I don't understand who is Mr. Kay Famae (sorry i'm not shure how to spell it)?
Several Showmens told me that their Ride cames from Kay Famae.
Has he something to do with KT Enterprises and Tivoli Enterprises?
Sorry, I've never heard it mentioned. Definitely nothing to do with Tivoli. KT Enterprises I believe was owned by Keith Emmett who produced quite a few Miami rides in the early 90's. Keith Emmett produced two Twists in March 1999 and KT Enterprises manufactured 9 Twists between October 1999 & November 2001 as well as two Superbowls in 1998 (One for UK & 1 for Farrow Shows, USA). A final Miami was produced in September 1999.
Ok thank you.
Mr. Charles Deakin from the KT Enterprises Superbowl also told me that his ride was manufactured by Kay Famae with original drawings from S.D.C. (I).
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