Niagara Amusement Park in USA
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2005.07.31 - Martin's Fantasy Island (USA)
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Einsteiger Iain Hendry
Avatar von MilitaryDuckJock
Link zum Beitrag #170671 Verfasst am Sonntag, 07. August 2005 13:40
It was my mom's birthday on Tuesday, and so I took her to Martin's Fantasy Island on the Sunday beforehand. We hadn't been for about... 4 years? A few years after Silver Comet was new, anyway. I was curious to try out the new Nitro ride, as well as their new spining mouse.

What was suposed to be a drive of about 2 hours turned into 3 and a half when everyone in Southwestern Ontario decided to cross at Queenston-Lewiston at EXACTLY THE SAME TIME. The setup is a disaster for the unsuspecting driver. 405's last exit before the border is about 5 km upstream, and with high concrete barriers on either side of the highway, there's simply no way to turn around or escape the massive jam up ahead if you don't get off at that last exit. Right after we passed it, brake lights. It took over an hour to get to the bridge, and another 20 minutes or so to clear customs. The officer was even more than usual a total jerk. He actually said, "Where are you going", and I said, "MArtin's fantasy Island", and then he goes "WHY." I was like, "To play the piano, dork." But no, because he was hot.

So anyway, ya ya ya. We get there, they have a new Moser Spring Ride! Kick ass! I rode one of these at Seabreeze a few years ago and it was awesome, so that was up first.

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It's themed oddly and runs a great program, just constant full drops, over and over. My mom hadn't done anything like it and was really surprised!

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I love this park. It's so... relaxed. It's like, why I love MarineLand, too, but this place feels a lot different. Where MarineLand is spread out,
and silent, hiden with European Quality, MFI is like, compact little remote fair put on in some hick part of the country. But I love it.

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Coming under the slides, suddenly... WHOAH! Nitro! I remember seeing the prototype at Soriani's factory, I think, a long time ago. The ride
components say Zamperla on it, though, so I don't know? Maybe Zamperla is the distributer. I hope maybe Mark can clear this up? I was super eager to ride....

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So anyway, it seats 20, in 5 groups of 4. A lot of parks/fairs could learn a lot from the way this ride runs. It's awesome! Speed changes abound and everyone gets a share of the awesome action. I loved everything except the ending, where it seems to spin forever at the end of the (Very long!) cycle. I could do without that. I think my tollerance for spining has gone way down. S

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I loves they Nitro!!!

Silver Comet is right there, too, so we took a spin on it of course!

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One word: SMOOTH. I can't believe how smooth this ride is. Honestly it's like, the smoothest wood coaster I've ever riden. Even over like, Ozark Wildcat! I couldn't believe it. Totally awesome! The ending is insane, and with no lines, it was a blast to just keep riding over and over and over.

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We spent most of the day between the Nitro and Silver Comet. Several times I had to take "breaks". I don't know how my mom does it. She rode Mission Space 22 times in a row, while I could only do 3. Insane!

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So Dave, what's that on my mom's head? Yup. You can come back to Fantasy Island! They let you wear glasses, as per this diagram:

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I took that one just for you. S

The new Zamperla spining coaster is a ton of fun, too! Much better than the one I rode at Disney World (which was falling APART). I can't believe how violent the last hill is.

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We rode several other rides and had even planned on going to MarineLand for the rest of the afternoon, but had lost all track of time running between Nitro and Silver Comet that we forgot MarineLand closes its entrance at 6pm. So we decided to stay a little later before leaving.

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This is absolute american JUNK and I will not discuss it.

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Look off to the left in that shot, and you can see Dragon Mountain as well as Sky Screamer! All the way from the top of the lift on Silver Comet.

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Here is some fish eating a pizza.

On our way out of the park, we spotted next door at the KOA this odd looking space ship! All we could figure is it was some kind of food consession stand.

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We ate our picnic dinner at the Helicopter pad in Niagara Falls and watched the helicopters land, while I watched the Helicopter wavey-flagey guys.

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Clickez-vous for the rest of the photos: gallery.cgi

-Iain S
Wheels: 2006 smart fortwo cdi + Cagliari G1A
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #171212 Verfasst am Dienstag, 09. August 2005 09:00 Relax
We ate our picnic dinner at the Helicopter pad in Niagara Falls and watched the helicopters land, while I watched the Helicopter wavey-flagey guys.

Nice way of having a picnic. S

Nice pictures, as always!
And Congratulations to your mom - with some delay.

Back to the Roots: Mpgfanboy70
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Einsteiger Jens
Deutschland . ST
Avatar von Locke
Link zum Beitrag #171214 Verfasst am Dienstag, 09. August 2005 09:10 Relax
Yep, great pictures! The silver comet looks quite interesting... A wooden coaster on steel support structure... Kind of crazy... But looks like a nice twister coaster. If I ever happen to be to New York (I don't believe it because I don't like some of the things you must do when entering the US like fingerprint scan etc.) I'll consider visiting the park, although it seems to be a smaller one.
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