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Angeschlagener Medienkonzern Disney spart bei Vergnügungspar
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Gewinner des Fotowettbewerbs "Deine besten Achterbahnbilder 1/3" 2023Maliboy
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Administrator Kai Dietrich
Bad Neuenahr-A...
Deutschland . RP
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Link zum Beitrag #690001 Verfasst am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 07:46
Zitat Angeschlagener Medienkonzern Disney spart bei Vergnügungsparks
Disney auf hartem Sparkurs

(doa/ar) Der Unterhaltungsriese Walt Disney verschärft aufgrund der anhaltenden Wirtschaftskrise die Einschnitte in seinen amerikanischen Vergnügungsparks. Angesichts rückläufiger Besucherzahlen sollen Jobs gestrichen und Kosten gekürzt werden, gab der US-Konzern am Mittwoch (Ortszeit) bekannt. Details zum Stellenabbau nannte Disney nicht.
Erst kürzlich hatte das Unternehmen 600 Führungskräften in den US-Parks Abfindungen angeboten und Kündigungen angedroht. Disney betreibt in den Vereinigten Staaten zwei Vergnügungsstätten in Kalifornien und Florida. Ende Januar hatte es geheißen, die Parks außerhalb der USA wie etwa Disneyland Paris seien wegen bereits früherer Einsparungen von dem Jobabbau nicht betroffen.

Quelle: Sat&Kabel

Tschau Kai
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Platz 1 der Top Bilder 2023 + Gewinner der Fotowettbewerbe "Vorgeschlagene Bilder 1/2" und "Vorgeschlagene Bilder 2/2" 2023multimueller
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Aufsteiger Tom

Deutschland . NW
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Link zum Beitrag #690042 Verfasst am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 12:13 Relax
SAT+KABEL ist vielleicht nicht die beste Quelle für solche Nachrichten und dementsprechend undifferenziert ist der Artikel auch. Folgendes hat Disney vor: die Entwicklungsabteilungen (Imageneering) von Kalifornien und Florida sollen zu einer einzigen zusammen gelegt werden.

Hier die Original-Presse-Mitteilung:

Zitat February 18, 2009

Walt Disney Parks and Resorts Reorganizes to Create a "One-Disney" Experience

Restructuring will Consolidate U.S. Operations, Simplify and Streamline Product Delivery

BURBANK, Calif. - February 18, 2009 – Jay Rasulo, chairman of Walt Disney Parks and Resorts, today announced organization changes to deliver a "one-Disney" experience by simplifying the Parks and Resorts operating structure, streamlining decision-making and eliminating redundancy.

"We know that our Guests want a 'one-Disney' experience and we must organize around that expectation," said Rasulo. "The long-term success of Parks and Resorts depends upon our ability to adapt and innovate and respond to Guest preferences. These changes are essential to maintaining our leadership position in family tourism and reflect today's economic realities."

Today's announcement accelerates the evolution of the Parks and Resorts management structure by creating seamless behind-the-scenes operations across domestic Parks and Resorts, while preserving the uniqueness, character and culture of our individual destinations.

In a memo to employees Rasulo explained: "In 2005, we announced a new Walt Disney Parks and Resorts operating structure. We transformed our organization to match consumers' expectations: 'one-Disney,' regardless of how or where they experience our products. We put in place a new leadership team, integrated key business functions and implemented a consistent set of best practices. This allowed us to more rapidly and efficiently roll out new creative projects and better anticipate changes in travel trends.

"We've already seen innumerable benefits. Prime examples of our successes are the establishment of many maintenance and safety practices, holiday castle lighting that began in Paris and expanded into our other theme parks, the speed with which we integrated the High School Musical shows into our parks around the world, and the simultaneous openings of Toy Story Mania at Disney's Hollywood Studios and Disney's California Adventure.

"We have made significant progress. However, the long-term success of Parks and Resorts depends upon our ability to continue to adapt and innovate, to respond to ever-changing Guest preferences, and to implement an organization and cost structure that meet today's economic realities. We must accelerate the evolution of our business and further refine our structure to work in a more integrated and effective manner.

"We know that our Guests want a 'one-Disney' experience and we must organize around that expectation. Our new structure will enhance our ability to Identify and Develop the next great Disney experience, Create and Build Disney destinations that incorporate our rich storytelling heritage and Operate them in a way that delivers a unique, memorable experience that transcends geography. Economic realities require that we do this in a simplified and streamlined manner that eliminates redundancies."

Organization Changes Announced Today

A new Global Business Development team led by Executive Vice President Nick Franklin will combine the existing development functions of business and real estate development. The team will be responsible for driving growth by working with existing businesses on their development strategies, while also exploring new business opportunities around the globe.

Walt Disney Imagineering under the leadership of Bruce Vaughn, EVP, Chief Creative Executive and Craig Russell, EVP, Chief Design and Project Delivery Executive, will be reorganized into a single practice merging resort development with attractions and entertainment development to bring the creativity of Disney storytelling to the design and delivery of products at all Disney destinations.

Al Weiss, President, Worldwide Operations, will lead the work of merging the operating infrastructure at Walt Disney World and the Disneyland Resort to create a single domestic organization and "back-of-house" operation.

In the coming weeks, other functions will review their organizations and make appropriate changes.

In his memo Rasulo acknowledged the challenges inherent in a large-scale reorganization: "Organization changes require difficult decisions, including the elimination of some roles. These decisions were not made lightly and we know this will be a challenging transition. The people affected are our friends and colleagues, and they have made valuable contributions."

The changes announced today are effective immediately.

Quelle: 021809_reorganization.html
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Gewinner des Fotowettbewerbs "Deine besten Achterbahnbilder 1/3" 2023Maliboy
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Administrator Kai Dietrich
Bad Neuenahr-A...
Deutschland . RP
Avatar von Maliboy
Link zum Beitrag #690052 Verfasst am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 12:50
Das Sat&Kabel dazu nicht die beste Quelle ist, weiß ich (Habe ja schon selber dort Nachrichten korrigieren lassen). Gehört aber zu den RSS Feeds, die ich täglich lese. Und da das Thema ausnahmsweise mal hier hin gepasst hat, dachte ich mir, ist durchaus ein Post wert (Außerdem lese ich deutsch weitaus schneller als englisch S).

Tschau Kai
User-Avatar by Lego
Platz 1 der Top Bilder 2023 + Gewinner der Fotowettbewerbe "Vorgeschlagene Bilder 1/2" und "Vorgeschlagene Bilder 2/2" 2023multimueller
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Aufsteiger Tom

Deutschland . NW
Avatar von multimueller
Link zum Beitrag #690128 Verfasst am Freitag, 20. Februar 2009 16:57 Relax
Ist schon okay. Ohne Deinen "Weckruf", wäre ich sicherlich nicht auf die Idee gekommen, zu recherchieren, was da wirklich passiert ist.
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