Ist das die Anlage, die im Oktober 2013 auf der North Caroline State Fair in Raleigh einen Unfall hatte?
Wenn man der Medienberichterstattung dieses einen Kanals Glauben schenken darf, dann wurde das Fahrgeschäft dahingehend manipuliert, dass ein Sicherheitssystem vom Schausteller bewusst ausgeklammert wurde, damit es beim Ein- und Aussteigen keine Verzögerungen gibt.
Interessant dann die juristische Formulierung, die das Fahrgeschäft zu einer Waffe macht.
The family (die geschädigte Familie) sued Powers Great American Midways, which ran the State Fair midway, Family Attractions Amusement LLC, the Georgia company that brought the Vortex to the fair, ride owner Macaroni and operator Tutterrow. That civil suit was settled last month, and the particulars are confidential.
The family was asking for $150 million in the suit, including $100 million in punitive damages, arguing that the defendants were more interested in making money than they were about ride-goers' safety.
The criminal investigation found that a safety mechanism designed to keep The Vortex from moving had been disabled.
Prosecutor Howard Cummings told the court Monday that it didn't appear that Tutterrow intentionally started the ride and caused the accident.
"The ride would start and go into motion without the lap bars being in place," he said. "If safety measures were in place, this would not have happened."
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