Sie waren der einzige Bieter in der Verkaufs-Auktion: Keldon Holdings LLC
Es ist geplant, den Park im Sommer wieder zu öffnen. smaller_parks.htm#Conneaut
Todd Joseph is officially planning to destroy Conneaut Lake Park. He has put all the park's rides up for sale. We've been told he planning to replace the park with a trailer park. Since Todd Joseph is planning to destroy the park, we will be exercising our right to hold another public demonstration and it will be bigger
Our Save the Blue Streak Rally went very well yesterday. Nearly a dozen concerned fans of the park and the coaster showed up to let their voices be heard. Members of the HCF that attended included Pete Turrill Paul Hohman, Ben Reeve, and newcomer, Lee Sackett. We got a lot of support from people driving by either going to the park or on their way to anywhere else. More than half of the drivers honked their horns showing support. At the beginning of the rally, things got very interesting. The park's new owner Todd Joseph came out to the rally and he showed us his true nature. The got really mad at us for demonstrating and claimed we were trespassing on his property and he called the cops on us. The state trooper came out and she was very nice and moved us to a different location to the nearby Dollar General. I was to assure you that Todd Joseph's claims were 100% false and we were not trespassing on his land. The side of the road is public property and not owned by him. We were moved by the state trooper for safety as a result of oncoming cars. But his actions taken towards our peaceful supporters show who Todd Joseph really is. He is a loudmouthed bully and for him to call the police on us when we were not breaking any laws or causing disruption shows he doesn't care about anybody in the world and just his wallet. But besides that, the rally went really well and I graciously applaud our members and others who went and showed their support. We may plan another rally in the future depending on Todd Joseph's next decision. In the meantime we will continue to talk to trusted sources to find anything that could be of help for the future of the park and the coaster. Thank you and have a good day.
On September 2nd, 2010, the Blue Streak at Conneaut Lake Park reopened after being closed since 2006. It was designed by Edward Vettel and built by the TM Harton Company and opened on May 23rd, 1938. After the park closed in 2006, the ride was abandoned. In 2009, the park reopened and fundraising began on restoring and reopening the coaster. The Blue Streak officially reopened on September 2nd, 2010. Today we honor the former trustees of Conneaut Lake Park, Adams Amusements, and the local volunteers for the work they put into the Blue Streak to make it operational again. But now the park's new owner Todd Joseph is planning on demolishing the ride despite its historical importance and that its not beyond repair. This could possibly be the final Blue Streak Day for the HCF unless serious actions are taken to save the ride and the park fast. Again we are holding a rally near the park on Saturday, September 4th, 2021 in support of saving the coaster and the park, so please attend if you are in the area. Please share your photos and memories of the ride below.
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So ein sympathischer Park. Wäre echt schade, wenn sich das ändert. Offiziell nicht geöffnet, für uns dann eben doch und dazu eine klasse klassische Holzachterbahn. Nicht zu vergessen Devils Den die Holz- Geister- Darkrideachterbahn.
Naja, wenn ein Park seit 25 Jahren scheinbar nicht rentabel betrieben werden kann und sich heute scheinbar auch keine große Perspektive mehr bietet, wäre es natürlich schade um die historischen Anlagen, aber zeitgleich auch verständlich, dass der Laden irgendwann weichen muss.
Schlechte Nachrichten: Blue Streak ist zum großen Teilen abgebrannt.
Firefighters were called to Conneaut Lake Park after the iconic Blue Streak caught fire Tuesday afternoon. It happened after a controlled burn near the carousel got out of hand, according to reports from the scene. Buildings and structures next to the Blue Streak, as well as part of the roller coaster, caught fire. About half of the roller coaster had already been demolished.
Die Bahn war zum Zeitpunkt des Feuers eh schon halb abgerissen...
von daher war ihr Schicksal vorher schon besiegelt.
„Das Feuerwerk ist die perfekteste Form der Kunst, da sich das Bild im Moment seiner höchsten Vollendung dem Betrachter wieder entzieht.“ Theodor W. Adorno (1903-1969), dt. Philosoph
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