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USA: Florida: Cypress Gardens: Der Staat soll kaufen
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #1218 Verfasst am Sonntag, 08. Juni 2003 15:28
Ein Bürgerbegehren hat sich an den Gouverneur von Florida (Mr. Bush) mit der Bitte gewandt, dass der Staat Florida, den alten Freizeitpark Cypress Gardens kauft. Ziel ist es den Staatsbesitz dann durch einen privaten Unternehmer als Friezeitpark zu erhalten. Als aussichtsreichster Kandidat gilt hierfür der Betreiber des Wild Adventures Theme Park in Valdosta, Georgia, Herr Kent Buescher.
Mehr Informationen auf Amusement Today.
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #33036 Verfasst am Freitag, 27. Februar 2004 11:33
Nun ist der Park an Ken Buescher verkauft worden. Buescher ist bereits Parkbesitzer in Georgia. Dort betreibt er den Wild Adventures Theme Park. Dieser Park besitzt ein recht ansehliches Arsenal an Achterbahnen. locationdetail175.htm

Nun hofft er den neuen Park in Florida bereits zum Sommer 2004 wieder eröffnen zu können. Der ehemals eher botanisch geprägte Park soll neben den alten Attraktionen auch mit Rides für die Familien und Thrillsuchenden ausgestattet werden.
Hierzu wurde kürzlich die marode Gibtown Show aus Florida mit ihren 25 Fahrgeschäften aufgekauft.

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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #41464 Verfasst am Dienstag, 06. April 2004 18:01
Relax präsentiert ein Update über die kommenden Achterbahnen des Parks.
Es scheint, als wenn Ken Buescher seine Linie treu bleibt und weiterhin in Vekoma und S&S investiert locationdetail1061.htm
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #65692 Verfasst am Dienstag, 06. Juli 2004 13:19
Lautdieser Quelle hat der Park Cypress Gardens Adventure Park nun die Option, einen Freifallturm bauen zu dürfen. "Thunder Bolt Shot Tower"

Wenn es die gleiche Attraktion wie im Schwesterpark Wild Adventures ist, dürfte es sich um eine S&S-Anlage handeln.
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #78226 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 12. August 2004 12:12
Eröffnung laut diesem Artikel für den 01.10.04 anvisiert. story8.html
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #92832 Verfasst am Freitag, 01. Oktober 2004 17:14
Neben den Rides investiert der Parkbetreiber auch wieder in eine Wasserskishow, welche zum Markenzeichen des ehemaligen Parks geworden war. 1039
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #111336 Verfasst am Montag, 13. Dezember 2004 12:16
Am Donnerstag, 09.12.2004 wurde der Park offiziell wiedereröffnet.
Zitat Published Thursday, December 9, 2004
Gardens Officially Reopens Today
Dedication and ski show planned for attraction's first day of operation.

The Ledger

WINTER HAVEN -- Finally, the much-anticipated day has arrived.

After two weekends of "preview" days, the gates of Cypress Gardens Adventure Park will open on a daily basis beginning at 10 this morning.

"Everything is pretty much ready," said Alyson Gernert, public information manager. "Everyone's here sort of cleaning up last-minute."

Lt. Gov. Toni Jennings will be the keynote speaker during the 11 a.m. dedication of the park, Gernert said.

That will be followed by a grand-opening ski show featuring Banana George Blair at noon.

At 12:30 p.m., park owner Kent Buescher is expected to announce plans for a fifth roller coaster to join the four that are now operating, Gernert said.

Park officials hope 15,000 people turn out for the opening.

Buescher, a Georgia theme park owner, had planned a Memorial Day opening when he bought the park earlier this year. His plans were delayed when buildings on the property were found to be in worse condition than initially realized.

Some buildings had to be razed while others had to be almost completely rebuilt because termites had nearly destroyed them, Buescher said.

Then, beginning Aug. 13, a triple whammy in the form of hurricanes Charley, Frances and Jeanne set back progress at the park even further.

After Buescher spent $3 million on park renovations, Hurricane Charley caused another $500,000 in damage to the historical botanical gardens alone.

Buescher pushed the opening date back to Nov. 19 after estimating damage from the three hurricanes at $2 million to

$4 million.

Then unanticipated delays with shipments of essential equipment -- such as ride parts -- set the preview days back another week.

Finally, after a $35 million investment by Buescher, the first "soft opening" was held Nov. 26, the day after Thanksgiving, before a couple of rides and a few other activities were finished.

About 30,000 people visited the attraction that weekend.

Another 10,000 visited last weekend during a second threeday soft opening, Gernert said.

"On Saturday, since it was cold and rainy, our attendance dropped off," she said. "We had good crowds on Friday and Sunday."

About 400 people have been hired to help operate the park, Gernert said.

The arcade and animal exhibits have yet to be completed but should be open by Christmas, Gernert said.

Final ride inspections were being conducted Wednesday after workers finished construction of Swamp Thing, a suspended family coaster, and a ride called Pharoah's Fury.

A water park is scheduled to open this summer.

A fine dining restaurant that will be located in the old Snively Mansion will open after the first of the year, Gernert said.

Buescher also owns Wild Adventures, the Valdosta, Ga., theme park he started in 1996 from scratch in the middle of a farm field.

Wild Adventures now has about 1.5 million visitors a year.

Realizing similar success at Cypress Gardens is doubtful, said Bill Cullen, president of ITEC Entertainment Corp., an Orlandobased amusement industry consulting firm.

"Logic would say they're going to struggle a little bit because they're near the biggest and the best in Walt Disney World," Cullen said. "He sure picked a tough place to try it. It's a radically different environment from Valdosta."

It may take two, three or even four years to see whether the venture will be successful, Cullen said.

Buescher has said he is not competing with Disney and Busch Gardens. Instead, he wants to attract Central Florida residents who are seeking family entertainment at a reasonable price.

Cypress Gardens' daily admission tickets cost about half the price of tickets to the major theme parks.

The original Cypress Gardens was also started by one man, albeit 68 years ago.

Opening in 1936, the botanical gardens was the brainchild of Dick Pope Sr., who opened the park with help of his wife, Julie.

The Pope family sold Cypress Gardens to the Harcourt Brace Jovanovich publishing company in 1985, the same year the first high dive and ice shows were staged.

In 1989 Busch Entertainment Corp., a subsidiary of Anheuser Busch Companies Inc., purchased Cypress Gardens along with SeaWorld and Boardwalk and Baseball on Interstate 4, north of Haines City.

A group of seven Busch employees purchased Cypress Gardens in 1995.

Eventually the park fell into disrepair and closed April 13, 2003, with President Bill Reynolds claiming the owners had lost $6 million in eight years.

To save the property from development, the Trust for Public Land purchased the park in late 2003.

Besides Buescher, several public agencies hold an interest in the property.

The state of Florida paid the trust $11 million for conservation rights on all 150 acres of the park.

Polk County paid $2.5 million for 30 acres of the original botanical gardens.

Buescher paid $7 million to buy the remaining 120 acres and will maintain Polk County's portion of the property. 1039

Interessant der Hinweis auf Achterbahn Nummer 5.
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #116399 Verfasst am Dienstag, 04. Januar 2005 10:02
Der Park scheint gut zu laufen. EIne Jobbörse soll neues Personal bringen.
Zitat Cypress Gardens "thrilling" attendance creates need for more employees

After being open nearly a month, officials at the renovated Cypress Gardens Adventure Park near Winter Haven say heavy attendance has created the need for more employees.
Click Here

A job fair is being held Jan. 3 and Jan. 4 to increase staffing by 100 employees. About 350 already were hired in time for the park's grand opening Dec. 9.

The state's oldest theme park closed in April 2003 and was acquired in a complicated transaction involving state and local governments by Valdosta, Ga. theme park entrepreneur Kent Buescher. His ambitious plans to open in May 2004 were delayed by a string of problems including the damage wrought by last summer's hurricanes.

The higher-than-expected attendance, say park officials, means Cypress Gardens finally is ahead of schedule on expansion plans and staffing. Officials say they will soon announce expansion plans of the park's 38 attractions and restaurants for 2005.

© 2005 American City Business Journals Inc. daily8.html
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #119557 Verfasst am Dienstag, 18. Januar 2005 14:18
Nicht nur zu wenig Personal, nein, auch Parkplätze fehlen zu Spitzenzeiten. Also sind auch hier Verbesserungen von Nöten.
Zitat Concert crowds at Cypress Gardens drive expanded parking

Officials at Cypress Gardens Adventure Park, near Winter Haven, say peak attendance days for the theme park's live musical concerts have forced them to add expanded parking facilities.

The satellite parking locations have been set up in a vacant lot adjacent to the Best Western Admiral's Inn across the street from the park and the State Farm Insurance regional office parking lot located two miles away on Cypress Gardens Boulevard. Shuttle service is provided for visitors parking at the State Farm office.

Upcoming concerts include country singer Trace Adkins on Jan. 15 and '60s star Chubby Checker Jan. 22.

The park says it is ahead of schedule on expansion plans for attractions and staff, with plans to announce additional attractions and restaurants to open later this year.

Cypress Gardens is Florida's oldest attraction, featuring more than 30 rides, the historic botanical gardens, the Cypress Gardens Water Ski show, concerts by some of yesterday and today's favorite musical artist's, and animal exhibits. daily31.html
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #128340 Verfasst am Sonntag, 20. Februar 2005 21:26
Und der park gedeiht weiterhin.

250.000 Besucher, 80.000 verkaufte Jahreskarten bis heute (ca. zwei Monate nach Öffnung).
Nun folgt der Spatenstich für den neuen Wasserpark "Splash Island".

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Aufsteiger Dorothea Spohler...
Deutschland . NI
Link zum Beitrag #128524 Verfasst am Montag, 21. Februar 2005 18:14 Relax

es freut mich sehr, dass der Park Cypress Gardens gut läuft. Ich war im Juni 1996 während eines Urlaubes in Orlando mit einer Gruppe da. Es gefiel mir gut dort. Ich erinnere mich an eine Bootsfahrt über Flüsse und Seen mit Erklärungen, an eine tolle Wasserskishow, eine Tiershow und einen Aussichtsturm. Die Landschaft war traumhaft. Leider war der Park damals nicht gut besucht. Toll, dass sich dass durch den neuen Besitzer und die neuen Atraktionen nun geändert hat.

Falls jemand mal in der Nähe ist, ein Besuch dort lohnt sicherlich.

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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #327380 Verfasst am Freitag, 15. September 2006 11:26
Und wieder mal eine Bankrott-Meldung abgegeben: cypress_gardens_files_bankruptcy.html
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Aufsteiger Milan
Deutschland . BY
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Link zum Beitrag #338008 Verfasst am Dienstag, 10. Oktober 2006 00:17 Relax
Dann bin ich ja gespannt ob es den Park nächstes Jahr noch geben wird. Dieses Jahr hätte ich ihn beinahe besucht und es mir dann doch für´s nächste mal aufgehoben.
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