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new-age Mack Powered Coaster für einen US-Park?
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #196548 Verfasst am Montag, 07. November 2005 22:20
Laut screamscape gibt es neues von Mack
Zitat Mack - (10/31/05) As part of an announcement from Leisure Labs about securing $30 million in projects for their partners (Mack, Huss, GCI, I.E. Park) they announced that Mack is working on a project with a major US park operator to open a “new-age Mack Powered Coaster” for the Spring of 2006. They liken the experience to a Family Launched Coaster, except that this ride can be launched and decelerated at any point on the track. Any ideas where this may be going?

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