Coaster enthusiasts will be able to take their first ride on an old favorite next summer, as the historic Starliner will change the skyline of Cypress Gardens as it is carefully rebuilt. The classic wooden coaster was the first of its kind in Florida when it was built in 1963 at Panama City Beach’s Miracle Strip Amusement Park. Cypress Gardens acquired the ride when the park closed late in 2004. Once built and reopened, it will be one of 11 remaining John Allen coasters in operation. Allen has been long-considered the grandfather of coaster design and created the now-classic “out and back” coaster. This particular design is renowned for its negative g-forces and “lift,” that feeling of coming out of your seat while riding along its 2,640 feet of hills, bunny hops and turns. Starliner will be the park’s 6th roller coaster.
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