The cause of the accident is still unknown, but the police are massively present and investigating the accident.
A 14-year-old girl from Copenhagen died on Thursday afternoon after a tragic accident in Tivoli Friheden in Aarhus, East Jutland Police writes in a press release.
The girl's relatives have been notified.
The accident happened after a car got stuck in the amusement Cobra in Tivoli Friheden, whereby several people got stuck.
A 13-year-old boy has also sustained injuries to one hand in the accident, police say. The boy's relatives have also been notified.
At 12.50, the police received the report that the rear part of the carriage in the Cobra roller coaster had broken off and was hanging under the rest of the carriage train.
The police state in the press release that the exact cause of the accident and death must now be investigated through both technical investigations and questioning of witnesses. Therefore, a massive investigation is now underway in the amusement park.
Tivoli Freedom has been emptied of people while police continue the investigation of the accident. Relatives and witnesses are gathered in Tivoli Friheden, where they are offered psychological help, among other things, the East Jutland Police inform.
The police strongly urge that you do not share photos or videos of the accident on social media.
If you have material that could benefit the investigation of the accident, you can contact the police on 114. The police also encourage everyone who has been to Tivoli Friheden today to contact their relatives.
The cause of the accident is still unknown, but Tivoli Friheden writes on Facebook that they have called in technical assistance from experts.
This is not the first time an accident has occurred on the Cobra roller coaster. In 2008, four young people were injured when a row of two chairs fell off.
Und wieder wurde ein Wagen vom Zug "verloren" also Irgendwas muß da mächtig schief berechnet worden sein?
Beim ersten Mal war es wohl „nur“ falsche Teile mit einer zu geringen Festigkeit. Was es jetzt war ist noch nicht bekannt. Ich bin jedenfalls froh, dass alle Mitglieder der Schwinnlandmark-Tour wieder zurück gekommen sind und wünsche der Familie des Mädchen alle Kraft, die es benötigt, um diesen eigentlich nicht zu verkraftenden Verlust zu überstehen.
In einer Pressekonferenz hat die Polizei mitgeteilt, dass der letzte Wagen des Zugs entgleist ist, aber am Zug hängen geblieben ist. Der Junge, der neben dem verstorbenen Mädchen saß, kam wohl mit Verletzungen an der Hand glimpflich davon. In einem Foto erkennt man, dass vom letzten Wagen das linke Fahrwerk abgebrochen scheint, ebenfalls ist die Gelenkaufhängung aus dem davor liegenden Wagen herausgebrochen. Der Wagen wurde jedoch von 2 Ketten weiterhin am Fahrzeug gehalten.
Ein Handtuch ist so ziemlich das Nützlichste. || CC 900+
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