Fun Spot America - Orlando in USA
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Sky Hawk | Sky Hawk von A.R.M.
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #1035073 Verfasst am Sonntag, 09. Mai 2021 08:03
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 25.08.2021 07:05
Name: Skyhawk
Hersteller: A.R.M. (USA)
Typ: Kombination aus Vertigo und Liegegondeln a la Cliffhanger

Prototyp ging an Powers Great America (Reiseunternhmen), erste Parkanlage geht im Juni im Fun Spot America in Orlando an den Start.

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Sky Hawk swooping
into Fun Spot Orlando
AT: Pam Sherborne
ORLANDO, Fla.— The Sky Hawk, a new swing ride by ARM Inc. will soon light up the night sky over Fun Spot Orlando and anticipation is growing.
John Arie, Jr., the park's owner and CEO, said the ride should be up and running some time this month, however, a slight delay may push that opening back a little.
"We will definitely have it operating by our 24th birthday party and that is June 12," Arie said.
The 90-foot-tall ride is filling several needs and wants for Fun Spot. Arie said the height of the ride will give them the visibility they want in the area where it will be located. It will give patrons added value as there won't be any price increase for the 2021 season. And it has opened the door to more marketing opportunities.
The Sky Hawk is based on ARM's popular Vertigo swing tower, with one major adaptation, prone passenger carriers. This lays passengers flat as if flying. The first Sky Hawk that debuted on Powers Great American Midways in March has all prone passenger carriers.
Arie loved the idea of the Sky Hawk.
“I always knew I wanted an ARM ride,” Arie said. “I just wasn’t sure what I wanted.”
But Arie felt the Sky Hawk would fit his needs, however, he wanted one change. Arie wanted to have half of the prone carriers and half of the traditional Vertigo swing seats. He felt it would make the ride more family friendly for guests to have both options.
“I wanted to have something for all riders — kids, adults, grandparents,” Arie said. “Some people just don’t like to ride prone.
“So, Mike (Gill, ARM president) and I were talking some time back after COVID was letting up,” he said. “I was looking for a new ride and Mike was looking to get more work.”
Arie said he would like the seating options and he got them.
“Interestingly enough, we did not require any structural changes to the structure to accommodate the swing seat,” Gill said. “So, it is possible for a customer to add the swing seats to their existing prone arrangement.”
Capacity of the Sky Hawk is 24, with two passengers riding in side-by-side positions. Passengers load from either a platform portably or ground level in the park. After loading, the vehicle travels upwards, while rotating. The swing spins 10 revolutions per minute.
The tower features vivid colors such as purple, magenta, yellow, and orange. After loading, the swing travels upward while rotating.
Arie said his LED lighting package will look like fireworks as it illuminates the Fun Spot skyline.
As far as installation, Arie said power was already in place and all they needed to do was pour a concrete slab.
“My ride is trailer-mounted so no foundation had to be built,” Arie said. “I like that it is trailer-mounted, because I can transport it between any of our three parks.”
Aside from the Orlando location, there is a Fun Spot in Kissimmee, Florida, and Fayetteville, Georgia.
Gill said the Sky Hawk has received a great deal of interest even though ride sales continue to be low in the industry due to the current COVID-19 pandemic.
Back to the Roots: Mpgfanboy70
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Assistent Thorsten Janke
Deutschland . NW
Avatar von Tejay
Link zum Beitrag #1036065 Verfasst am Donnerstag, 10. Juni 2021 18:12
1 mal bearbeitet, zuletzt am 10.06.2021 18:14
Premiere in Orlando. 942817

Offizielle Eröffnung am Wochenende vom 11.06. bis 13.06.2021
Auch der 23. Geburtstag des Parks wird dann zelebriert.
Back to the Roots: Mpgfanboy70
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