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Chinas boomende Freizeitparksituation
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #306244 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 03. August 2006 14:35
beleuchtet ein Artikel auf Asia Times online
Zitat China Business Aug 1, 2006

Investors ride China's theme park craze

BEIJING - It seems simple enough. As their wallets start to bulge more and more, the 1.3 billion Chinese need a place to go for entertainment. That goes some way to explaining the current investment craze in themed amusement parks across China.

A new wave of investment in China's theme parks is on the way, as the following five years are expected to be rosy for China's amusement parks and attractions industry, according to the International Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions (IAAPA).

There are now at least 2,000 theme parks in China, although the industry only started about 20 years ago. Most were joint ventures between the government and private sector and were built up in economically developed regions such as Beijing, Tianjin, the Yangtze River Delta and the Pearl River Delta.

Domestic investors are planning a number of new parks in the country. For example, the historic town of Zhouzhuang on the outskirts of Shanghai is planning a US$40 million park with 5,000 years of Chinese culture as its theme. Construction is scheduled to begin at the end of 2006 and is expected to take at least one year.

Meanwhile, the central government has mapped out a plan to spend heavily in the Shenzhen area to improve the existing parks so they complement nearby Hong Kong Disneyland. The government hopes to market the region as a destination called the "Golden Coast", which would feature hotels and activities to keep visitors entertained for several days.

Foreign investors are also vying to inject billions of dollars into building up new theme parks across the country.

A joint venture between Shenzhen Sanguo (Three Kingdoms) Culture City Industrial Development and Canada-based Bedford International Financial Group is planning a $3 billion park called China Today on Shenzhen's eastern shore, to be based on the legend of the third-century Three Kingdoms. The park is expected to open in 2010.

US-based Walt Disney Co is negotiating with Shanghai's municipal government to build a theme park in the city's Nanhui district, to open in 2010, coinciding with the city's World Expo 2010. Shanghai's Jinjiang Park is also in talks with US company Triple Five about a project to expand and reinvent the park, according to IAAPA officials.

At the opening of the IAAPA Asian Expo 2006 held in Shanghai recently, IAAPA president and chief executive officer Charlie Bray said the "explosive" development of China's theme parks has seen the country emerge as a driver for the Asia-Pacific region, which is set to enjoy the fastest growth of this industry in the coming five to 10 years.

"The Asia-Pacific is clearly an emerging market for the amusement park and attractions industry," he said. "I think the future growth of the region will largely depend on China and India."
According to a PricewaterhouseCoopers report, "Global Entertainment and Media Outlook", revenue generated from theme parks in China is expected to grow 7.1% annually to reach $1.8 billion in 2010, up from $1.3 billion last year.

The performance in Hong Kong is even better, with the opening of Hong Kong Disneyland in 2005 and the redevelopment of its Ocean Park. It expects an annual growth of 21.8% to reach $362 million in 2010 from $135 million in 2005.

Meanwhile, the Asia-Pacific region is expected to generate an average annual revenue growth of 5.9% to reach a total income of $8.2 billion by 2010.

The number of visitors to theme parks in Asia is expected to hit 278 million in 2010, up 18.8% from 234 million last year.

However, the report also pointed out that investments in many theme parks in China are not successful. The poor performance of these parks was attributed to a lack of major reinvestments.

China's amusement parks and attractions industry is already plagued by repetitive investments from local governments, said Liu Jingwang, deputy executive president of the China Association of Amusement Parks and Attractions.

"If you go to any medium-sized and large-sized cities, you will find a theme park that is built up or under construction. I am kind of worried, what do we do with so many amusement parks?"

Local governments should therefore carefully evaluate the market and control the scale of investment to avoid huge losses incurred by insufficient demand, he said. HH01Cb01.html
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Deutschland . HE
Avatar von Roll-A-Fella
Link zum Beitrag #306265 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 03. August 2006 15:11 Relax
Das ist alles sehr beeindruckend. Über 2000 Themenparks, $ 3 Milliarden für einen Freizeitpark und und und... Also mich macht das schon ein wenig neidisch, wenn man sieht, wie in der VR China mit dem Geld um sich geworfen wird.
Unter anderem politisch gesehen, bin ich zwar froh, dass "Die Wiege der Menschenrechte" weit weg ist, doch in Sachen Freizeitparks ist es wirklich schade.
Ich bin ein Berlino!
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Link zum Beitrag #306380 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 03. August 2006 18:04 Relax
Nun ja. Ich denke, dass du diese Zahl von 2000 "Themenparks" doch mit etwas Vorsicht genießen solltest...
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #948482 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015 08:29
1 gefällt das Relax
Fast zehn Jahre später.
Hier gilt natürlich zu beachten, dass nur die Parks listet, die eine Achterbahn im Portfolio haben.

8 r.htm

4 r.htm


8 r.htm

9 r.htm

11 r.htm

14 r.htm

14 r.htm

16 r.htm

21 r.htm

2 r.htm

2 r.htm

95 neu eröffnete Parks in zehn Jahren (2006 - 2015)
Back to the Roots: Mpgfanboy70
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #948483 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 28. Mai 2015 08:30
Eine Übersicht über die schnell große gewordene Fanta-Group
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Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Dorian
Link zum Beitrag #948557 Verfasst am Freitag, 29. Mai 2015 14:12 Relax
Mal sehen, wann es die ersten neuen Parkfriedhöfe gibt. S
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Avatar von DragonKhan
Link zum Beitrag #948566 Verfasst am Freitag, 29. Mai 2015 16:24
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 29.05.2015 16:35
Ich glaube dort hat dieser Boom eine deutlich sicherere Zukunft als z.B. in Dubai. Das sieht man ganz besonders an der Qualität welche dort rasant zunimmt, nicht nur bei den Freizeitparks. Und voll sind die neuen Parks wirklich, sehr voll! Ich denke eher es geht nicht mehr lange und chinesische Freizeitparks (und Achterbahnhersteller) machen es uns im Westen vor ...
Allerdings muss was Operations angeht etwas passieren, das ist dort eigentlich überall katastrophal. Smilie :256: - Diddi - 920221 Zugriffe

Den Link von Tejay kann ich nur empfehlen. Danke für den Guide! Smilie :25: - Dr. Weizenkeim - 2083571 Zugriffe
The only difference between genius and insanity is success!
Gruß, DragonKhan
Neuester Bericht: 30.06.15. - The Great Coaster Tour of China! (ECC 2013)
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Deutschland . BW
Avatar von bestdani
Link zum Beitrag #949550 Verfasst am Dienstag, 16. Juni 2015 10:58 Relax
DragonKhan und Achterbahnhersteller

An welche(n) denkst du da? S
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Avatar von DragonKhan
Link zum Beitrag #949566 Verfasst am Dienstag, 16. Juni 2015 16:00 Relax
An keinen bestimmten. Wahrscheinlich kommen auch noch einige neue dazu in den nächsten 10-20 Jahren, das geht da schnell. S
The only difference between genius and insanity is success!
Gruß, DragonKhan
Neuester Bericht: 30.06.15. - The Great Coaster Tour of China! (ECC 2013)
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