growth in attendance, a 10% per cap growth and the highest guest satisfaction ever. In addition, Tripadvisor reviews moved Leolandia from the 6th to the 3rd place in the top ten of Italian parks in the last year.

This result has been reached thanks some important strategic choices. The first one was putting a big focus on going green from 2010. The second one was to make a broad use of technology in order to enhance the guest experience before the visit. The third one to develop themed areas that could let children 0-10 play and dream starting in 2011 with a whole Pirate Land, followed in 2014 by Cowboy Town and, starting from June 2014, by Mr Bull’s Worksite: a meet and greet area with Peppa Pig as a special guest. Thanks to a multi-year partnership with eOne, the brand owners of Peppa Pig, which is the most beloved pre-school character in Italy, in 2015 Leolandia will become a key licensee and will develop a whole new Peppa Pig World which will be essential to reach the goal of one million guests in a short term. The first step will be Peppa’s House walkthrough with dozens of interactive experiences and will be developed in the upcoming years with more attractions and entertainment.

For this reason, Massimiliano Freddi, managing director of the park since 2010, will take the position of VP Strategic Development next year. While the operational management of the park will be managed from the property, presented by Giuseppe Ira, President of Thorus Leolandia.

"Leolandia wants go on being the most innovative Italian park - says Massimiliano Freddi. For this reason, in recent years we took important decisions: the usage of energy from renewable sources and the reduction of packaging, becoming the first Italian park nearly zero impact on the environment; the collaboration with the University of Gastronomic Sciences and Slow Food; the introduction of dynamic pricing, which led us to sell 40% of tickets online in 2014, becoming one of the first parks in Europe for online sales; the promotion of the project “A Ride for Everybody”, to help improving the park experience for guests with down syndrome and physical or mental disabilities and, last but not least, the Peppa Pig project that will bring Peppa’s world to life.
The results we are seeing make us really think that, to reach the goal of one million guests and to make Leolandia one of the most important players in Italy and abroad, it’s essential to divide the day-by-day strategy and the park operation from the long-term projects. For this reason, I am happy and enthusiastic to accept the new challenge of becoming Vice President of Strategic Development and I want to thank the Thorus group for choosing me once again. "

“Thorus, the holding of Leolandia, has always worked in many areas but never in amusement parks before buying the historic Minitalia which was close to bankruptcy in 2007, I had never believed that the park would become our jewel and an activity that makes us so enthusiastic – said Giuseppe Ira, President of Thorus Leolandia. In the last year, we have begun important projects that will need time and expertise. That is why, from 2015, the management will be split: the strategic development will continue to be managed by Massimiliano Freddi, who, despite his young age, is not only one of the best amusement parks experts in Italy, but also a person full of creativity and innovation spirit. I will take on myself the operational management of the park, supported by the actual management team that proved being good and reliable. "

Leolandia will reopen on March 28th, 2015 showing to the guests Peppa Pig's World, an area totally dedicated to the most popular little piggy with her Family house and a lot of interactive activities.
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